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Quando e perché usare il Business Manager. Arrivato da oltre 5 anni in casa Facebook, il Business Manager è uno degli strumenti più utili, ma allo stesso tempo poco simpatici per chi con la piattaforma ci lavora.

Quando e perché usare il Business Manager

TikTok: Cos'è e Come Funziona, la Storia e il Successo. TikTok: storia, funzionamento e successo Sarà successo anche a te: sentirti un po’ “vecchio” di fronte a TikTok, la nuova app che sta spopolando tra i Millennial.

TikTok: Cos'è e Come Funziona, la Storia e il Successo

Tutti i ragazzi dai vent’anni in giù, non possono farne a meno. Ma cosa sarà mai questo TikTok? Vediamolo insieme.


Cos'è e Come Funziona TikTok: la storia e il successo. Social Media Tools. Instagram. Fan Page: 9 funzioni che non usi mai (e che dovresti usare) Hai una Fan Page di Facebook?

Fan Page: 9 funzioni che non usi mai (e che dovresti usare)

Perfetto, devi leggere questo articolo. Quando gestisci una Facebook Fan Page, infatti, sfrutti solo le funzioni base. Carichi immagini, pubblichi link, crei delle sponsorizzazioni. Chiaro, c’è un mondo dietro queste operazioni: si potrebbe scrivere un libro solo sul discorso advertising di Facebook. Il motivo è semplice: le Fan Page di Facebook possono dare buoni risultati se le sai usare.

How to Run a Pinterest Contest Without Breaking the Rules. Have you run contests on Pinterest?

How to Run a Pinterest Contest Without Breaking the Rules

Are you aware of Pinterest contests rules and regulations? After many businesses misused the relaxed format, Pinterest revised its contest rules. They now require contests be easy to enter, spam-free and in alignment with Pinterest branding guidelines. Pinterest Marketing: Your Complete Guide to Pinterest Success. Do you want to learn how to market yourself and your business on Pinterest?

Pinterest Marketing: Your Complete Guide to Pinterest Success

Are you looking for a resource to guide your Pinterest marketing efforts? Whether you’re marketing on Pinterest as an individual or as a brand, these expert articles will show you how to build a following, optimize your pins and boards, measure the return on your activities and promote your pins with paid advertising. Each of these articles will help you understand and master a specific part of marketing on the Pinterest platform.

Build a Board. 13 Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate and Increase Your Conversions. If you’ve been struggling to increase search traffic to your site, improve email signups, get more leads, and acquire more clients, it’s possible that your bounce rate is too high.

13 Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate and Increase Your Conversions

In other words, visitors and customers who visit your landing page bounce off before they even give you a chance to convert them. One way to increase your conversion rate is by having more landing pages. A 2013 study conducted by HubSpot and shared by Ion Interactive revealed that companies with 40 or more landing pages get 12 times more leads than those with 5 or fewer landing pages. According to Navneet Kaushal, when you begin to see a high bounce rate on your landing pages, it’s a signal that your site and content marketing strategy need a serious redesign. Reducing your bounce rate helps to boost your conversion rate. I’ll break down the specifics for you in this in-depth article. Download this cheat sheetto reduce bounce rate and increase your conversions. Content Curation: How to Become A Social Media Rock Star. Curating content has become the most powerful method of finding and sharing relevant content with an audience.

Content Curation: How to Become A Social Media Rock Star

Not only does it help to keep up with the demand, but it also gives marketers the opportunity to save great amounts of time and money. Although this will come to many as great news, it is crucial that marketers follow the correct process in order to take full advantage of these benefits. In this piece, Rebecca Coleman explains her experience with content curation and even suggests a few tools that may help to make your journey a whole lot easier. She suggests establishing a consistent frequency on Twitter. As a general rule, I usually schedule about 5-7 tweets a day that are curated — in addition to the 2 tweets a day (minimum) that are leading people directly back to my blogs, and the conversations I’m having on Twitter as well. 5 Ways Pinterest Can Help Your Career - Curate Content. For the full article go here… This blog post makes some informative conclusions on the content curation technique.

5 Ways Pinterest Can Help Your Career - Curate Content

While many think of Pinterest as the site your mom uses to save casserole recipes and wreath making tutorials, there is much more to it than meets the eye. Although it’s true that 85 percent of the 100 million active users on Pinterest are women, the five-year-old “visual bookmarking and discovery platform” boasts an incredible amount of resources that nobody should ignore. One of the lesser discussed uses of Pinterest is its ability to help you with your career. Whether you’re updating your resume, trying to find a job, or in need of career advice, Pinterest has an overwhelming amount of resources available.

One of the most time-consuming and challenging parts of the job search process is building a professional resume and cover letter. Increase Sales for Your Personal Brand with Pinterest and Instagram. Attracting a mobile audience through social media is an important part of building your personal brand.

Increase Sales for Your Personal Brand with Pinterest and Instagram

Once you’ve captured new followers the opportunities for sales is even better with buy buttons coming onto the scene with Pinterest and Instagram. Both of these major social networks attract a large audience, which makes these a must for brands. With the right message and offer in place the opportunity for more exposure online is huge. Staying on top of the latest ad offerings on Pinterest and Instagram can be effective in getting your brand new warm leads, who are ready to buy. Get More Visibility for Your Personal Brand with Pinterest and Instagram. How to Make Pinterest Work for Your Personal Brand.

Pinterest Marketing Strategy: suggerimenti e pratiche. 11 modi efficaci per utilizzare i social media per promuovere il tuo contenuto. You’ve spent hours researching, analyzing, and finally creating compelling content to help you reach your content marketing objectives.

11 modi efficaci per utilizzare i social media per promuovere il tuo contenuto

And like book authors, you need to spend as much, if not more time promoting your content as writing it. 9 errori Social Media Marketing [Infografica] Here's the shortlink - I don’t like to dwell on mistakes. But having an awareness of our mistakes is one of the best ways to improve our future behavior. In the rapid-fire industry of social media marketing, mistakes are some of the greatest tools for improvement that you have.

While there’s nothing like learning from your own mistakes, it is really nice when you don’t have to go down the DIY route. That’s where this infographic might help. 3 Ways to Optimize Your Brand’s Social Media Marketing Success. While nearly 90% of companies are using social media for marketing, the distance between “using” and “succeeding” is of Grand Canyon proportions. In the early stages of social media marketing maturity, business use of social media tends to go through a series of phases from not doing anything to beginning to monitor social channels to sharing content and building community. Eventually, they find their way to some form of social sales or social commerce.

To jump start the move towards a social media marketing strategy that starts to align with measurable business outcomes, here are 3 ways many companies can optimize their approach to social media. These are not magic tricks or some secret, hyper advanced tactics no one knows about. They are a few of the things that most companies suck at when it comes down to implementing social media marketing. 1. Understanding who your customers are as well as those who influence them is a function of Discovery, Consumption and Action. 2. 8 tipi di Rich Media per condividere su Google+ Want new ways to benefit from Google+?

Have you shared rich media on Google+? When you provide rich media within Google+, you maximize the reach and engagement of each piece of content and make it easy for visitors to consume. Facebook non è morto: 10 buoni motivi per continuare a utilizzarlo per il tuo business. Vi serve davvero una Pagina Facebook? In sei facili domande. Sempre più spesso la Pagina Facebook, in un piano di marketing digitale, viene vissuta come «necessaria», e ancora più spesso volte come «un male necessario». Come creare, gestire e ottimizzare la Pagina Facebook [Guida] In questo articolo troverai tutto quello (spero) che ti servirà per creare, ottimizzare, gestire, pubblicizzare e, eventualmente, eliminare una pagina Facebook. Ti darò consigli e ti indicherò tips per la creazione e gestione della tua pagina Facebook, rimandando anche ad approfondimenti ad altri articoli che sono stati scritti in questi mesi.

Partiamo dalle basi. Sommario dei contenuti 1. Come creare una pagina Facebook2. 1. Content marketing e automazione dei contenuti. Con i numerosi strumenti online che abbiamo a disposizione siamo ormai abituati a velocizzare la condivisione dei contenuti sui social media. Applicazioni varie, Feedburner, Hootsuite, tanto per citarne alcuni, ci permettono di pubblicare automaticamente su fan page, business page, profili Twitter e Linkedin.