Worlds of Learning - The World is Your Platform. Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers. How to Start a Makerspace When You're Broke. Everyone’s Favorite Excuse I’ve had the honor and privilege of sharing with hundreds of librarians and educators about our makerspace.
Unfortunately, I see many educators hold back on starting a makerspace because of funds. I’m always hearing excuses like: “I’d love to do (insert cool Maker activity) at my school, but we don’t have a budget for that.” “We can’t really afford a 3D printer right now.” What many people don’t realize is that the idea that you need a lot of money to start a Makerspace is a myth. Share Your Vision with ALL THE PEOPLE You want to start a makerspace. Recycled materials can make for awesome projects Seek out Donations Never discount the value of donated materials. Consider putting out a bin for donations of recycled materials. We first started our makerspace with bins of K’nex found in a storage room Work with What You’ve Got Since you’ve started sharing your vision, you might have found out that your school already has some maker supplies lying around.
Go Make Stuff :) Welcome to StickTogether™: Groups that StickTogether Succeed Together! – StickTogether Products, LLC. Makerspace Shopping List - Library Learners. Apps and Websites for Makers and Creators. Google CS First. A Vertical Build - How We Constructed Our Makerspace Lego Wall. Makerspace Materials: Stock the Staples to Ignite Imaginations. 9 Maker Projects for Beginner Maker Ed Teachers - Blog.
Maker education (often referred to as “Maker Ed”) is a new school of educational thought that focuses on delivering constructivist, project-based learning curriculum and instructional units to students.
Maker education spaces can be as large as full high school workshops with high-tech tools, or as small and low-tech as one corner of an elementary classroom. A makerspace isn't just about the tools and equipment, but the sort of learning experience the space provides to students who are making projects. Maker Ed places a premium on the balance between exploration and execution. Small projects lend themselves to indefinite tinkering and fiddling, while larger projects need complex, coordinated planning. Often, small projects can organically grow into larger and larger projects. Maker education provides space for real-life collaboration, integration across multiple disciplines, and iteration—the opportunity to fail, rework a project and find success.
Looking to Create a Makerspace in your Library? Here are some ideas. Makerspaces are popping up everywhere and the definition of makerspaces is constantly evolving like the spaces themselves.
Makerspaces, sometimes also referred to as hackerspaces, hackspaces, and fablabs are creative, DIY spaces where people can gather to create, invent, and learn. The focus, actually, is on the type of learning that goes on, not the stuff. Making is about learning that is: interest-driven and hands-on and often supported by peer-to-peer learning. This is often referred to as connected learning. Also, you don’t need a set space to facilitate this type of learning. Why focus on maker programs and spaces in your library? If you are thinking about ways to bring in some maker programs into your library, begin with identifying what kind of learning activities your teens want/need the most. Circuitry - Makerspace Lesson Plans. 60+ Makerspace Ideas for Maker Education. FREE PDF – 100+ Makerspace Materials and Supplies Below is a growing collection of our favorite tweets that focus on makerspace ideas.
These ideas range from how to get started to what maker project to do in your makerspace. Whenever we put something online or on Twitter, we want it to be actionable for the makerspace operator. We know you’re busy and we want to help simplify the process of starting and running a makerspace. Hopefully these ideas help! Lewis and Clark Elementary: MakerSpace. Makerspace - Makerspace for Education. The maker movement is about teaching and learning that is focused on student centered inquiry.
This is not the project done at the end of a unit of learning, but the actual vehicle and purpose of the learning. The time to change education is needed now more than ever. We are facing an educational system in crisis and a global economy feeling the ripple effect of this failure (Wagner, 2012). Wagner captured the voice of business leaders describing the need for students to graduate with the skills of creativity and innovation, and that our educational institutions are failing to meet this mark (2012). “There are essential elements of educating young people to become innovators: the value of hands-on projects where students have to solve a real world problem and demonstrate mastery; the importance of learning to draw on academic content from multiple disciplines to solve a problem; learning to work in teams” (Wagner & Compton, 2012, p. 52).