10. Chinook Jargon. Chinook Jargon is a common language of trade representing fifty Indian languages from Oregon and Washington. Its origins may go back to the general acceptance of words by indigenous traders in the already extensive trade networks among these tribes before the penetration of Europeans. After the founding of Fort Astoria in Oregon in 1811, the language was regularized. Many words from English and French fur traders and some that were just made up were added and some simple grammatical rules were imposed, among them for concepts unknown to the Indians, like gun and devil.
By far the best-known Chinook Jargon word to have seeped into general English usage is potlach, literally, to give away, but used by anthropologists for the gift giving festivals which underlay the Pacific Northwest Coast people's economic and political systems. List of the Fewest Words Needed to Carry on Ordinary Conversation in Chinook [with my additions] Fsbdev3 055574. Untitled. Chinook-English Dictionary. Chinook-English Dictionary By Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Become a member of TranslationDirectory.com at just $8 per month (paid per year) Advertisements: Use the search bar to look for terms in all glossaries, dictionaries, articles and other resources simultaneously Chinook Jargon originated as a pidgin trade language of the Pacific Northwest, and spread quickly up the West Coast from modern Oregon to the regions now Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska.
It is related to, but not the same as, the aboriginal language of the Chinook people, upon which much of its vocabulary is based. Many words from Chinook Jargon remain in common use in the Western United States and British Columbia and the Yukon, in indigenous languages as well as regional English usage, to the point where most people are unaware the word was originally from the Jargon. Overview and history Name ISO language code Origins and evolution Use English-language speakers Vocabulary. The Chinook Book: A Descriptive Analysis of the Chinook Jargon in Plain ... - Walter Shelley Phillips - Google Books. Chinook Jargon Phrasebook - English-Chinook Index.
This is a list of basic Chinook Jargon words as reproduced in Kamloops Wawa, a publication of the Oblate missionary community in British Columbia during the 1890s. This is not, as far as I can tell, the same list as one in another edition of Kamloops Wawa, as there are some differences in spelling that I remember from the other version. This list is produced separately here from the rest of the Phrasebook because of the wide divergence in spelling and apparent pronunciation from the other versions of the lexicon, most of which were published in the United States.
There are also some words included here which do not appear in the usual sources (Gibbs, Shaw, etc.). The original version of this list as it appeared in Kamloops Wawa included renderings of the words given in the Duployan shorthand script developed for the Jargon by Fr. Error 403. Promotora Española de Lingüística - Jerga Chinook.
En Norteamérica existen varias lenguas que son conocidos con el apelativo de 'jerga' (jerga esquimal, jerga delaware, jerga mobilian y jerga chinook), pero no hay que sacar conclusiones equivocadas de ese calificativo. De hecho, la antigua palabra 'jerga' sería equivalente a lo que nosotros denominamos 'pidgin'. La jerga chinook o cinúk wáwa a veces conocida como wáwa, fue la lengua de comercio en el Pacífico noroccidental y usada durante el siglo XIX y principios del XX. El origen es todavía incierto, pero lo que se sabe es que es un pidgin que incorpora palabras de nootka, francés, inglés y chehalis además de chinook, difundiéndose hacia el sur desde el río Lower Columbia antes de 1830 y hacia el norte antes de mediados del siglo XIX.
Penetró a considerable distancia hacia el este pero se detuvo en las Montañas Rocosas y no pudo enraizar en las tierras del salishan interior de la Columbia Británica meridional y del este de Washington. Chinook Jargon (Tsinuk Wawa, Chinook Pidgin) Wawa Press - Chinook Jargon. A Genealogist's Guide to Native American Names: A Reference for Native ... - Connie Ellefson.
Legends. OR_North%20Santiam%20River_283110_1983_100000. NGMDB Image Preview Page. Native American Names and Meanings Pg 1. Native American Names that start with "a", Native American Name Meanings, Meaning of Native American Names. Native American Glossary. 1> Michigan Indian Names Of Cities and Towns2> Algonquian Indian Words In Common Use3> Common Indian Expressions4> Indian Name Meaning5> Ojibwa - Personal And Place Names6> Ojibwa - Animals, Birds and Trees7> Indian Names of Places8> Indian Tribe Meaning9> State With Indian Names10> State Origin, Admin.
Date and Common Name Click On The Heading Number To Return Here Back Home Michigan Indian Names Of Cities And Towns Michigan - "Big Sea Water". Indian Words In Common Use Common Indian Expressions Bury The Hatchet Tapioca On The Warpath Cocaine A Feather In Your Cap Indian Name Meanings Personal and Place Names Animals And Birds Bear - Nah-hak Panther - Ke'che kaks'shu gans Beaver - Ah'mik Otter - Nee'gig Crow - Abn'dak Owl - Koo-koo ku'hoo Deer - Wa waush ka' ehe Rabbit - Wah'boos Duck - She'sheeb Skunk - Zahe'gaug Eagle - Me'gee see Weasel - Shin'goos Elk - Ah'tik Wolf - Ma'heen gun Fox - Wah'goosh Moose - Moons Trees Indian Names Of Places Indian Tribe Meaning States With Indian Names Return To Top.
"Water" Names.
The First People of Clackamas County, Oregon. The First People of Clackamas County A Legend: Tallapus and the Hyas Tyee Tumwater (Willamette Falls) According to the Kalapuya Indians, long ago a hero named Tallapus (also called Coyote) came to the Willamette Valley from somewhere far over the Rocky Mountains. At this time, gigantic skookums (ogres) terrified the people of the Valley. Worse still, the Kalapuyas (people of the Pudding River) had no place to catch the delicious salmon that teemed up the Willamette River every season. Tallapus decided to provide fish for the people before he freed them from the worst of the skookums. First, Tallapus tried to make a fishing place at the mouth of the Pudding River. This proved unsuitable so Tallapus moved on, leaving behind a small riffle at the place where the Pudding River meets the Willamette.
[Based on "The Reminiscences of Louis Labonte" in the Oregon Historical Quarterly, 1901] Abundant salmon, however, was only one of the resources available to people of the Northwest. The Kalapuyas. Tumwata. Chinook Jargon[edit] Etymology[edit] From tumtum (“heart, heartbeat”) + English water. Noun[edit] tumwata waterfall Synonyms[edit] tumchuck. Chinook Jargon. Native American Placenames of the United States - William Bright. Cross-Search and Context Utility.