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La transformation numérique : les clés du succès. Qu’est-ce que la transformation numérique ? Quelles sont les clés du succès de ceux qui y parviennent ? Comme celui de "ville intelligente", le concept de transformation numérique est utilisé indifféremment que l’on parle de fin – améliorer les produits et services proposés à ses clients – ou de moyens – stratégie, outils, process, ressources,…. Par où commencer ? Comment traiter globalement des sujets qui chacun mériteraient une présentation à part entière ?

Comme souvent lorsque je me sens un peu perdu sur un sujet, je commence par le "pourquoi ? ". Pourquoi les entreprises doivent-elles se transformer aujourd’hui ? L’entreprise doit tout d’abord changer parce que ses clients ont changé. L’entreprise doit aussi changer parce que ses salariés, ses fournisseurs et son écosystème ont changé. En résumé, l’entreprise doit se transformer parce que l’univers dans lequel elle évoluait et prospérait a radicalement changé grâce à internet. Cette présentation n’a pas vocation à l’exhaustivité. Transforming an Analog Company into a Digital Company: The Case of BBVA. Banks must urgently undertake a far-reaching technological and cultural transformation.

The industry is swiftly advancing towards a new ecosystem. The emerging new competitors—mostly spilling over from the internet—are unburdened by cost legacies and closely aligned with the needs and characteristics of new “digital” customers. To survive and thrive in that environment, banks must leverage their key competitive edge, namely, the information they already have about their customers, turning it into knowledge to deliver a better customer experience. BBVA began its transformation towards knowledge-driven banking seven years ago. This paper reviews the main elements of that process: the construction of a sophisticated technology platform which is already in operation today, and an in-depth cultural shift. Digital transformation: What can we learn from Spain’s BBVA bank? | Econsultancy.

UK banks are at a crossroads. Consumers are increasingly banking online or on mobile, digital services have grown by more than 200% over the last four years, while in-branch footfall is falling 10% per year. However, attempts to close under-used branches cause outcry, particularly in rural areas and among older customers. In this post I'll explain why banks must invest in customer experience as wide scale branch closures look inevitable. Fortunately, Spain’s BBVA bank may provide an indication as to what the solution is. After investing billions of euros in a digital transformation programme, BBVA recently announced that it had achieved a €689m profit during the fourth quarter of 2014, compared with a €849m loss over the same period in 2013. BBVA’s chairman, Francisco González is extremely open about his enthusiasm for digital; he believes that banks are entering a new world.

The belief in digital is clear in the investments that BBVA has made to date. What can we learn from BBVA’s approach? In the future, BBVA will be a software company - Francisco Gonzalez. Fresh from his forecasts last month that half of the world's banks would get left behind by the digital revolution in financial services, BBVA chairman Francisco González has mapped out a new future for his organisation, not as a bank, but as a software company. González pointed out the dramatic impact that technology is having on the transformation of the financial sector during a speech at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. "BBVA will be a software company in the future,” González told the audience, recalling that the bank embarked on its "digital journey" eight years ago. During this time it has made significant investment to build a new customer-centric technological platform, which operates in real time and is also modular and scalable.

This platform allows BBVA to develop a new generation of services to compete with new startups and major digital companies, with the emphasis on mobile says González. The digital transformation of the BBVA bank. Press Room - BBVA changes its structure to accelerate transformation and boost results. The Board of Directors of BBVA named Carlos Torres Vila president & COO to start a new phase in which digital transformation becomes the main strategic priority for the GroupThe new structure adds at the highest level critical digital disciplines required to compete in the new landscape, bringing in global talent with proven experience in such fieldsA new function is created with full dedication over the management of networks and operations in the countries to increase the results of the franchises of the Group.

Vicente Rodero, with extensive experience in the management of the BBVA Group franchises in Spain and South America, will lead the new function The Board of Directors of BBVA named Carlos Torres Vila president & COO at a meeting held today in Madrid, replacing Ángel Cano. Amid the disruption underway in banking, with new consumer demands, digital entrants and new business models, BBVA has defined a structure to carry out digital transformation as the Group’s top priority. How Five Companies Launched Digital Transformations. How Five Companies Launched Digital Transformations Transformation & Turnaround, Technology & Digital Add To Interests SAVE CONTENT PRINT PDF Increase font size Related Articles In This Article Some companies have held off on implementing digital technology because they lack the mind-set and capabilities required to succeed. These companies illustrate how it's possible to quickly roll out new initiatives and build up digital capabilities through real-world experience.

They jump-started their use of digital by securing quick wins at the outset, scaling up successful initiatives, and leading and sustaining change. September 2015 How to Jump-Start a Digital Transformation Companies that have delayed implementing digital technology need to get off the sidelines. Some companies are reluctant to start implementing digital technology because they believe they lack the right mind-set and capabilities.

A Retail Player Quickly Rolls Out a Mobile App A Global Bank Revamps Its Organizational Model Back to top. Downloadasset.2013-04-apr-09-12.asian-paints-mobility-pdf.html. 4 / 6 ©2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. SAP Business Transformation Study | Chemicals | Asian Paints A customer focus that’s clear Executive overview Company objectives Resolution Business transformation Future plans To significantly increase mobile device use, Asian Paints chose SAP to supply the software on which to build its future capabilities. Mobile technology for some time. Used the sales force automation functionality in 2007 and are comfortable with the technology,” says Bhosale. SAP software to provide the platform to support enterprise mobility, they were delighted.”

The company replaced its mobile solution with Sybase® Unwired Platform (now part of SAP® Mobile Platform). Sybase, an SAP company, Asian Paints’ IT team then implemented multiple applications to provide key information. Through their Android tablets, knowing that the security of data stored and transmitted is ensured by the SAP Afaria® mobile device management solution. relationships. Says Bhosale. The Nine Elements of Digital Transformation. Digital transformation–the use of technology to radically improve performance–is a hot topic. Executives in all industries are using digital advances such as analytics, mobility, social media, and smart embedded devices, as well as improving their use of technologies such as ERP, to change customer relationships, internal processes, and value propositions.

Where can you look for digital transformation opportunities? George Westerman and colleagues–after interviewing 157 executives around the world, mainly at companies with $1 billion or more in sales–concluded that the best companies combine digital activity with strong leadership to turn technology into transformation. Executives are digitally transforming three key areas: customer experience, operational processes, and business models. In this interactive Harvard Business Review webinar, Westerman describes these nine key elements of digital transformation and shares case studies of companies that are transforming. Infographic: China Digital Transformation - The Internet’s Impact On Productivity And Growth - Advangent. Today China’s consumer-focused Internet is transforming into a more business-oriented Internet.

This next wave of digital development promises to have an even deeper impact on China’s economy—contributing not only to faster GDP growth but to growth that is based on productivity, innovation, and consumption. The report published by the McKinsey Global Institute China’s Digital Transformation – The Internet’s Impact On Productivity And Growth examines six representative sectors of China’s economy and analyzes the transformations that are taking place within them as new Internet. * You’re welcome to use the content of my blog posts but please quote the source.

All copy writes belong to the author unless specified otherwise. Advangent Founded in 2012, Advangent is a boutique business consulting firm that helps western companies set up operation and start businesses in China. by. Digital_Vortex_06182015. Collaboration In Digital Transformation | Wipro Digital | An Innovation-Led, Digital Transformation Partner. By Georgios Achillias Director of Strategy, Wipro Digital@Thibetian Why do some companies seem to rely on their brand as a sole and key value, while others are praised in the headlines, for all the right reasons? Why do some companies look like they’re stuck in the past while others are shaping the way to the future? In today’s world, one of the most frequently used buzzwords is “transformation.” Everybody has a plan to transform his business and big companies are setting the stage for consumer-oriented and digitized ways of interacting with customers and delivering services and products.

The increasing trend of focusing on changing, improving and radically transforming business denotes a growing awareness about how society has been evolving and is impacted by innovation coming from areas like technology and digital. This is something good and prosperous, but only if it takes place the right way. Larger companies are used to spending far too much time planning. Burberry includes consumers in Shanghai journey with social media. Twitter photo from Burberry British fashion label Burberry is celebrating the opening of its Shanghai flagship store with an immersive theatrical event. To connect with consumers in the store’s market, the brand will be posting content on Chinese messaging platform WeChat, with which Burberry has a digital innovation partnership.

Leading up to the event, Burberry has included its global followers in the preparation, posting a series of photos of the journey from London to Shanghai. “Burberry is trying to tell an interesting story by capturing the journey from London to Shanghai as opposed to just saying, we’ve opened a new store with a press release,” said Brian Honigman, New York-based content marketing consultant and social media marketer. “The brand is trying to spread awareness of the new store, distribute relevant content across their social accounts, drive interactions around its opening and tell a memorable story to help bring a narrative to the store opening,” he said.

Mr. Digital Transformation: Agility and Innovation Best Practice Guide | Econsultancy. Overview The Digital Transformation: Agility and Innovation Best Practice Guide explores how well companies are adapting to the increasing need for organizational agility, and applying that to the service of innovation. The report is based on a series of in-depth interviews with a range of senior digital and non-digital marketers, academics and practitioners across different sectors and markets.

Written by experienced blogger, writer and consultant Neil Perkin, the report makes best practice recommendations and provides useful frameworks for identifying the key building blocks of achieving greater agility, enhanced innovation, and organizational change. About the report The research was designed to explore the approaches and models organizations can use to encourage and facilitate innovation and the barriers they need to overcome.

The methodology involved two main phases: Digital Transformation Digital transformation is a journey that's different for every organization. Americas: How L'Oreal's Chief Digital Officer Plans 'Transformation' Top leadership at L'Oreal is heavy on seniority in the company and the beauty industry. So it came as a surprise last year when it not only became the first big beauty player to name a chief digital officer, but also added an outsider with no beauty experience to its executive committee -- Bulgarian-born and French-educated Lubomira Rochet, now 37. Ms. Rochet's charge, as Chairman-CEO Jean-Paul Agon put it at the time, is to "accelerate L'Oreal's digital transformation regarding consumer experience, service-based innovation, customer service and technology platforms.

" It's a tall order that has big implications for marketing. The beauty giant, with global sales of $25 billion, ranks as the third largest global marketing spender with $5.9 billion, according to the Ad Age Datacenter. "We all know that programmatic is going to be a big shift in the way we buy media," she said. While the answer is important, she said, "It all comes after having a well-crafted consumer engagement strategy. " Retailers are adopting a programmatic approach to marketing. Strategic principles for competing in the digital age. The board of a large European insurer was pressing management for answers. A company known mostly for its online channel had begun to undercut premiums in a number of markets and was doing so without agents, building on its dazzling brand reputation online and using new technologies to engage buyers. Some of the insurer’s senior managers were sure the threat would abate. Others pointed to serious downtrends in policy renewals among younger customers avidly using new web-based price-comparison tools.

The board decided that the company needed to quicken its digital pace. For many leaders, this story may sound familiar, harkening back to the scary days, 15 years ago, when they encountered the first wave of Internet competitors. The digital technologies underlying these competitive thrusts may not be new, but they are being used to new effect. Opportunities and threats Digitization often lowers entry barriers, causing long-established boundaries between sectors to tumble. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sephora gets a high-tech makeover. Inside an unmarked warehouse in San Francisco's Dogpatch district, beauty retailer Sephora has created an exact replica of its chain cosmetic store. There are dozens of rainbow rows of every imaginable kind of makeup, surrounded by walls of perfume, skin cream, and beauty gadgets. Everything is here — except the shoppers. This is Sephora's new 10,000 square foot Innovation Lab.

It's a place where the company is mixing makeup with digital concepts — hoping to give the already 60 billion dollar a year cosmetics industry a huge high tech makeover. Augmented reality Right when you walk in the front of the faux-store, there's an array of augmented reality videos that play on a Sephora app on your smartphone. My first reaction, is this just another way for advertisers to market to me? There's no doubt, video is huge in the beauty industry.

Beauty apps Sephora's just launched an app called Pocket Contour. Beacons A glimpse of shoppings digital future. Open Forum - How can we understand the digital transformation of business? - Sephora Incorporates Digital Technology Beautifully. Open Forum - How can we understand the digital transformation of business? - Sephora's Integration of the Digital and Physical World. Smartphones, tablets mean ‘digital multi-tasking’

2014-Consumer-Survey-China_EN. 10 nouveaux métiers qui existeront demain. Total-retail-2015.pdf. Xiaomi dipping its toe into the US with accessories but not smartphones | Technology. The digital war in China goes global. Digitally empower your CEOs - or China will leave you behind - Arena Media.