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PCC Final. Responsive Web Design: Uma História das Trincheiras ( Notes on a responsive Guardian redesign – Lozworld™ At the end of September, I finished what became an 18 month stint working with the Guardian on the UX for their responsive site. About two years ago I worked on a redesign for the Art Fund – my first proper responsive project – writing about the research, wireframing and design phases. Working with the Guardian has taught me a lot more about working on a responsive project, so I thought I’d share my experiences. Performance is key Any developers reading this have probably just gone, ‘Yeah… and???’

, but bear with me – there’s a reason this section is first. I’d suggest that performance is not at the forefront of UX and design minds. Sure, we optimise the shit out of GIFs, PNGs and JPEGs, but in a broader sense it’s something we tend to associate with developers and are happy to leave to them. I’d suggest that performance is not at the forefront of UX and design minds… it’s something we tend to associate with developers A simple example of this is the Guardian’s house typeface, Egyptian. O que é Responsive Web Design? Você já deve ter ouvido falar sobre Responsive Web Design. Você pode ler sobre isso aqui e aqui. Até pouco tempo atrás tínhamos praticamente apenas um meio de acessar a internet, que era pelo desktop. Podíamos acessar mal e porcamente a internet pelos celulares ou por outros aparelhos ligados a televisão etc, mas nenhum destes meios nos permitia acessar a internet com a facilidade que tínhamos quando utilizávamos um desktop.

Hoje o cenário é totalmente diferente. Os smartphones tomaram conta. Até mesmo os celulares mais simples dispõem de browsers altamente eficazes e se não há algum browser instalado, o usuário pode facilmente baixar o Opera Mobile. Há também as Tablets, que demoraram para aparecer, mas agora trazem flexibilidade para usuários que querem algo mais prático que um notebook e mais confortável que um smartphone. Quando não restringimos os cenários a aparelhos temos um horizonte muito maior e mais frutífero. O que é Responsive Web Design Media Queries Layout fluido CSS Aural. Nueva pestaña.

Web Design References: Information Architecture. Jakob Nielsen on Usability for Mobile Sites and Apps. Melinda Krueger | December 30, 2011 | 1 Comment inShare52 Design expert identifies top mistakes when building mobile sites and apps. What are the differences in user experience between the desktop and the mobile device? I have pondered this question and come up with only basic and obvious answers, so I wanted to get an expert perspective. Imagine my delight when Jakob Nielsen of the Nielsen Norman Group agreed to speak with me. A founder of usability science, Nielsen has made giant contributions to our understanding of human-computer interaction.

He's one of my personal heroes. First, I asked Nielsen to confirm my basic and obvious premise, that good usability is even more important for apps and mobile sites than for the desktop experience. For apps, the commitment is somewhat greater, since the user typically selects and downloads it, but it is still minimal. In addition to the lack of commitment, there is a lack of focus. 1. 2.

When it comes to copy, short is too long. Native or Web Application? How Best to Deliver Content and Services to Your Audiences over the Mobile Phone. Why WSJ Mobile App Gets ** Customer Reviews. Mobile and Tablet Design: Articles, Training & Reports | NN/g. Mobile: Native Apps, Web Apps, and Hybrid Apps. Designing for Mobile, Part 2: Interaction Design. My first mobile phone, a Nokia 5110 (purchased in 1998!)

, offered very few features: I could call, text or play Snake. What’s more, these interactions were completely controlled by the manufacturer. With the advent of smartphones, touch screens, and “app stores,” however, the opportunities for designers are now innumerable. It’s incumbent upon us to familiarize ourselves with the conventions of this still-relatively-new medium. Welcome to Designing for Mobile, Part 2: Interaction Design. Here’s some background in case you’re just joining us mid-series: Designing for Mobile, Part 1: Information Architecture demonstrated the key challenges designers face when designing for mobile, primarily the mobile context: from viewing conditions, to behavior and emotion.

Part 1 concluded with an exploration of information architecture in the mobile context. Most modern, mobile devices employ touch screens; which provide their own set of opportunities and constraints. Basic transitions include: How to Design a Mobile Responsive Website. To build a mobile site or not to build a mobile site; this is a question at the forefront of many a discussion. There is, however, another option: responsive web design. When, why, and how should you go about designing a responsive website? With mobile internet users set to surpass desktop internet users in the US by 2015, with tablets becoming more popular, and even with TV internet usage increasing, it’s important for companies to provide a great user experience for all their visitors no matter what device they’re on.

How does responsive design help us do this? Well, by allowing us to create one website solution that is flexible for different screen widths. Why should you design a responsive site? There are many options to consider when a client asks for a mobile solution for their website, and the suitability of these options depend on the business requirements and budget; it’s also important to consider any existing solutions or sites they already have. You’re starting from scratch. Mobile Interaction Design by Matt Jones - Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists.