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About. Education Chats. Top 9 Twitter Chats Every Educator Should Know About – 2018 update! The 50 Best Education Twitter Hashtags. 50 Important Education Twitter Hashtags–With Meeting Times!

The 50 Best Education Twitter Hashtags

Note: We are updating this list that is now going on two years old. Please suggest any revisions, additions, etc., in the comments below and we’ll make the changes. 10 Twitter Chats for Educators. 40 education Twitter chats worth your time. (81) How to join a Twitter chat. (81) Twitter Chat Basics. Hashtag. Metadata tag used on social networks consisting of a number sign followed by a word or phrase Origin and uses[edit] The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) approved in November 1988 recommendation E.161 that put the pound sign on the right side of the 0 in the 4 x 3 button arrangement for push buttons on telephones.


This same arrangement is still used today in most software phones (see Android dialer for example). The ITU recommendation had 2 design options for the pound sign: a European version where the hash sign was built with a 90-degree angle and a North-American version with an 80-degree angle. The North-American version seems to have prevailed as most pound signs in Europe now follow the 80-degree inclination.[17] How do you feel about using # (pound) for groups.

Discover a Better Way to Learn. (81) Twitter Search in Plain English. Explore / Twitter. (81) Family engagement with Remind: Terrell ISD. Positive, frequent communication from teachers improves family engagement. Over 75 percent of surveyed teachers agreed that family engagement refers to "regular two-way, meaningful communication," a definition provided by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which requires public schools and districts to develop programs that facilitate communication between school and home.

Positive, frequent communication from teachers improves family engagement

Furthermore, over 80 percent of teachers agreed that two-way communication with families leads to better student outcomes. However, the survey also revealed that teachers often struggle to find the tools that allow them to communicate effectively with their students' families. Despite the federal requirements around family engagement, only 66 percent of teachers who don't use Remind said that they had the tools they needed for family engagement—compared to 86 percent of teachers who use Remind. Remind. (81) Parent Communication with ClassDojo! □□□ How to Use ClassDojo for Behavior and Communication. If you are a teacher and you aren’t using ClassDojo, WHY NOT?

How to Use ClassDojo for Behavior and Communication

ClassDojo is one of my favorite technology tools that I use in my classroom. It is versatile and helps bridge the gap between school and home. ClassDojo is a communication platform that helps teachers, parents and students create a community inside and around every classroom. Website: What does it help with?

ClassDojo is a communication platform that helps teachers, parents and students create a community inside and around every classroom

Teacher-parent-student communication that builds community: sharing skills students are built and classroom activities are supported through photos, videos, and messages What grade and age range? ClassDojo. SerialMailer for OSX Tutorial. Falkon-Ware. With the powerful message editor, fields from your recipients list can be inserted into the e-mail so that a new, personalised message is generated for each recipient.


The fields are not limited to static data. With conditional fields the content is dynamically adapted. If the standard options for formatted texts aren't enough for you, you can design your e-mail in an external web design program and import the html file into SerialMailer with just a few clicks. All the associated files – like images – are imported together with the html file. SerialMailer features a central database manager that gives you access to the addresses stored in the 'Contacts' app. The database manager serves as a launch pad for your new mails. Each SerialMailer file has its own address list that is stored together with the mail.

The mail personalisation is not limited to the e-mail text alone. A Guide to Using Instagram in the Classroom. As art teacher teachers, we are excited to share what’s going in our classrooms.

A Guide to Using Instagram in the Classroom

We share to gain feedback, help other art teachers, learn from others, and to celebrate our students. A Guide to Using Instagram in the Classroom. How to Use Instagram for Schools. I first visited this topic in this blog article on why schools ought to be using Instagram, but it's time for an update.

How to Use Instagram for Schools

More users, more advertisers, mobile friendliness – there are many compelling reasons Instagram should be part of your school’s communication mix. Now, if you want to know how to start using Instagram at your school – start here. Instagram allows you to easily use pictures and videos to tell and share your school story. It’s more popular among students than any other social media channel these days, and it’s a great way to build your school community around something just about everyone regardless of their age likes to do – and that’s look at pictures. Instagram for Schools: Best Practices for Engagement. When Instagram launched nearly ten years ago, it was simply a social media network for sharing pictures with friends (with some fun filters to make you feel like a professional photographer). Since then, the popular social media platform has evolved into a major player in schools' social media strategies, reaching both Millennial parents and Gen Z students alike.

Instagram has gone through hundreds of changes and algorithm updates — many of which have been driven by Facebook, after purchasing the network in 2012. While these changes have transformed Instagram from a simple, photo-sharing platform into a marketing and advertising powerhouse, the network still operates on the importance of sharing high-quality images and videos to engage followers — a strategy that's essential for schools today. Some benefits of using the platform for your school inbound marketing efforts include: Let’s Chat #Twitter! – Rashelle Parcher. The first time that I joined Twitter was in my grade 10 year in my communications class.

Let’s Chat #Twitter! – Rashelle Parcher

Our teacher wanted us to begin exploring this social media platform as a learning tool to communicate and gain knowledge from people from all over the world. And now that I think of it with a teacher brain, likely for assessment reasons as well. I did not really enjoy using Twitter at this stage in my life and deleted that account a year later with it only having one tweet. Fast forward to 2016, my first year in the education program. The intent of making my teacher Twitter account was to begin the process of creating my personal learning network at the forefront of my teacher education. However, even knowing how great Twitter is at supporting learning, I am still very much on the fence about using it in the classroom. 4 Ways to Use Twitter for Schools to Increase Engagement. Have you been reluctant to using Twitter for your school?

4 Ways to Use Twitter for Schools to Increase Engagement

Maybe you’ve tried it in the past and just haven’t gotten the hang of it? Now may be a good time to revisit the idea. It’s increasingly likely that your students, parents, faculty, and even interested community members are on Twitter, which makes it an effective way to increase engagement and expedite communication. Twitter continues to be one of the fastest-growing social media platforms. As of 2016, some 68 million Twitter accounts in the U.S. alone (close to 400 million worldwide.) More importantly, these folks will be depending on their Twitter feeds to get the info they want. Some of the hurdles that many educators face on Twitter is deciding who should be tweeting and what exactly to tweet about. These are legitimate questions, but don’t worry: the content will come. There are four distinct areas in which schools are using Twitter and seeing results. 1. Other ideas revolve around Twitter-centric projects. 2. 3. 4.

Twitter for Schools: 8 Strategies For Success [Updated with New Examples] Twitter has certainly come a long way since it first launched in 2006 — and it has been a social media trailblazer in more ways than one. The short-form posting platform was the first to introduce hashtags as a means to segment content, it was the first to have breaking news released directly on the platform (the 2009 Hudson River plane landing), and it has completely changed the way schools reach their communities quickly and strategically. Seth's Blog. Blogspot Blog Search. Blog Search decommissioned — Twingly.

Blog Search Engine. LiveJournal: Discover global communities of bloggers who share your unique passions and interests. Typepad. Share your passions with the world.