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AIR FRESH. Grommet. Calculate the Age of a Person in Years, Months and Days. FileMaker has several powerful date functions that can make it possible to determine such things as the number of years, months and days that have elapsed between two dates.

Calculate the Age of a Person in Years, Months and Days

These functions would allow you to perform a calculation such as to calculate the age of a person from their birth date to the present day with results in years, months and days. For example, today is 3/17/2001, birth date is 1/12/1998, and FileMaker would tell me the person's age is 3 years, 2 months and 5 days. This is useful in many ways. Given a birth date and today's date, we can determine a person's age. If we know the hire date and the termination date we can calculate the employee's length of service. Help with a phone number field.


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