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Lucky Wishing Stars Tutorial. You’ve probably seen these little puffy origami stars before.

Lucky Wishing Stars Tutorial

They are really quick to make, and you don’t need any special materials to make them. You can buy lucky star pre-cut strips from origami stores, but you can just as easily make your own from medium weight coloured paper, e.g. scrapbooking paper, or even strips cut from magazine pages – as the strips are so narrow, the original text or image won’t be obvious in the finished star. Anti-clockwise from top left: pre-cut strips, paper cutter, scrapbook paper, magazine page. Now on to the tutorial!

To give you an idea of size, I’ve made stars in 3 different sizes to show you: blue stars (from pre-cut strips): 35cm x 1.25cmpink stars (from a magazine page): 30cm x 1cmgreen stars (scrapbook paper): 15cm x 0.6cm The finished star will be approx 1.5 x the width of your strip, so pick an appropriate size for the size of star you’d like to end up with. For the rest of this tutorial, I will be using a paper strip cut from a magazine page. Carton et papier. Carton et papier. Toilet Paper Roll Wall Art.

Well that’s a mouthful!

Toilet Paper Roll Wall Art

So the time has come, it’s Pinterest Challenge time again! Every season Sherry from YHL and Katie from Bower Power throw a little link party to get people to stop pinning things and actually start making. This couldn’t have come at a better time because I have wanted to start this project forever and once Miss Kelly made her way into my kitchen I knew it was time to start it. This was the image I saw that sparked me to start saving my toilet paper rolls. You can find the post here. I literally have been saving my rolls for. ever. Here’s what my toilet paper wall art turned into! Ok let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Next, I cut them up. Then, I took 4 pieces and glued them together using a hot glue gun.

I continued doing this until I had about 40. Then I took the mirror I was going to use (10″ mirror purchased at Joann’s for $8) and placed it on the floor and started adding all the circles around keeping in mind that I wanted to keep it in a circle. Bricolages. trucs. idées. Bricolages, découpages, collages et autres activités créatives pour enfants et adultes. Tous mes bricolages et activités manuelles en photos, pour les enfants, les ados, ou les adultes...

Bricolages, découpages, collages et autres activités créatives pour enfants et adultes

À vous de choisir le DIY qui vous plait, parmi toutes sortes d'idées de loisirs créatifs et de réalisations faites maison, avec des matériaux achetés ou à base de récup'. Je range ces bricolages par thèmes et par saison (certains ont d'ailleurs une page spéciale, pour mieux s'y retrouver) mais de nombreuses idées peuvent être exploitées différemment et servir pour d'autres occasions. N'hésitez pas à fouiller ! En cliquant sur un titre ou une photo, une nouvelle page s'ouvrira avec le tuto détaillé (le plus souvent !) De l'activité. Pour PÂQUES - Papier mâché : lapin sur ballon de baudruche - Oeuf de Pâques en papier mâché - Petits paniers en papier à décorer - Mini panier pour œufs en sucre et lapin assorti - Panier en perles à repasser. Toilet Paper Roll Wall Art.

Revolutionaries: A Project for Fall! Hello my blog friends!

Revolutionaries: A Project for Fall!

I'm so pumped to share a project I finished today! It's simple, cheap, quick, and fall-y (yes, that is a word). Anyway... I've been diligently collecting these for what seems like forever: Why? [Side note: please pin from the original source so the credit goes to the right person! But I also love projects involving trees/branches like these: Then, I saw this yesterday and even though it's not made from toilet paper rolls, I thought, hmm.... color behind the toilet paper rolls? So basically... What you need: 1. 3. How to do it: 1. 2. 3. 4. Vannerie de papier journal, jeux, tressage de panier, recup, tutorial. Pinterest.