The Best Rage Comics Ever. We’ve all been there: surfing the internet, trolling for some cheap LULz, and there we find ourselves: face to face with he-lair-i-ous rage comics.
For your viewing pleasure, we have compiled the 8 best rage comics ever: Holla Back Job Interview. Hilarious iPhone Fails. Nine absolutely hilarious iPhone fails that will make you think twice before you send your next text message: In fact, he’s staring at your iPhone right now… First sell him the car, THEN ask him for cuddles Well, why DON’T you own Google?
The Funniest iPhone Auto-Correct Fails. Ah, we’ve all been there: you’re quickly texting on your iPhone to your Mom that you want tacos for dinner and before you realize it, you’ve typed out your secret desire for the 1988 Oakland Raiders to run the train on your dog.
How could such a costly mistake happen? It’s the damn auto-correct feature! And so we present you with the 12 funniest iPhone auto-correct fails: Eight Hilarious Facebook Posts & Conversations. Hilarious Facebook posts, statuses and conversations that will leave you in stitches: What are big brothers for?
That telephone pole came out of nowhere… Hilariously Awkward Facebook Interactions. What happens when you insult the boss you’ve added as a friend and ask a friend if their child is stoned?
The most hilariously awkward Facebook interactions ever: My Goatee Isn’t Stupid. Ridiculously Hilarious Yahoo Answers. Hilarious Yahoo Answers: Vokda: It destroys (bugs) lives The perfect Yahoo answer for the stupidest Yahoo question The trials and travails of teenager love… Hilarious Yahoo Answers: Yahoo Answer, Yahoo face palm Real gangsters use Google image search Maybe the cat is just hungry?