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2014 MindMapping

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Is now available on iPad and Android tablets. It’s our pleasure to inform you that we have finally released Mindomo for iPad and Android tablets.

is now available on iPad and Android tablets

As you familiarize yourself with the new Mindomo app, you will notice that it keeps the same functionality as the online version. However, there are new features that you will be delighted to test out and benefit from: Seamless synchronization – providing a safe and backed-up environment for your information.Online syncing of maps – allowing you to work and update your mind maps from different locations and various devices.Instant access to maps – no log-in required, gets you started in a few seconds.Flexibility of using app on tablet, phone or PC – respecting your mobility, yet keeping the same look and feel.Stand-alone application - no account required in order to function.Working offline with your ideas – creating and editing mind maps without an internet connection.

The app is free for a limited period of time. Please follow the links below to access the application: Le mappe del pensiero: dalle mappe mentali alle mappe concettuali per il project management, il knowledge management, il problem solving, il decision making, il decision taking, l'apprendimento organizzativo, l'apprendimento rapido, il workgroup managemen. In attesa della prossima edizione del corso“Sviluppare e coordinare il sistema formativo con le mappe del pensiero” e vi invitano al seminario introduttivo con il Prof.

Le mappe del pensiero: dalle mappe mentali alle mappe concettuali per il project management, il knowledge management, il problem solving, il decision making, il decision taking, l'apprendimento organizzativo, l'apprendimento rapido, il workgroup managemen

Alberto Scocco Solcare il mare tra il dire e il fare:le mappe mentali per la produttività individuale e di gruppo ROMA, Mercoledì 23 MAGGIO ORE 14.30-17.30 c/o T.R.En.D. “Colui che ha solo il martello vede solo chiodi” Le mappe sono uno strumento di impostazione mentale estremamente efficace per “passare dal dire al fare”, perchè… - facilitano la messa a fuoco e lo sviluppo di nuove idee - consentono di rappresentare e condividere i pensieri in modo rapido e coinvolgente - aiutano a organizzare e a tener traccia delle attività da svolgere. Durante il seminario affronteremo questi temi con una modalità partecipativa e prenderemo in considerazione alcune tipologie di mappe del pensiero da applicare in vari contesti: mappe mentali, mappe concettuali e solution map.

Solution map: cosa, come, perchè, differenze dalle mappe mentali e dalle mappe concettuali. SDK. The Thinkmap SDK enables organizations to incorporate data-driven visualization technology into their enterprise Web applications.


Thinkmap applications allow users to make sense of complex information in ways that traditional interfaces are incapable of. The Thinkmap SDK (v. 2.8) includes a set of out-of-the-box configurations for solving common visualization problems, as well as new visualization techniques for customizing data displays. We have designed Thinkmap to be lightweight, fast, easily extensible, and able to connect seamlessly to a wide variety of data sources. Thinkmap is composed of two primary components: Untitled. Iomap - Visualize Your Cloud.

Mind Mapping Software Blog - Visual Thinking Tools, Tips & Insights. Decision Explorer. Discover how Decision Explorer® can help give you a clear picture of your ideas Decision Explorer® is a proven tool for managing “soft” issues – the qualitative information that surrounds complex or uncertain situations.

Decision Explorer

It allows you to capture in detail thoughts and ideas, to explore them, and gain new understanding and insight. The result is a fresh perspective, and time saved through increased productivity, release of creativity and a better focus. Decision Explorer® has been developed by academics at the universities of Bath and Strathclyde and now by Banxia Software, in conjunction with major organisations. This innovative tool now has hundreds of major international users. Click to view the PDF brochure now. Decision Explorer® has proven to be a powerful facilitative tool. One feature that sets [Decision Explorer®] apart from competition is its wide range of analytical and investigative tools. … This all makes [Decision Explorer®] a very powerful system.”

Ready to buy? The Mindjet MindManager Solution SpecialistsThe Mindjet MindManager Solution Specialists. New from Harport Consulting Have you ever drawn a beautiful mind map, only to find it didn’t show things exactly how you imagined?

The Mindjet MindManager Solution SpecialistsThe Mindjet MindManager Solution Specialists

Tree diagrams are perfect for brainstorming, capturing ideas, making lists and organizing well-structured information. But when it comes to thinking about processes and systems, sometimes you need a network instead of a tree diagram. Even a simple flow chart can clearly show what might be hard to see in a mind map. Network Builder for Mindjet / MindManager for Windows helps you to quickly develop Knowledge-rich Concept Maps,Influence diagrams,State diagrams,Block diagrams and more Diagrams created with Network Builder Get more from MindManager/Mindjet Network Builder extends your existing software to give you a wider range of visual tools for analysing, understanding and communicating a wider range of situations – increasing the return on your investment in purchasing and learning Mindjet for Windows or MindManager.