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Marie-Hélène Brousseau

Rien ne se perd, tout se remixe. Dans son film-essai Versions , l'artiste Olivier Laric s'interroge sur les conditions de notre monde numérique, où l'original et la copie, les choses et les pensées, les événements et les documents collisionnent dans un espace d'information plat où toute chose est à un clic d'une autre.

Rien ne se perd, tout se remixe

Les images sont continuellement recyclées et modifiées pour présenter quelque chose de neuf, des reproductions romaines de sculptures grecques aux remix et gifs contemporains. Le film de Laric (dont il existe trois versions différentes à ce jour) suggère de reconsidérer cette hiérarchie entre l'image authentique et ses avatars, à l'ère de la production numérique, où bootlegs, copies et remixes supplantent l'original. SUPER ART MODERN MUSEUM - SPAMM - MUSEE DES ARTS SUPER MODERNES. Top of the Lake, de Jane Campion [Quinzaine des Réalisateurs] - Festival de Cannes 2013. A talk with Jane Campion: ‘TOP OF THE LAKE’, Cannes, female filmmakers and Harvey Keitel. May 31st, 2013 Lars von Trier, Gus van Sant, Martin Scorsese and well lately, Steven Soderbergh: what have all these famous men in common?

A talk with Jane Campion: ‘TOP OF THE LAKE’, Cannes, female filmmakers and Harvey Keitel

Right, they have, or are about to turn to TV production. With TOP OF THE LAKE Jane Campion is one of the few female directors who is also making the film to TV transition. The television drama miniseries is co-produced by BBC Two in the UK, UKTV in Australia/NZ and Sundance Channel in the US. Icelandic Short Stories Adapted in TV series, by Robert Redford. Film director, producer and the Academy Award winner, Mr.

Icelandic Short Stories Adapted in TV series, by Robert Redford

Kinograph - Affordable and scaleable film digitisation / ITP thesis project by @matthewepler. Created by Matthew Epler, Kinograph is an open source project that makes film digitisation affordable and scaleable.

Kinograph - Affordable and scaleable film digitisation / ITP thesis project by @matthewepler

It uses components available on the internet, a few 3D printed parts, and a consumer level camera and it produces high quality video with sound. There is a large number of film rolls sitting in storage and the cost of digitising these can range from 800$ per canister. The closest machine you can buy on the market now is KINETTA and costs $175,000. Portrait - Discovering centric figure(s) of movies using facial recognition. Black Swan, Portrait, Pigment Inkjet Print, 2013 Facial recognition software has been around for some time but like in the cases of Cloud Face and Google Faces, the most interesting results come from when artists “misuse” algorithms to discover what the human eye can’t see or our brains simply can’t compute.

Portrait - Discovering centric figure(s) of movies using facial recognition

NoName-Magazine. NNM.Visual.Interview | JENNIFER CHAN by NNM.Studio NNM.Visual.Interviews (Experimental Approach)NNM.Studio will call the artist to his/her cell phone every 30-45 minutes (random time lapse) as a call to action during one whole day.


Upon receiving the phone call, the artist will take a snapshot or a video of his/her present situation and email it to NNM.Studio immediately after thus creating a visual bonding experience between artist and viewer. The documentation must be produced immediately after you have received our phone call regardless of your present situation. The artist may include a descriptive text attached to each image/video taken provide more of a contextual relationship.

Le Plus France Info. 1 épisode = 1 rêve. Futur en Seine : « Faire connaître les Dailymotion de demain » "This Is Art" News The 10 Best Sites About Webseries. A successful webseries isn’t just about good content. It’s about learning the territory. As we developed the script for This is Art, and now as we march through preproduction and fundraising, I have been doing my best to keep up with industry news, watch as many other web shows as possible, and engage in meaningful dialogue with other webseries creators. Montréal et son brouillard électromagnétique - L’artiste montréalais Jean-Pierre Aubé s’évertue avec succès à filmer le brouillard électronique (ou électrosmog) qui recouvrent les villes du monde, soit les fréquences radio qui servent tant aux ondes AM et FM, téléphones cellulaires… ainsi qu’aux lignes électriques. (Séries européennes autres) La fin de l'été approchant, il est temps de rédiger quelques bilans des découvertes et nouveautés estivales.

C'est de ma DVDthèque qu'est venue une des fictions qui m'a le plus marquée : Il Capo dei Capi . Pour tout vous dire, c'est une mini-série dont j'avais vu le premier épisode l'an dernier. A l'époque, je lui avais trouvé des accents de biopic qui démarrait sur des bases un peu trop scolaires. Je l'avais mise de côté en attendant un regain d'intérêt de ma part. Superficial, homophobic lesbians. Don't Know Which Web Series to Watch? Here are the Best of 2012. An image from "The Untitled Webseries That Morgan Evans Is Doing.

Don't Know Which Web Series to Watch? Here are the Best of 2012.

" The 10 Best Web Series of 2012. The best TV isn’t always on TV.

The 10 Best Web Series of 2012

Joss Whedon and Felicia Day proved years ago that a web series doesn’t always mean a tiny audience. And this year, H+ also showed that it doesn’t mean tiny budgets. From epic sci-fi to single-cam comedy shorts, 2012 was a great year for the web. Hulu and Netflix have even jumped into the game with the latter launching five new series in 2013 (including Jenji Kohan’s Orange Is the New Black and the return of Arrested Development). Cutting the cable is only getting easier as the quality of offerings are finally catching up to their diversity.

IndieNet And Beyond – Top Ten Web Series of 2012. A new year is upon us again here at The Indienet and Beyond, which means it is time to look back at 2012 and spotlight the best of the best of web series for the year.

IndieNet And Beyond – Top Ten Web Series of 2012

Serial Eyes. Séries Mania – Quelles formations pour les séries ?


Med. La revue de web 2013. Move Over 3D and IMAX, Interactive Cinema Technology Has Arrived. Current. Relevant. Entertaining. Canada's ultimate source for technology and business news. By: Talha Bhatti | September 19th, 2012 | Business, Gadgets, Games, News, O Canada Last week TIFF Nexus brought together a group of people to create a panel that would get a glimpse of the future of cinema and gaming.

Current. Relevant. Entertaining. Canada's ultimate source for technology and business news.

The crowd was seated in a theater where they would watch Renga; an interactive cinema experience developed by the British company wallFour. Renga allows 100 people to participate collectively as they watch and interact with the presentation. Adam Russell and John Sear, both former game developers and founders of wallFour, have developed an experience that is like no other available in the market today. Transmedia et Cross-Media.


Fest Film Lab.