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20 Quotes for Foreign Language Learners. Kicking off the New Year with 20 quotes dedicated to the excitement and wonder that a new language brings about.

20 Quotes for Foreign Language Learners

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” ‒Rita Mae Brown. Le Monde. What's new? Learning Languages. Me. Une po mesoj pearltrees. Foreign Language Study: Good for Mind and Career. As society and our economies become increasingly global, bilingual—even multilingual—job candidates can edge out the competition.

Foreign Language Study: Good for Mind and Career

According to a Chicago Tribune article, healthcare, education, and information technology are among several fields that will see a particular upsurge in the demand for professionals with fluency in a second language. In 2011, Bloomberg ranked the most useful languages for business (excluding English). Mandarin, which is spoken by 845 million, topped the list, followed by French and Arabic. Which foreign language is best for you to learn depends on your goals and the culture you live in (as this ICEF Monitor article explores).

Are you interested in a language’s cool factor or the value it will add to your marketability? Why Learn a Foreign Language?