Ne jetez plus vos coquilles Saint-Jacques ! Elles sont un atout pour vos plantes ! - Le Blog jardin Les Doigts Fleuris par Fernanda Voulgropoulos (Paysagiste) Les coquilles Saint-Jacques seront sans doute au menu de vos repas de fêtes.
Mais sachez que vos papilles gourmandes ne sont pas les seules à profiter des vertus de ce mollusque. Plants Know When They're Being Eaten and They Don't Appreciate it. Vegetarians and vegans pay heed, new research shows plants know when they’re being eaten.
And they don’t like it. That plants possess an intelligence is not new knowledge, but according to Modern Farmer, a new study from the University of Missouri shows plants can sense when they are being eaten and send out defense mechanisms to try and stop it from happening. Is the Dodder the Most Intelligent Plant. Previous posts have demonstrated elaborate communication and defensive abilities of plants using senses of touch, sight, sound and smell.
La tanaisie, un insecticide naturel et puissant ! The 10 Most Functional Foods In The World Which Destroy Cancer Cells. Many specific proteins, enzymes and coding within our immune system may be activated to kill cancer cells.
There is no such thing as a cancer cell that cannot be defeated by the human immune system. The difference between cancers that grow and those that don't are what we put in our bodies to prohibit their growth. Proteins can be rendered ineffective if cells experience uncontrolled growth though damage or mutations to DNA or if toxins through food and chemical pollution override the immune system's natural function. Here are 10 functional foods which suppresses tumour development during immune surveillance in the human body. Scientists have found that healthy cells damaged by chemotherapy secreted more of a protein which boosts cancer cell survival.
In a study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, scientists identified a molecule, known as TIC10, which activates a protein that helps fight the disease. Terres OléoPro, filière française des huiles et protéines végétales. La Berce du Caucase : Une plante invasive et dangereuse. Originaire d’Asie centrale, la Berce du Caucase (Heracleum mantegazzianum) est une plante ombellifère pouvant atteindre jusqu’à 5 mètres de hauteur.
Considérée en Europe comme une espèce invasive, elle se répand en France de manière inquiétante et cela au point de menacer l’équilibre des écosystèmes. De plus, cette plante provoque de graves brûlures et inflammations de la peau par simple contact ! Zoologger: The giant sea spider that sucks life out of its prey. All legs and no body (Image: Norbert Wu/Minden Pictures/FLPA) Species: The Southern Ocean giant sea spider (Colossendeis megalonyx)Habitat: The ocean floor around Antarctica, South America, Africa and Madagascar The Southern Ocean giant sea spider is the stuff of nightmares – its leg span of 25 centimetres more or less equals that of the world’s largest land spiders like the Goliath Bird-Eating tarantula of South America.
New Study Shows Plants Talk to Each Other Through the Soil. Image via Shutterstock A new study conducted by Dr.
David Johnson at the University of Aberdeen found that plants actually communicate with one another through the soil. The study shows that when vegetables are infected with certain diseases, they alert other nearby plants to activate genes to ward off the disease when it heads their way. The key to this communication is a soil fungus that acts as a messenger. Hackez votre supermarché : Voici 11 fruits et légumes que vous ne devriez acheter qu'une seule fois dans votre vie, si vous connaissez ces astuces ! Si vous pensez que faire pousser vos propres légumes, c’est compliqué et que ça demande d’avoir un jardin, voici quelques trucs et astuces qui pourraient bien changer votre perception des choses.
Et peu importe que vous vivez en ville, dans un petit T2 sans balcon, ou que vous ayez une ferme avec 120 hectares de terres : n’importe qui peut le faire chez soi et très facilement ! La Guerre des Graines - Film documentaire. Les graines sont-elles une marchandise ou un bien commun de l’humanité au même titre que l’eau ou l’air ?
Dans un avenir très proche, les agriculteurs n’auront peut être plus le droit de replanter leurs propres graines. Is the Dodder the Most Intelligent Plant. How life on Earth recovers after a devastating mass extinction. Life on Earth is entering the greatest mass extinction since the death of the dinosaurs, according to a major new study – and humans may be among the casualties.
Such a catastrophic loss of species would leave a huge hole in the world’s ecosystems, and all sorts of weird and wonderful life would evolve into the vacancies left behind. Leaving Facebook... A Visual Journey Through the Monarch Life Cycle. Monarch butterflies have been in the news quite a bit recently, due to their rapid decline. In order to find ways to help, it’s essential to first understand the life cycle of monarchs.
When adult monarch butterflies migrate from their overwintering grounds in spring, the females begin a search for a suitable place to lay their eggs. Female monarchs lay their eggs exclusively on milkweed plants, one of the critical roles it plays in monarch survival. Stunning video of newly discovered sea creatures. One of the gorgeous new creatures discovered off the coast of Puerto Rico A group of scientists exploring the deep sea off the coast of Puerto Rico have found numerous sea creatures that as of yet are undiscovered and therefore unnamed. The images were being captured by a remote operated deep sea vehicle that streamed the images in real time. Notre manie d’espérer est une malédiction (Chris Hedges)
Flowers Among the Ruins. Spring is the best time to explore the ancient monuments. The best display of wild flowers in the world are in the Peloponnese, Greece. Despina Siolas, Md. /Ph.D. and her husband, Laurentino Ibarra, explored the Acropolis and the Peloponnese during April’s stunning month of wild flowers. Can’t Sleep All the Way Through the Night? Try a Little Bit of This “Ideal Liver Fuel” Before Bed. When we think of the best foods to eat at night, raw honey might not pop into our heads because of how sweet it is, and eating anything sweet before bed typically doesn’t end well. But raw honey is different because of its natural composition, to the point where some doctors are even recommending it be taken before bedtime. Among them is Dr. Ron Fessenden, MD, who authored the book ‘The Honey Revolution: Restoring the Health of Future Generations.’ Cultiver avec les Limaces et les Escargots.
La vie secrète des limaces mérite qu'on s'y intéresse. Le CPIE du Haut-Jura recherche des jardiniers… chevronnés ou amateurs. Leaving Facebook... Les bienfaits des vers. Les vers peuvent nous aider à sauver ce monde en décomposition !