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Så arbetar framtidens företag – och deras chefer. Automatisering och digitalisering har stått högt på agendan under 2015. Den teknologiska utvecklingen förändrar förutsättningarna för arbetet, kräver nya typer av jobb medan andra försvinner helt. I en stor undersökning bland nordiska chefer har konsult- och rekryteringsbolaget Hammer & Hanborg frågat vilken typ av organisation som är bäst för att klara av den digitala omställningen. Resultatet är ett bakslag för det klassiska, hierarkiska företaget. Bara 9 procent av de tillfrågade tror att toppstyrning lämpar sig för att nå framgång digitalt. Nätverksorganisationer, där relationerna är mer jämbördiga och finns både internt och externt, ansågs vara bäst av 54 procent. Vad präglar en nätverksorganisation? – Den är funktionell, bygger på relationer, och ger medarbetarna mandat att agera utan att hela tiden stämma av med sin chef.

. – I många stora, i grunden hierarkiska, företag finns det sannolikt mindre delar som är friare organiserade, fortsätter hon. En annan verksamhetslogik - ett annat sätt att leda | Ewa Braf: ”Fungerar det att sätta riktning, mål och strategier, och sedan arbeta utifrån tanken att samma förutsättningar och antaganden gäller under hela det kommande året?” Många chefer och ledningsgrupper har just nu fullt upp med att ta fram verksamhetsplan, budget och strategi inför nästa år. Allt detta ska sedan implementeras i organisationen, som sedan förväntas följa planen och strategin under det kommande året. Frågan är hur väl det egentligen fungerar – vi lever i en föränderlig värld, och de förutsättningar som råder idag kan se helt annorlunda ut imorgon. En modern organisation måste vara dynamisk för att kunna hantera dessa omständigheter.

Just nu befinner sig många chefer mitt i arbetet med att formulera verksamhetsplanen och ta fram budgeten för år 2016. På samma sätt arbetar nu också många ledningsgrupper med den övergripande riktningen och strategin för verksamheten. Snabba förändringar Beakta för ett ögonblick den kontext som din verksamhet befinner sig i just nu. Cheating or Resourceful? – The Principal of Change. As I was watching students build a “cotton ball sling-shot” with items that they had, I was sitting there looking at what was in front of them and all I wanted to do was Google how to make something. I actually tweeted the following out: I struggled with this concept as there is a balance of trying to figure stuff out on your own, and the ability to connect with others (or information) to find the answer.

I then tweeted the following out: What is interesting is that the responses both helped to shape my thinking, while challenging me. Here is a few things that I am struggling with: If you were hiring someone, would you go with someone who would take a long time to figure something out (but eventually will), or the person who connects with others and can find out instantly? Thoughts? 4 Major Types of Educational Leadership The Edvocate. There are four major styles of leadership which apply well in the educational setting. While each of these styles has its good points, there is a wide berth of variation, and in fact transformational leadership is truly an amalgamation of the best attributes of the other three.

Let’s explore how servant leadership, transactional leadership and emotional leadership compare to transformational leadership. 1. Servant Leadership Servant Leadership takes the focus from the end goal to the people who are being led. There is no sense of self interest on the part of the leader, who steps back and supports only the interests of the followers. The primary issue with servant leadership is that it’s not viable on an organizational level, in large part because it does not keep its eye on the prize. 2. Give and take is the hallmark of transactional leadership – it is indeed modeled just like a business transaction. 3. 4. Leaders Set the Pace Through Their Expectations and Example. Many years ago, I interviewed for what turned out to be my very first job managing people. I was naive and optimistic, a fact which must have amused the VP of HR who interviewed me.

She asked, “Why do you want to manage people?” I don’t remember my exact answer, but it was something along the lines of, “I know a lot about this area and I feel like I can be a great mentor to people. I’m really excited to share what I know about HR data with others and build a great team.” She laughed and said, “Suzanne, I’ll tell you a secret. Managing people is a pain in the behind.” I got the job anyway, and I started with a heart full of hope and a head full of ideas. To keep reading, click here: Leaders set the pace through their expectations an example. Related. Ledarskap i skolans värld: Rektors ledarskap vid skolutveckling. Brave Leadership: What It Takes To Create A Culture Of Courage. What Are Your Values? - Decision-Making Skills Training from Deciding What's Most Important in Life Find out how to identify your values, in this short video.

How would you define your values? Before you answer this question, you need to know what, in general, values are. Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They (should) determine your priorities, and, deep down, they're probably the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to. When the things that you do and the way you behave match your values, life is usually good – you're satisfied and content. This is why making a conscious effort to identify your values is so important. How Values Help You Values exist, whether you recognize them or not. If you value family, but you have to work 70-hour weeks in your job, will you feel internal stress and conflict? In these types of situations, understanding your values can really help.

What job should I pursue? Tip: Defining Your Values What were you doing? Why were you proud? 4 Steps to Living Your Leadership Legacy. Honor. Courage. Humility. Integrity. Loving. Fun. Those were the words used to describe Dan Hines at his memorial service last Tuesday. Are you intentionally living your legacy, or are you leaving it to chance?

You will leave a legacy. 1. 2. 3. 4. Dan Hines left college and joined the Army during the Vietnam War. Dan lived his legacy. Like this: Like Loading... Randy is the Vice President of Client Services & Trust Practice Leader for The Ken Blanchard Companies. Leadership Is About Enabling The Full Potential In Others. Michael Fullan at BLC14 - The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Impact. Starting with Relationships, Focus on Learning. This was originally posted by J. Bevacqua on Figuring It Out Yet another new beginning…. For those that have not heard – next school year brings a new and exciting job opportunity – this time as Principal of Vancouver College – a K-12 Catholic school in Vancouver. Of course with a new beginning come thoughts of transition.

Lots of thoughts – coming at me at all hours of the day and night! There have been no shortage of colleagues, family and friends who have expressed their congratulations and best wishes. What is your plan? What are you going to implement? Or the famous….. What is your plan for technology at the school? My response to each of these questions has been fairly consistent – my first order of business is to immerse myself in the community and establishing trust in relationships while maintaining a focus on learning. Like I’ve said before - I believe that trust is the currency of leadership. I need to hear, see and experience what students, parents and teachers are proud of.

Definition av pedagogiskt ledarskap. I olika sammanhang nämns och diskuteras begreppet pedagogiskt ledarskap. Skolinspektionen har i sina båda kvalitetsgranskningar av rektors ledarskap valt en definition av begreppet som är relaterad till rektor som ledare av den pedagogiska verksamheten utifrån författningarna. Skolinspektionens definition av pedagogiskt ledarskap Pedagogiskt ledarskap är allt som handlar om att tolka målen samt beskriva aktiviteter för en god måluppfyllelse i relation till de nationella målen i skolan och för att förbättra skolans resultat så att varje elev når så långt som möjligt i sitt lärande och sin utveckling.

Det betyder att rektor måste ha kunskap om och kompetens för att tolka uppdraget, omsätta det i undervisning, leda och styra lärprocesser, samt skapa förståelse hos medarbetarna för samband mellan insats och resultat. Utgångspunkter Enligt skollagen ska det pedagogiska arbetet vid en skola ledas och samordnas av en rektor. Find the Coaching in Criticism. Feedback is crucial. That’s obvious: It improves performance, develops talent, aligns expectations, solves problems, guides promotion and pay, and boosts the bottom line. But it’s equally obvious that in many organizations, feedback doesn’t work. A glance at the stats tells the story: Only 36% of managers complete appraisals thoroughly and on time. In one recent survey, 55% of employees said their most recent performance review had been unfair or inaccurate, and one in four said they dread such evaluations more than anything else in their working lives.

When senior HR executives were asked about their biggest performance management challenge, 63% cited managers’ inability or unwillingness to have difficult feedback discussions. Coaching and mentoring? Uneven at best. Most companies try to address these problems by training leaders to give feedback more effectively and more often. Why Feedback Doesn’t Register What makes receiving feedback so hard?

Six Steps to Becoming a Better Receiver. Leadership Lessons from the Banking Upheaval. Guest post from Jean-Marc Laouchez, Hay Group: “Banking is no longer somewhere that you go, it’s something that you do.” - Brett King, Banking 3.0 When was the last time you visited a bank branch? My kids have never seen the inside of one. Chances are they never will. Brett King’s quote sums up the total revolution sweeping through financial services. With their industry transforming before their very eyes, what are the lessons for leaders?

“Just do it” doesn’t do it any more One thing’s for sure: the old ways won’t work. Being authoritarian like this has its uses. Upstart competitors on the rampage This is a dangerous combination, because now that banking is no longer ‘somewhere you go’, a host of new competitors have been appearing from left field to eat the sector’s lunch. How can banks respond to challenges like these? 1. If one thing stifles innovation, it’s closed minds. But is it really possible to fight off upstart competitors from within the confines of an existing business model? Six Paths to Better Leadership. Photo credit: iStockPhoto We know a lot about effective leadership in education -- and we keep learning the same lessons over and over. Between 1989 and 2000, Mark Goldberg interviewed 43 leaders across a spectrum of positions in or related to education.

He spoke with men and women of varied ethnicity and age, some for whom English was not their first or even primary language. David Gergen, in 2000, published Eyewitness to Power, summarizing his perspective on leadership after having served in the White House for several presidents from both political parties. 1. Leaders must have a core belief that can be communicated with clarity, concision and passion. 2. Leaders must get off to a quick, sure start. 3. Leaders must have skills to persuade and inspire. 4.

Leaders must have a strong social conscience. 5. Leaders must have the courage to swim upstream. 6. Leaders must excel at situational mastery and emotional intelligence. The Myers-Briggs Illuminated for the Workplace. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the hands-down, best-known assessment out there for understanding individual psychological tendencies. Counselors have been using it for well over half a century. The test is based on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types. People the world over know it as a great career assessment tool, something we all have needed (or at least have been fascinated about) at some point in our lives. The range of its applications is sometimes overlooked, however.

Differences in type (that four-letter identifying score that is the assessment result) can really illuminate — sometimes surprisingly so — the need for organizational and workplace changes. Seeing how our psychological types influence the work we are drawn to is indeed just the beginning. Oh, it’s so traditional, you say? The MBTI four-letter identifier can be expounded upon and dissected. Much information about effective working style can be gleaned from the MBTI. Lisa A. Skolans drivkrafter : Att leda in i det okända. The Obsolete Tech Director. The role of the typical school district technology director has become obsolete. Speak with your average teacher in many school districts in America, and you’ll find the technology department is better known for getting in the way than for serving the educational needs of both staff and students. Many technology departments, led by obsolete tech directors, are inadvertently inhibiting learning.

The mantra of ‘lock it and block it’ no longer works in a 21st century digital learning environment. How can Technology Directors avoid becoming obsolete? 1. Understand the need for anytime, anywhere learning for students and access for staff. Digital learning breaks the barrier of traditional seat time and set school days by making ‘anytime, anywhere learning’ feasible. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Students and staff need technology directors that have not made themselves obsolete. This is a cross-post from SmartBrief on Education. About Tom. The Principalship:The Changing Role of the Technology Director.

Like many educators in my current position—school technology directors, chief technology officers, or others who have responsibility for all things that plug in, use batteries, beep, or depend on a digital network—I never imagined this as a job when I was growing up. My high school guidance counselor in 1970 did not suggest this as a career choice because such a job did not exist then. Even when I was hired by my current school district in 1991, my title was "audiovisual director," and I replaced a fellow whose primary tasks were silk-screening school logos on record players, developing black-and-white film, stocking overhead projector lamps, and supervising the guy who fixed 16mm film projectors. Although my previous experience in education was as an English teacher and librarian, my same-age peers have come to technology leadership positions through a number of pathways, with math and science teaching being the most common.

Evolving Challenges Forget about IT as you know it today. The connected leader. Strategisk planering och pedagogisk helhetsidé. Skolans drivkrafter : Att leda in i det okända. School Leaders: Guiding Teachers into the Digital Age. Personality types.