New ‘Trump Prophecy’ film highlights belief that election was God’s plan. Mark Taylor is sure he knows why Donald Trump became president.
Forget Hillary hatred, white anger, Russian interference or voter turnout. Trump’s victory was God’s will, said Taylor. Taylor said he knows this because God told him so. In 2011, while watching an interview with Trump on TV, Taylor says he heard a voice saying, “The Spirit of God says I’ve chosen this man, Donald Trump, for such a time as this.”
Conspiracy Theories – Top Ten Conspiracies. California Christians, Prepare for Civil Disobedience. As California appears poised to pass a draconian bill that directly attacks your religious freedoms, it’s time for you to draw a line in the sand.
If the bill passes, you must choose to obey God rather than man. It’s time for civil disobedience. I’m speaking about AB 2943, which the Senate just approved by a vote of 25-11. Next is the Assembly, then the desk of Gov. Jerry Brown, then the length and breadth of your great state. In an August 16 email, Greg Burt, Director of Capitol Engagement, California Family Council, explained the significance of AB 2943, which I previously dubbed the “Must Stay Gay” bill. He continued, “This bill attacks the freedom of Christians . . . to find the services and resources from counselors, schools, and faith-based organizations that help them live out their biblical convictions regarding sexual behavior and gender identity.
The potential impact of this bill should not be downplayed. The bad news is that AB 2943 is on its way to becoming law.
Blood Moon in July will be longest lunar eclipse in a century. What made Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano eruption so deadly? Book of Enoch * Nephilim * Giants Graphic 04. Facebook will let you livestream an abortion as long as there's no nudity. Pope presides over Good Friday services, but wait — did he say there's no hell? 10 Things the Bible Says about the Mark of the Beast. Aliens Are Still Probably Real And Here's Another UFO Video From The Navy To ...
‘Super blue blood moon’ leaves Venetian gondolas stranded on dried-up canal b... Photographs taken this week show the famed Venetian gondolas helplessly abandoned on the docks, as the low tides caused by Wednesday’s ‘super blue blood moon’ dry up the canals, robbing gondoliers of their money and residents of their transportation.
This is the third year that Venice has experienced record low water levels, with data showing a decrease of up to 60 cm lower than average. Two years ago, the city reported water levels up to 70 cm below normal levels, the lowest ever recorded in city data, according to Express. Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Life, Hope & Truth. 7 False Teachers in the Church Today - Tim Challies. Photo Of Horned Drag Queen Reading To Kids At Long Beach Library Goes Viral –... LONG BEACH (CBSLA) — A Long Beach congressional candidate says he’s “outraged” after a drag queen sporting demon-like horns was invited to read to children at a local library.
Omar Navarro, a Republican candidate looking to unseat Maxine Waters for the 43rd District, posted an image of performer Xochi Mochi reading to kids as part of the Drag Queen Story Hour at the Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library on Saturday. Navarro’s tweet asked, “What are we teaching kids in school? Demonic teachings alive in Long Beach. Ophelia became a major hurricane where no storm had before – Ars Technica. Alien hunters discover 'UFO highway' across America. Worldwide UFO sightings hit all-time high According to data from the National UFO Reporting Center, UFO sightings around the world have reached an all-time high.
Statistics show individuals in the US are more likely to witness a UFO A brother and sister alien hunting team have discovered a “UFO highway” across America along which hundreds of unexplained events have taken place - from cattle mutilations to alien abductions. Francis Kisses Strange Crucifix with Occult Symbolism – Novus Ordo Watch. At World Youth Day 2013 in Rio A year ago in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Argentine papal pretender Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) posed with and kissed a “crucifix” that is not only hideous, grotesque, and Modernist, but also has clear occult-Satanic symbolism.
In particular, besides the odd and abstract look, the “corpus” on this cross consists merely of a blob that is supposed to be Christ’s head and two sticks representing arms, and then it adds two diagonals from the arms down, converging at the bottom, so that it forms a concave quadrilateral, a shape found in the point-down pentagram used by Satanists, especially in the Sigil of Baphomet, the “official insignium of the Church of Satan” (source). The illustration above brings out the striking similarities clearly. Here are some more images of Francis posing with and kissing this hideous cross (click on each image for a larger view, where available): Illuminati symbolism and analysis of ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ The film Eyes Wide Shut was Stanley Kubrick’s last film, and he based it off the novella by Austrian author Arthur Schnitzler entitled Traumnovelle, or Dream Novella.
Cross of St. Peter or the Anti-Christ? (Updated) Understanding the origins of the inverted cross, a Christian symbol?
Or the symbol of the Anti-Christ First off.. As most would agree.. The Christian religions are notorious for making up elaborate fictions, claiming them as fact, attributing new meanings with little to nothing backing up their beliefs.. The All-Seeing Eye: Sacred Origins of a Hijacked Symbol. 8 Historic Symbols That Mean The Opposite of What You Think. Misunderstood By: Libertarians, Glenn Beck.
Glenn Beck has recently found a soul mate in Thomas Paine, the Founding Father known for his Revolutionary War tract Common Sense. So much so that he's gone so far as to rewrite Common Sense for the modern era, essentially stuffing words hand over fist into the mouth of a centuries-dead political philosopher for the soul-shriveling disgust Beck knows Paine would feel about Barack Obama. Libertarians and tea partiers are so enamored by their new ideological BFF that they've taken to dressing up like him on YouTube and spouting off about the evils of taxation, weak foreign policy and too many brown people.
But Beck and his minions could probably benefit from actually reading some Thomas Paine. "Pay as a remission of taxes to every poor family, out of the surplus taxes, and in room of poor-rates, four pounds a year for every child under fourteen years of age. " 7 Peace Symbols (That Aren't the Peace Symbol) In the late 1960s, a B-movie producer, a filmmaker untested in America, and a TV star untested on the big screen got together to make a horror movie.
They produced a classic. Rosemary’s Baby is a kind of godmother to all of the Satan-themed horror films that followed it, from The Exorcist to The Omen to The Exorcism of Emily Rose. It’s scary yet elegant, eerie yet oddly romantic, horrifying yet beautiful in its design. Everything that happens in the world of pop is a secret satanic ritual. Even ... Ah, the internet. Packed full of cute cat memes, personality tests and 100% convincing evidence of a conspiracy theory that the leading ladies of music are trying to brainwash us with satanic rituals. Let's examine the most persuasive theories: 1. Adele's music video for 'Rolling In The Deep' stars a demon Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Amongst many hilarious claims, this YouTuber suggests that when Adele sings "we could've had it all", a demon pops up in the background. 2. 13 Secret Symbols Hidden In Plain Sight In Washington, DC. MUSIC VIDEOS & LYRICS: ILLUMINATI OCCULT MEANING: SATANIC SYMBOLISM & WITCHCR...
"We Sol'd Our Souls For Rock and Roll" "I’ve sold my soul to the Devil. " -- John Lennon "I made a bargain with 'It', you know, a long time ago and I'm holdin' up my end. " -- Bob Dylan "I wanted to be like the Amy Grant of music, but it didn't work out, so I sold my soul to the Devil. " -- Katy Perry "I don't know if I'm a medium for some outside source. Whatever it is, frankly, I hope it is not what I think....
Top Ten Illuminati Symbols Hidden in Plain Sight. The illuminati love their symbolism. For them it serves as a ‘secret’ means of communication between the ruling bloodlines that the uninitiated cannot comprehend or even see. They love it so much in fact, that for centuries they have intentionally ‘hidden’ it in plain sight within the institutions and infrastructure they control. The motivation behind this brazen move is that it actually gives them a perverse kick to know that despite elements of truth or pieces of the puzzle being hidden in plain sight, the masses still remain largely ignorant, plus they also believe that by subconsciously placing their sinister symbols in front of the public they are actually tricking them into unwittingly handing over their consent, the very thing that allows the few to rule over the many.
It allows for the creation of mind controlled military, celebrity or even sex slaves with multiple personalities or behaviours that can be triggered at any time by a ‘handler’. MOVIE: HOLLYWOOD MOVIES, TELEVISION, ADS: ILLUMINATI OCCULT SATANIC SYMBOLISM... "Making movies is casting spells. " – Director of Lucifer Rising, Kenneth Anger "Magic wands were always made out of the wood of a Holly tree. It’s made out of Holly wood. Hollywood is a Druidic establishment and the symbols, the words, the terms, the stories, are designed. " -- Jordan Maxwell "That alien, his Matrix, he was like the spider that has to lure a fly into his web... Sinister Sites - Israel Supreme Court. When Satanism Met The Internet. Almost everything you think you know about “Satanism” is wrong.
If you think Satanism is a load of attention-seekers in flowing cloaks pretending to raise the dead while blaspheming against Christianity and generally being offensive… well, okay, you’re half-right. ‘Hail Satan’: Alaskan council meeting opens with prayer to Lucifer (VIDEO) — ... These 10 Cities Have Mysterious Connections with Satanism - Vorply. The Evolution of Modern Satanism in the United States. End-Times Watcher Sees Satan in an Energy Drink. 18 Reasons The Rapture Will Be In 2018. Catholic Church's Bulletin Links Clinton to Satan, Says Democratic Voting is ... Fliers inserted into a Catholic church's newsletter in San Diego implied that Hillary Clinton was satanic and warned that voting for Democrats would result in parishioners “descending into Hell.” The Top 8 “Conspiracy Theories” That Are Turning Out To Be True Conspiracy Theory: It’s a term used by many to brush off something that clashes with what they believe in, or have believed in for a long period of time.
Taking in new information that runs counter to a current belief system is not easy and can cause the feeling of cognitive dissonance – a term used in modern psychology to describe the feeling of discomfort that arises from being confronted with two or more conflicting ideas, beliefs, or values. It suggests that we have an inner drive to hold onto all of our beliefs and attitudes, avoiding the feelings of discomfort and instability that accompany new ideas, regardless of whether those ideas are backed by evidence and sound logic. Enduring Historical Myths And The Power Of Propaganda: AS WE SAY "ITS AMAZING... The Abyss and The Real Locusts of Revelation:, page 5. Reply to works4dhs from estimatedprophet of the Lord; Thank you for your response and for staying on topic, but No they are not robots, demons, helicopters and/or microorganisms, etc, because they are "Elite Paratroopers" wearing a special “Gliderpack” I came to call "The GO7!
" This 3.600-Years-Old-Bible Describes Extended Religious Events, Including Nib... The Kolbrin’s Exodus Story – Ancient Egyptian Version - Graham Hancock Offici... The Kolbrin Bible: A 3,600-year-old manuscript that will rewrite history. Biblical prophecy claims the world will end on Sept. 23, Christian numerologi... Hurricane Irma Causes Ocean to Disappear in Bahamas. Daily Posts – Witches Of The Craft® Astral Projection Unveiled: The Demonic "Astral" Realm. THE AGE OF THE KALI YUGA. Great Discoveries Channel. Your Body Knows When Death Is Near, And It All Begins In The Nose: Study Reve... The Historic Nature of Islam: The Invention of Totalitarianism – AltRight.com. The Nephilim - The Giant Hybrid Race That Dominated Earth.
ISIS: ITS SECRET IS SATAN. Anonymous: NASA Is About to Announce the Discovery of Intelligent Alien Life ... World Religions Unite as Prelude to Extraterrestrial Disclosure » Exopolitics. A Review of Andrew Dawson's Santo Daime: A New World Religion. Top 10 Famous Cases of Backmasking. The Law Of Reversal: A Lesson From The Occult. 7 Prophetic Voices See America Split At The New Madrid Fault When Israel’s La... New Madrid Earthquake Could Shake Foundations Of America.
Is Middle America Due For a Huge Earthquake? - The Atlantic. The Barbarians Are Here. Rare Solar Eclipse in 2017 and Another One in 2024 Will Mark Giant 'X' Across US. Spiritual Resiliency for Preppers. Hope of the World - end time ministry of Jew and Gentile. Hibernating Aliens May Explain Why We Haven't Found Any Other Life Yet.
Kim Clement. Why Kim Clement Died — Desiree M. Mondesir. Did this man predict Trump presidency – in 2007? Supervolcano near 3M people closer to erupting than originally believed. If Aliens Visit, Don't Expect a Hollywood Ending, Ridley Scott Warns. Steve Quayle & Tom Horn 2017 - Unearthing The Lost World of the Cloudeaters. Steve Quayle and Tom Horn: Unearthing the Cloud Eaters (Video) Book of Enoch - Fact or Fiction? Newcomer's Guide to Astro-luni-solar Concepts. The 10 Absolute Worst Aliens to Be Abducted By. The Giants Found in Romania and The Cover-Up – Secrets of the Fed. Pope Francis - False Prophet - Satanism, Occult, Freemasonry. Satanism In America Archives. Freemasons - The silent destroyers. Deist religious cult based on the Knights Templar - Initiation rituals like those of witchcraft.
Read it Before It's Banned by the US Government, Part 4. What is the Kabbalah? (And Why Is It So Bad?) Asteroid Impact, One-Third the Size of the One That Killed Dinosaurs, Wiped Out Ancient Native American Civilization. UFO hunters claim to have footage of aliens on the moon. New Evidence That Humans Are Not From Earth, But ALIENS Brought Us Here. Dazzling 'Alien Portal' Appears Over Major US Weapons Station. The Real Story Behind the Myth of Area 51. Recently declassified CIA documents bring people with superhuman abilities from the realm of fiction to reality. This Out of This World Story of an Abductee Will Make You Question Everything. Alien Abductee Draws Exact Star Map Of The Alien's Home Constellation: Zeta Reticuli. Hissing-Meteor Mystery May Finally Be Solved. Scientists Reveal How We'd Really Die If A Meteor Hit Earth. Swastika and rings among symbols etched into Khazakhstan landscape.
Great Discoveries Channel. US Official Records Reveal Top Secret Base Housing Aliens And UFOs! The Threat of an Alien/ET-Invasion Is Real. 10,000 Year Old Rock Paintings Depicting Possible Extraterrestrial Visitation & UFOs Discovered In India – Collective Evolution. 'Aliens Eating People' - The Forest Service UFO Files. CIA Dir. Pompeo: 'Jesus Christ Our Savior Is Truly the Only Solution For Our World' Sign.