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Yahoo is now a part of Oath. Yahoo is now a part of Oath. Yahoo is now a part of Oath. 英語島雜誌ㄧ字之差. 日常生活中常見的一些用語,錯誤經常只是一字之差;這一字之差,卻可以讓你的英文不再鬧笑話,甚至完全講錯意思。


1.The amount of radiation from cell phones is less compared to microwaves. (手機幅射量比微波爐少。) → The amount of radiation from cell phones is low compared to microwaves.幅射量的多少,英文用high或low。 2.He will be here after 10 minutes. (他十分鐘之後會到。) 3.This is where you mistake. 4.Congratulation! 【英語小測驗】最容易出錯的介係詞. 【英語小測驗】找到英文裡的錯誤,就像擦掉眼鏡上的一層霧水. 【英語小測驗】十之八九會錯的介系詞. 【英語小測驗】Come還是Go? 動線決定! 【英語小測驗】不能用Not直譯的否定句. 想破頭都想不到. Find、find out、discover、invent的差別? 【英語小測驗】逐字直翻的盲點. 英語島雜誌. 文/英語島教學實驗室 !


這些字字尾有ly,但不是副詞,是形容詞! Friendly 友善的He was friendly to me. (他對我很友善。) Costly 昂貴的Suing somebody can be costly and time-consuming. Heavenly 超級美好The taste and aroma are heavenly. Lonely 寂寞的I am alone but not lonely. Timely 及時的But for your timely help, I wouldn't make it. Lovely 可愛的,美好的,令人高興的You look lovely. Orderly 有秩序的We hope the demonstration will be conducted in a peaceful and orderly fashion. ! Fast, hard, early, straight, late, weekly fastShe's a fast driver. 哪裡不一樣?In fact vs. actually. 【英語小測驗】買賣必用的商業用語. Y頭腦 - Yahoo奇摩新聞. These Are The Differences Between a Resume And a CV - Motto.

“Um, what is a CV?”

These Are The Differences Between a Resume And a CV - Motto

Is a question job seekers often find themselves asking. Approach 10 professionals, and odds are high only one or two can tell you the real answer. Good news, you’re about to be one of those few people who know not just what the letters stand for, but how the CV compares to a resume, and whether or not you should have one. Curriculum Vitae, more commonly referred to by its shorthand abbreviation CV (a Latin term meaning course of life), got tossed around a lot when I was in graduate school. I’m pretty sure I pretended to know what it meant the first time I heard it, only to go home to Google and educate myself before it came up in casual conversation again.

I quickly learned that dissertation-defending PhDs didn’t have resumes, they had CVs. Let’s go over some basics of the CV versus resume. What is a CV? “Publish or perish” was a popular sentiment during my two years in graduate school, and it appears not much has changed. OK, Anyone Besides Academics? 什麼時候要加the?什麼時候不用加S?

Differences between an intelligent and wise [Bright Side] English Island 英語島 : 原來這句英文不是這樣說. 【英語小測驗】中文都是「機會」,Chance和opportunity有何不同? 你寫的email太正式還是太不正式? 文/ 世界公民文化中心學 教學實驗室 學生反應自己的語感不好,寫email常陷入兩難:擔心自己的email寫得不夠正式,老闆或客戶會覺得他不專業;有時又怕太正式,感覺和同事距離很遠,不該見外的事顯得見外。


其實正式和非正式比語感來得單純,在慢慢培養語感之前,先抓到幾個關鍵,搭配這裡幫同學整理的對照表,一點都不需要擔心太正式或不夠正式的問題: 一. 用字「難」還是「簡單」? 來看這兩句話 I have to apologize that….Sorry that….. 不難判斷第一句比較正式。 二. 別人問你同不同意一件事,你要想一想,可能會這樣回答: Give me time to consider.I'll think about it. 比起來第一句就更正式。 「花錢」還是「花時間」,看圖就懂. British Vs American English: 100+ Differences Illustrated. Given the amount of places around the world that English is spoken, various differences are bound to emerge.

British Vs American English: 100+ Differences Illustrated

Despite how much the USA and UK have in common, there are enough differences between their two versions of the English language that someone may not always understand exactly what someone from the other country is saying. Fortunately, the US State Department has created a series of useful graphics to help clear things up. Show Full Text The US and the UK's imperial histories and modern influence over the world have changed the English language forever. British English vs American English - English Language School. Y頭腦 - Yahoo奇摩新聞. 為什麼有no problem卻沒有no issue? 你有「聽」懂嗎? I'll contact with you 這句話有錯嗎? 文/英語島教學實驗室 discuss,contact,approach,lack 台灣人最容易犯錯的四個動詞,很多人說是學校老師教錯,這錯就一直延續到辦公室。

I'll contact with you 這句話有錯嗎?

01 她和老闆討論她的資產負債表。 She discussed about the balance sheet with her boss. (X)She discussed the balance sheet with her boss. (O) 02 時間一確定,我就會和你聯繫。 03 他快50歲了He’s approaching to 50. 04 他工作能力不錯,但似乎缺乏信心。 有沒有注意到,這4個都是及物動詞,直接接名詞。 ●We had a discussion about our future plans last night. ●He tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch. ●All approaches to the city were blocked. ●His decision seems to show a lack of political judgment. 本文刊載於英語島English Island 2014年10月號訂閱雜誌. 【多益解題必殺】request跟require傻傻分不清楚// 多益相似字彙辨析 @ Ricky//英語小蛋糕 English A Piece of Cake. 正在準備多益考試的大家一定對於“request"跟"require"這兩個字一點都不陌生~~~ 但是!!!!!!

【多益解題必殺】request跟require傻傻分不清楚// 多益相似字彙辨析 @ Ricky//英語小蛋糕 English A Piece of Cake

如果大家查一下字典,會發現request一般翻譯成『要求』,而require也是翻譯成『要求』!!!! 歐買尬!!!!!!!! 都是『要求』,那就表示多益當中如果狠心的考題就會考大家『字詞的辨析』。 【多益解題必殺】contain跟include還有involve傻傻分不清楚// 多益相似字彙辨析 @ Ricky//英語小蛋糕 English A Piece of Cake. 說到include, contain還有involve, 如果分開三個字來看的話,大家好像還滿熟悉的(好像啦 可是如果把這三個字排在一起,而且大家查了一下字典,發現他們都有共同的翻譯叫做『包含』 歐買尬~~~~~大家豈不是最害怕這種看似中文解釋相同但是用法有一些或是很多差異的字詞嗎~

【多益解題必殺】contain跟include還有involve傻傻分不清楚// 多益相似字彙辨析 @ Ricky//英語小蛋糕 English A Piece of Cake

【多益解題必殺】request跟require傻傻分不清楚// 多益相似字彙辨析 @ Ricky//英語小蛋糕 English A Piece of Ca...