Pumpkin bag svg « Images By Heather M's Blog. Here is a pumpkin bag for Halloween or fall.
The layered svg file has four layers: one for scoring with solid lines, one for the bag, one for the face, and one for the stem. I cut the stem for my bag out of the same paper as the bag, and used markers to make it look like a stem. Free Digital Paper Packs. Follow this blog Free Digital Paper Packs click on the links below the image to open the pdf, enjoy!
The Homes I Have Made: Magnetic Menu Board - Part 1. Pizza box template and svg « Images By Heather M's Blog. Here is a pizza box svg file and printable template.
Cut the box, then score and fold all of the dashed lines (don’t fold the half circle in the lid). Fold the #1 tabs into the lid and the #2 tabs into the base, then fold the sides up and over them. Glue the sides down. The lid fits inside the box like a real pizza box. This file will make a 3.5 inch box on the baby bug. The download is a zipped folder with an svg file that can be used in either version of SCAL and a png file for printing and hand cutting. Download the files from here. Freebies - Shery K Designs. Images By Heather M's Blog. Printables. More Design Please - MoreDesignPlease. Freebies - Whimsie Doodles. Tuesday Tutorial: Snowman Poop! Tic Tac Tutorial - Chic' n Scratch. Here’s the tutorial for the Tic Tac Holder….it’s very very easy but I wanted to include pictures so that you would completely understand.
Sorry it took me several days…..I’m still trying to figure out Photoshop Elements 5.0, if anyone has any quick pointers I’d be happy to listen!! Here’s the list of supplies: Black Cardstock: 4 5/8 x 3, score at 2 & 2 5/8, Pumpkin Pie Cardstock 2 7/8 x 1 7/8, White Cardstock 1 1/2 x 2 1/2, Small corner Rounder, 16" Black Gingham Ribbon, Scallop Punch, 1 3/8 Circle Punch, Sponge (black ink), Pumpkin and Black SW Markers, Trimmer and Scoring blade. Sticky Strip, Stampin’ Dimensionals, Big Pack Tic Tacs. Stamps used were Batty for You and Booglie Eyes. Attach Tic Tacs To Black cardstock using Sticky Strip (strong holding adhsesive). I took the Ribbon all the way around the tic tac holder and then ran it under the scallop between the two Dimensionals and tied a bow.
Karen At Home: DIY Custom Birth Announcement. Fabulous free printables. Mosiac Paper Bead Tutorial. Saw these pretty little things at a holiday bazaar last year and wondered just how hard they could possibly be to make. As it turns out–they are delightfully simple… and just look how adorable they turn out. Things i love – bits of paper « home sweet homemade. I recently used my entire collection of paper beads to fill up a vase on the dining room dresser. originally, I had planned to use them as a garland for my extra large home sweet homemade Christmas tree this year. that little decision puts me back in the paper-bead making business again, taking full advantage of the constant stream of paper delivered for free, right to my own mailbox. just a few beads per day.
I never fail to become energized with the simple beauty of each. reading about other ways to use paper in simple clever ways keeps me energized too. like this color drenched idea . source: design*sponge, author Grace Bonney. or this lovely personal touch added to a gift from the farmer’s market. source: Frugal Luxuries by Tracey McBride (stocking the gift pantry) Paper beads. I made these paper beads a while ago and dug them out the other day for my eldest son to play with.
At three and a half he’s grown out of playing with his chunky threading beads – so these were the perfect replacement. They are so easy to make and surprisingly sturdy. Make your own paper bead jewellery - Better Homes & Gardens Magazine. Most of us have a little stash of leftover decorative papers from projects and parties.
But before you put your scraps in the recycling bin, take a look at what you can do with them. These colourful beads can be made from any paper – junk mail, magazine pages, used giftwrap or leftover stationery papers – and they’re so easy, you and the kids can whip them up by the dozen. Paper beads Gather your supplies. FRÖKEN SKICKLIG [fr'ö:ken ²sj'ik:lig]: Paper Beads Tutorial. Teaching tiny fingers on the cheap. It's important for toddlers to practice their fine motor skills as this helps them learn to use their fingers and improve their dexterity.
One of the recommended activities is to string up pasta with a string to form a necklace. However, I'm not exactly keen that the tot "plays with food" as I'm concerned that he would get confused with real food. My solution? Paper beads! With my stack of magazines growing, I had lots of material. Silhouette. A close up of the Harley Davidson logo I used the Provo Craft embossing plate on silver cardstock I inked one of the wheels of Josh's model Corvette to get the tire tracks going across the page...
Freebies. Snowman Spree. Need an idea for your classroom party?
Stocking Stuffer? Morning Board. It’s hard to believe that it’s almost time to take down the September calendar .. OCTOBER will be here Saturday! Bring it on.. I love Halloween! Tutorial: Print, Cut,and even Design Magnets with Silhouette. Yesterday I shared with you my Magna Chalkdoodle and promised that today I would share with you exactly how to make those magnets for yourself. ***Remember that you don’t need a Silhouette to make some magnets. You can still get the magnet paper from Silhouette, then print out your own shapes on your home printer, and cut out the shapes with scissors. Letter Photo Art for Christmas! "S" is for Star. Deck the doors! In the process of writing up a tutorial for my paper flowers technique, I was trying to think of unique was to incorporate them into a project.
And, like a lightning bolt, it hit me... these would make an AWESOME Christmas wreath. Paper Bow Tutorial. Our family has lots of birthdays in the summer. I do a great job of planning the present and making a card, but I don't always remember to get packaging. Wonders of Silhouette. You know how much we love the Silhouette Machine here at HowDoesShe?! Did you know that it can help you design custom scrapbook pages, cards, apparel, vinyl decor, etch glass, sketch designs, temporary tattoos, stencils, and more?! Lauren Mckinsey. Homemade Mod Podge. Don't forget to vote for us daily! Just click on this button and that's all! Menu Board Tutorial. For Updated Info on this Post, Click HERE.