Blog Posts and Articles by Chaplain Michael Jaques. Radio Shows Discussion with US Army Chaplain, Author of A Chaplain's Battle: Transcending Powerlessness in an Explosive World ... Last week we talked about realizing your power and accepting the limits of your power. The gist of it was that God gi... Good morning, I’m Chaplain Michael Jaques, a chaplain in the US Army Reserve and at the VA.
In our continuing discuss... Chapter 1: Receiving the Wounded Good morning, I’m Chaplain Michael Jaques, a chaplain with the US Army Reserve and with the VA. Good morning, I’m Chaplain Michael Jaques, a chaplain in the US Army Reserve and at the VA. When I’m Weak I’m Strong Each time he said, “No. I am Chaplain Michael D. Jaques and I want to help! Resolving Feelings of Powerlessness | Our Resources.
Overcoming Helplessness: Experience of a Military Chaplain. Path to Brokenness. Michael Jaques: A Decorated Army Chaplain & Military Pastor. Don’t Get Stuck: Be Aware of the Finiteness of Life. Michael January 8, 2022 11 Behavioral Science, Faith and Beliefs Good morning, I’m Chaplain Michael Jaques, a chaplain in the US Army Reserve and at the VA. Audio In our last blog we discussed the stages of power development…and how so many people get stuck in stage three.
As a reminder, the third stage is when you begin to have the ability assert yourself over others. This could be in a debating match or a sporting event. We learned, too, that one of the ways that people can fulfill this need for power is through their ability to help others. So, for those in the helping professions, such as social workers, nurses, doctors, pastors, they have found that they are often able to help those in need.
One of the things that leads to getting stuck and not moving on to stage four is a desire to be all-powerful or even godlike. Another person described this desire to be all-powerful as “Likely a skewed form of empowerment from God to assist him in caring for the creation.” 11 Comments. How War Changes Pastoral Identity. Definition of Powerlessness: Discussion and Insight. Dealing with Wounded Soldiers in War: A Real-Life Insight. Chapter 1: Receiving the Wounded Michael February 25, 2022 7 Religion and War Good morning, I’m Chaplain Michael Jaques, a chaplain with the US Army Reserve and with the VA. Today I want to share chapter one of my book “A Chaplain’s Battle: Transcending Powerlessness in an Explosive World.”
It is a story of an Army chaplain who works through his feelings of powerlessness to finally find resolution. What he learns is applicable to many people who struggle with similar feelings. Hope you find it helpful. Prologue|Unspoken We think of them as powerful defenders of life. But some of those die in their care. But we don’t dare let that happen. I came to this topic as an Army chaplain deployed several times to war zones at the onset of our nation’s participation in the global war on terror. The five attainments I humbly offer herein are an answer to this pervasive problem. Caregivers, take heart. Michael D. Wounded Warrior Chaplain/MDW/JFHQ-NCR Receiving the Wounded The day Ronny died Silence. The Commander’s Here. The Distressing Commander Story of A Chaplain. The Distressing Commander Story of A Chaplain. The Commander’s Here Michael December 24, 2021 7 War Hello, I’m Chaplain Michael Jaques, a chaplain with the Army Reserve and the VA.
I’d like to share how I came to be so interested in the topic of powerlessness… After my residency program, I went on orders as the project officer to help the 39th Brigade commander start a program to help his Veteran combat soldiers who were struggling with the effects of their combat experience in Iraq in 2004. Unlike the active duty who have resources compiled on one installation, the guard soldiers are spread out across the state isolated. Also, during this time we got alerted that the unit was going back to Iraq. And this notification opened up many of the wounds that had been hidden for a few years. He recalls holding him in his arms, unable to make everything OK. And then in 2008 we were all in Iraq, in Baghdad, on Victory Base complex my battalion was on Camp Slayer.
The battalion task force was about 750 people spread out in the region. Feeling of Powerlessness in War. Helpless Feelings that Afflict a Chaplain during War. How God’s Strength Can Help You When You are at the Weakest. Michael February 12, 2022 11 Faith and Beliefs When I’m Weak I’m Strong Each time he said, “No. But I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people.” Now I am glad to boast about how weak I am; I am glad to be a living demonstration of Christ’s power, instead of showing off my own power and abilities. Since I know it is all for Christ’s good, I am quite happy about “the thorn,” and about insults and hardships, persecutions and difficulties; for when I am weak, then I am strong—the less I have, the more I depend on him. (2 Cor 12:9-11) The Apostle Paul penned these immortal and seemingly contradictory words thousands of years ago but still ring as true now as they did then.
What Does that Mean What does it mean ‘for when I am weak, then I am strong;’ how is it possible? When you are weak and come to the end of yourself and rely on God’s strength, then you are strong. Example of Gideon ‘Pardon me, my lord,’ Gideon replied, ‘but how can I save Israel? 11 Comments. How Power Development Stages Increase the Ability to Deliver.
Radio Shows - Michael Jaques. Radio Shows Michael November 28, 2022 0 Radio shows Experts in US-Korea relations highlight Northeast Ohio's potential as international economic player Sound of Ideas – interview begins at 24:30 Michael D. Jaques, Decorated U.S. Army Chaplain, Author of A Chaplain's Battle: Transcending Powerlessness in an Explosive World David Webb Show on The Patriot, SiriusXM U.S. Emergent Theory: A Construct Influencing Chaplains. The Path to Self-Discovery Amid War, Suffering & Crises. Understanding & Interpreting Theological Framework of Power. In the Bible, Paul says, “Power is made perfect in weakness.” The contradictory idea of strength through weakness is one of the most vital and highlighted themes of the Bible. Right from Abraham to the most popular example of Jesus, people who laid their dependence on God and acknowledged their own weaknesses were used by the Divine to be granted strength through weakness.
Two millennia later, people are still trying to come in terms with Paul’s statements to derive the ultimate interpretation of power and powerlessness in the theological framework. These “people” could be therapists who perform complicated surgeries on patients or nurses who deal with the death and suffering of children and adults in Intensive Care Units on a regular basis. Understanding of Power through Gerkin’s Model The quest to understand the power in a theological framework brought forth several theories and projects. Comprehending Power and Its Limitations Relevance and Sustenance of Pastoral Care Takeaway.
Finding Strength in Hopelessness: An Army Chaplain’s Story. Resolving Feelings of Powerlessness | Our Resources. Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts In the Midst of Powerlessness. Movie Bruce Almighty: In-Depth Interpretation & Exploration. The Distressing Commander Story of A Chaplain. Don’t Get Stuck: Be Aware of the Finiteness of Life. Accepting Finiteness as a Way towards Enlightenment. One of the most distinctive marks of a transformed chaplain is the fact that they are completely aware of their finiteness. They know and accept the fact that they are not solely responsible for the issues and problems faced by people and soldiers around them. This transformation can distinctly be broken down into two components – active and passive. The active component puts across the idea that a chaplain’s refusal to take on responsibility is intentional, while the passive component is a portrayal of the acceptance of their finiteness.
Demonstrations of Passive Component A passive component reflects the unambiguous awareness and acceptance of a chaplain’s finite situation. A few statements made by the chaplains that demonstrate their acceptance are as follows: “I’m actually OK being powerless in some situations …I’m okay with God being the one that has the power.” “I recognize I’m powerless … putting my trust in God … trusting in Him to intervene or not.”
“God is responsible.” Accepting Finiteness as a Way towards Enlightenment. Accepting Finiteness as a Way towards Enlightenment. Helpless Feelings that Afflict a Chaplain during War. War is one of the most unsettling and painful experiences for people who witness the wrath of it. Thousands of lives are lost, and homes are shattered. Soldiers and their families are the worst affected. However, people are often unaware of the fact that hundreds of army chaplains, who are meant to provide religious aid and solace to these brave hearts, are also a part of this struggle. Like the soldiers, they too, witness the ravages and bear the brunt of war. There are situations when they look at the destruction around and feel helpless.
They are engulfed by the feeling of powerlessness and fight a long battle with themselves to come out of it. But what exactly is the feeling of powerlessness? The Feeling of Powerlessness The feeling of powerlessness is something that prevails due to the inability to affect or alter a certain situation and steer it in a positive direction. Speaking from a chaplain’s point of view, the most evident point of powerlessness is during a war. State of Flux. Finding Strength in Hopelessness: An Army Chaplain’s Story. How God’s Strength Can Help You When You are at the Weakest. Movie Bruce Almighty: In-Depth Interpretation & Exploration. Michael February 4, 2022 3 Faith and Beliefs, Power Dynamics Do you remember the movie Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey? He was given the opportunity to be God for a week. Carrey plays Bruce Nolan a television field reporter desiring to be a news anchor. It turns out that not only didn’t he get the anchor position, but he was also fired from his job.
These events made Bruce so angry that he wanted to fire God. Bruce eventually met God played by Morgan Freedman. Bruce soon started hearing prayers in his head from people in his city. “They’re all out of control. He learned how impractical and unhealthy it was to grant every request. Bruce discovered that he was the worst judge of what is best, and that God was right to deny his selfish requests – ultimately leading him to cry out to his Maker, “I want You to decide what’s right for me. Bruce eventually gave the powers back to God realizing that he cannot solve all the problems. 3 Comments Leave a Reply. God’s Strength. Different Stages on How to Yield to God in the Best Way. Definition of Powerlessness: Discussion and Insight. “I’m Chaplain Michael Jaques, a chaplain in the Army Reserve and at the Veterans Administration. Today we are continuing our interview series discussing the issue of powerlessness and how people are able to resolve those feelings.
In this post, you’ll meet Mr. Rick Ross, a nurse, R.N. at the Woody Williams VA Medical Center in Huntington, West Virginia. He works with the palliative care team, has 30 years’ experience in nursing in various contexts, and is a U.S. Army veteran.” Chaplain Jaques Good morning, Mr. Rick Ross Good morning, sir. Doing pretty well. It’s no problem. Oh, my goodness. So, we, you know, there was a lot of crying and a lot of people, you know, trying to get out of the service and, you know, I’m the only child thing and, you know, some miraculous people popped up, conscientious objectors, and all this other stuff and I’m just thinking to myself, I mean, because I didn’t want to say anything out loud but I just said, “That’s just my luck. Yeah. Ah. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. God is ultimately the sustenance of care. A Chaplain’s Powerlessness Discussions to Overcome Fear.
How Power Development Stages Increase the Ability to Deliver. Michael December 30, 2021 6 Power Dynamics Good morning, I’m Chaplain, (LTC) Michael Jaques a chaplain in the US Army Reserve. Audio This morning I want to talk about the stages of power development that people go through. Really, there are four stages of power according to Dr. McCullum, an expert in this area. The first stage is when a person feels powerful being near powerful people. For instance, an administrative assistant for a CEO may feel powerful working in the boss’ office. The next stage of power is when a person learns some insights into, for example, human development. The third stage is when you begin to have the ability assert yourself over others…such as in a sporting event or a debating match.
This is the stage a lot of people get stuck, especially those in the helping professions such as social workers, nurses, doctors, pastors. The final stage, then, of power development is when the person is less concerned about themselves or how they feel. 6 Comments Leave a Reply. The Path to Self-Discovery Amid War, Suffering & Crises. Understanding & Interpreting Theological Framework of Power. How Power Orientation Model Helps to Overcome Powerlessness. Powerlessness is a prevalent feeling in the profession of helping others. Nevertheless, it is often not given the attention it deserves. This prolonged period of silence on the topic has led to many people in the profession believe in the idea that they might set things right once they meet their qualifications.
While the expectation becomes an impossible target to meet, with time it has become an unspoken rule for helpers. Though impractical, the expectations of a helper cannot be denied. So, what are the most efficient ways in which they deal with it? Behavioral Science and The Power Motive Studies based on the utilization of the Divine power to overcome feelings of powerlessness were primarily expected to be applicable for all types of helpers. A vital aspect of the Achievement Motivation Theory that McClelland put focus on is the power motive. Stages of The Power Orientation Model · Stage 1: It Strengthens Me · Stage 2: I Strengthen Myself · Stage 3: I Have An Impact on Others.
Finding Strength in Hopelessness: An Army Chaplain’s Story. Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts In the Midst of Powerlessness. Resolving Feelings of Powerlessness | Our Resources. Movie Bruce Almighty: In-Depth Interpretation & Exploration. Taking Care of Others with the Right Approach & Mindset. How Power Orientation Model Helps to Overcome Powerlessness. Blog Posts and Articles by Chaplain Michael Jaques. Untitled. Dealing with Wounded Soldiers in War: A Real-Life Insight. Overcoming Feelings of Powerlessness with Ease | Contact Us. How God’s Strength Can Help You When You are at the Weakest.
Emergent Theory: A Construct Influencing Chaplains. Michael Jaques: A Decorated Army Chaplain & Military Pastor. My time overseas serving as an Army chaplain in war zones taught me much about powerlessness. Those experiences, plus the many interviews and research required for my Doctor of Ministry thesis convinced me of one essential truth: We cannot be broken by our human limitations if we are willing to recognize them. The stories in my new book A Chaplain’s Battle dramatize the search for and the realization of transcendence during traumatic experiences on domestic and foreign soil. No community of human beings is immune from the paralyzing impact of powerlessness.
That is why the 5 Attainments can make such a profound difference. They guide … Chaplain Jaques has an impressive record of active duty assignments in the U.S Army. His mobilization at Fort Carson, CO from 2009-2012, comprised of a service period as garrison operations chaplain, senior pastor for the main post chapel, and rear detachment chaplain for three brigades. Personal Life: Chaplain Michael D. How Power Orientation Model Helps to Overcome Powerlessness. Overcoming Helplessness: Experience of a Military Chaplain. A MODEL. Understanding & Interpreting Theological Framework of Power. The Distressing Commander Story of A Chaplain.
Accepting Finiteness as a Way towards Enlightenment. Michael Jaques: A Decorated Army Chaplain & Military Pastor. Finding Strength in Hopelessness: An Army Chaplain’s Story. Michael January 15, 2022 7 Faith and Beliefs, Power Dynamics Good morning, I’m Chaplain Michael Jaques, a chaplain in the US Army Reserve and at the VA. This week’s blog is a presentation that I made to my Sunday school class after getting back from my last deployment to Kuwait in 2018. Let me know your thoughts. Introduction Good morning. Beth gave me free rein to speak on anything– and suggested maybe talking about the Army Chaplaincy. Background A little background first, I’ve been an Army chaplain since 2006 and have been mobilized and deployed in support of the Global War On Terror since then until now, when I just returned from Kuwait. Context Each of these stages has particular challenges. During the deployment SM struggle to deal with the powerlessness to affect situations that are going on back home.
When the SMs come home, everyone has an adjustment to make. Often, SMs also deal with spiritual, psychological issues from their experiences overseas. Best Practices Transition. WHEN I AM WEAK THEN I AM STRONG - Michael Jaques. PATH TO BROKENNESS - Michael Jaques. STAGES OF POWER DEVELOPMENT - Michael Jaques. THE POWERLESSNESS PODCAST: I’m a Believer - Michael Jaques. Techniques to Overcome Powerlessness | Michael D. Jaques.
The Power Motive in Behavioral Science – Michael Jaques. Feeling of Powerlessness in War – Michael Jaques. Beliefs that Influence Military Chaplains at War | Read On. How War Changes Pastoral Identity – Michael Jaques. Interpretation of power. War and Power Blog. Interpretation of Power in the Theological Framework – Michael Jaques. Techniques to Overcome Powerlessness | Michael D. Jaques. The Power Motive in Behavioral Science – Michael Jaques. Feeling of Powerlessness in War – Michael Jaques. Constructs that Influence Chaplains in the War – Michael Jaques. How War Changes Pastoral Identity – Michael Jaques.