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OWS. Law and Civics. Grounded theory research: A design framework for novice researchers. Why Expertise Matters : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture. Asking Good Questions - Learning Historical Research. Media Studies. Social Privilege. Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person 9 basic concepts Americans fail to grasp. This article originally appeared on AlterNet.
To hear the far-right ideologues of Fox News and AM talk radio tell it, life in Europe is hell on Earth. Taxes are high, sexual promiscuity prevails, universal healthcare doesn’t work, and millions of people don’t even speak English as their primary language! Those who run around screaming about “American exceptionalism” often condemn countries like France, Norway and Switzerland to justify their jingoism. Sadly, the U.S.’ economic deterioration means that many Americans simply cannot afford a trip abroad to see how those countries function for themselves. Here are 7 things people who say they’re ‘fiscally conservative but socially liberal’ don’t understand.
A handsome big moustached hipster man smoking cigarette in the city (Shutterstock)
UMD 'tragedy of the commons' tweet goes viral. When Shahin Rafikian, a rising junior at the University of Maryland, College Park, first saw the extra credit question on his final online Social Psychology paper, he was intrigued by the prospect of extra points.
But he was confronted with a dilemma. "Select whether you want 2 points or 6 points added onto your final paper grade," the prompt read. Glogin?mobile=1&URI= Photo With Greece’s economy and its future in the eurozone both teetering, the usually astute has dredged up the sorry old trope that is to blame for everything, proving yet again that even a Rhodes Scholar and former cabinet secretary is clueless about the role Wall Street firms play for their clients.
“People seem to forget that the Greek — which is becoming a European and even possibly a world economic crisis — grew out of a deal with Goldman Sachs, engineered by Goldman’s Lloyd Blankfein,” Mr. Reich, the labor secretary in the Clinton administration, wrote on his Facebook page on Wednesday, before Greece’s prospects for reaching a deal with its creditors started to improve. “Several years ago, Blankfein and his Goldman team helped Greece hide the true extent of its debt — and in the process almost doubled it.” Mr. Some countries reduced debt by selling state-owned companies or assets.
Every Wall Street bank was eager to help. How Goldman Sachs Profited From the Greek Debt Crisis. The Greek debt crisis offers another illustration of Wall Street’s powers of persuasion and predation, although the Street is missing from most accounts.
The crisis was exacerbated years ago by a deal with Goldman Sachs, engineered by Goldman’s current CEO, Lloyd Blankfein. Blankfein and his Goldman team helped Greece hide the true extent of its debt, and in the process almost doubled it. And just as with the American subprime crisis, and the current plight of many American cities, Wall Street’s predatory lending played an important although little-recognized role. In 2001, Greece was looking for ways to disguise its mounting financial troubles. The Maastricht Treaty required all eurozone member states to show improvement in their public finances, but Greece was heading in the wrong direction. As a result, about 2 percent of Greece’s debt magically disappeared from its national accounts.
Greece – What You are not Being Told by the Media. Every single mainstream media has the following narrative for the economic crisis in Greece: the government spent too much money and went broke; the generous banks gave them money, but Greece still can’t pay the bills because it mismanaged the money that was given.
It sounds quite reasonable, right? Except that it is a big fat lie … not only about Greece, but about other European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland who are all experiencing various degrees of austerity. It was also the same big, fat lie that was used by banks and corporations to exploit many Latin American, Asian and African countries for many decades.
The Science of Why Cops Shoot Young Black Men. I went to NYU to learn what psychologists could tell me about racial prejudice in the wake of the shooting of a black teenager, Michael Brown, by a white police officer, Darren Wilson, in Ferguson, Missouri.
'Groin Gazing' Is Flipping The Switch On The Male Gaze. A photo series directed at heterosexual women that doesn't rely on stereotypes about female desire?
Glaser and Strauss: Developing Grounded Theory. Glaser, Barney G & Strauss, Anselm L., 1967.
The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research, Chicago, Aldine Publishing Company This book is about discovering theory from data, what Glaser and Strauss call grounded theory. The major strategy they use is a general method of comparative analysis. They argue that much of current research is primarily the verification of theory or the development of theory through logical deduction rather than from the experimental data itself. Grounded Theory In sociology they propose that the roles of theory is to: * to enable prediction and explanation of behavior * to be useful in theoretical advance * useable in practical applications * guide research on behavior.