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Films. Brad Lancaster demo: Learn how to build a Berm with a bunyip water level. Soil. Geoff Lawton: Surviving Collapse, Designing your Way to Abundance. Beekeeping. How Mark Shephard’s Farm THRIVES under Sheer. Total. Utter. Neglect. Biochar Anila. Bill Mollison Permaculture Lecture Series On-Line. Which Commercial Fertilizer is Best? - Leaf, Root & Fruit Gardening Services Melbourne. We purchased a range of “off-the-shelf” fertilizers from Bunnings and tested their performance.

Which Commercial Fertilizer is Best? - Leaf, Root & Fruit Gardening Services Melbourne

We think our Hungry Bin Worm Farm is great. It’s easy to use, the worms love it, and it produces plenty of worm wee. This summer we conducted an experiment to test the performance of a range of potting mixes. While setting that experiment up, we expanded it to investigate a range of “off-the-shelf” fertilizers (mostly certified organic ones). Low Cost, High Output Backyard Passive Solar Greenhouse - Live for 48 Hours Only. His Permaculture Garden Needs ONLY 2 Days of Work. Mike Feingold's Permaculture Allotment. Biochar Anila. Permaculture Plants. Permaculture Plants In Permaculture there is a big push towards perennial plant systems and for good reason.

Permaculture Plants

Growing plants in vinegar could help them survive drought. Exploring a beautiful, 23-year-old food forest in New Zealand (Video) I've asked this before—but having toured many permaculture gardens and food forests in my time, I've often had one big question: Can you really establish a satisfying, nutritious diet from the hodge-podge mixture of herbs, fruits, nuts and perennial vegetables that seem to make up the mainstay of such plantings?

Exploring a beautiful, 23-year-old food forest in New Zealand (Video)

So this latest offering from the ever fabulous Happen Films is particularly welcome. Green Manures/Cover Crops. By Will Bonsall The terms "green manure," "cover crop," "soiling crop" and "catch crop" are often used interchangeably, which is not quite accurate, but for this article I'm lumping them all together.

Green Manures/Cover Crops

I refer to any crop that is planted not for food but to protect the soil from erosion or drying out, to add fertility and organic structure to the soil, to smother weeds, and sometimes for special purposes such as making soil minerals such as phosphorus more available to following crops. The obvious gain from a cover crop is the massive creation of humus-building material, seemingly out of nothing. That is, the main component elements of organic matter – H, C, O and N – are in the very air, infinitely replaceable, ready to be sequestered by the living community of the soil.

Patterns and Permaculture. 03/16 Pattern Application. Patterns in Nature - Geoff Lawton. Swale Pathways (Tasmania, Australia) By Good Life Permaculture Diagram of a traditional swale system.

Swale Pathways (Tasmania, Australia)

IPCUK 2015 Joel Williams Introduction to soil biology and the soil food web International Permacu. Identifying Plant Nutrient Deficiencies - Permablitz Melbourne. Not all plant problems are caused by insects or diseases.

Identifying Plant Nutrient Deficiencies - Permablitz Melbourne

Sometimes an unhealthy plant is suffering from a nutrient deficiency or even too much of any one nutrient. Plant nutrient deficiencies often manifest as foliage discoloration or distortion. The following chart outlines some possible problems. Unfortunately many problems have similar symptoms and sometimes it is a combination of problems. Be sure you eliminate the obvious before you kill your plants with kindness. Check first for signs of insects or disease.Foliage discoloration and stunted plants can easily be caused by soil that is too wet and drains poorly or soil that is too compacted for good root growth.Extreme cold or heat will slow plant growth and effect flowering and fruit set.Too much fertilizer can result in salt injury.

Plants require a mix of nutrients to remain healthy. There are a handful of additional nutrients that are required for plant growth, but in much smaller quantities. Plant Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms. How to Make Rooting Hormone with Willow - Attainable Sustainable. By Chris Dalziel, contributing writer You probably know that willow bark was the basis for the common over-the-counter drug, Aspirin™ or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA).

How to Make Rooting Hormone with Willow - Attainable Sustainable

Young willow twigs contain both salicylic acid, which serves as an antifungal, and indolebutyric acid, a hormone which encourages rooting. Commercial rooting hormone contains Indole-3-butyric acid, a concentrated synthetic version of this naturally occurring rooting hormone, as well as a chemical fungicide. But if you are avoiding chemicals in your organic garden, willow is a powerful substitute. Soils by Geoff Lawton. Study finds fungi, not plant matter, responsible for most carbon sequestration in northern forests. ( —A new study undertaken by a diverse group of scientists in Sweden has found that contrary to popular belief, most of the carbon that is sequestered in northern boreal forests comes about due to fungi that live on and in tree roots, rather than via dead needles, moss and leaf matter.

Study finds fungi, not plant matter, responsible for most carbon sequestration in northern forests

In their paper published in the journal Science, the team describes their findings after taking soil samples from 30 islands in two lakes in northern Sweden. Scientists have known for quite some time that northern forests sequester a lot of carbon—they pull in carbon dioxide after all, and "breath" out oxygen. Perennial Vegetables to Plant Once and Enjoy For Years To Come!!! Perennial vegetables—crops that you plant just once and harvest year after year—are relatively rare in North American gardens.

Perennial Vegetables to Plant Once and Enjoy For Years To Come!!!

With the exception of asparagus, rhubarb and artichokes, most gardeners are probably unaware of the tasty, extremely low-maintenance bounty that can be harvested when many annual crops aren’t available. A Brief History of Perennial Crops According to Perennial Vegetables by Eric Toensmeier, most North American gardening and farming traditions come from Europe, where there are very few perennial crops except fruits and nuts. Cold and temperate Eurasian agriculture centered around livestock, annual grains and legumes, and early European settlers to North America simply brought their seeds and their cultivation methods with them, including draft animals for plowing up the soil every year. Tony Lovell: Soil Carbon. Allan Savory’s TED talk is wrong, and the benefits of holistic grazing have been debunked. Photo by Vyacheslav Oseledko/AFP/Getty Images When Allan Savory finished his TED talk early last month, foodies worldwide collectively salivated.

Allan Savory’s TED talk is wrong, and the benefits of holistic grazing have been debunked.

In roughly 22 minutes, Savory, a biologist and former member of the Rhodesian Parliament, challenged the conventional wisdom blaming livestock for the degradation of global grasslands into hardpan deserts. It has long been a basic tenet of environmentalism that 10,000 years of overgrazing has caused this desertification. Environmentalists insist that to restore degraded landscapes, we must reduce the presence of cattle, eat less meat, and allow ecosystems to repair themselves.

Savory, who admits that he’s suggesting “the unthinkable,” wants humans to do the exact opposite: Add cattle to the deserts, manage them with obsessive precision, and eat more meat. Allan Savory: How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change. How to Design Your Perennial Farm and Your Life - Insights from Mark Shepard - Permaculture Apprentice.

Regrarian Handbook. *1. CLIMATE CHAPTER’ eHANDBOOK (77 pages) available NOW for only AUD$5!! *ON SALE as a FULL HARDCOPY late-2015!! The ‘Regrarians Handbook’ is a succinct & sequential outline of over 300 integrated methodologies and techniques that have been proven over many years of universal application to work towards regenerating human & livestock’s lives along with production landscapes. It does so in a wholly practical, positive & pragmatic fashion, promising to be a relatively ageless tome that generations of users will refer to as they negotiate the design, development & management of systems they operate.

Darren has joined forces with ‘Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual‘ (1988) Designer, Illustrator & Editor Andrew Jeeves in what promises to be the production of an ‘instant classic’. David Holmgren Interview on Permaculture, Energy Descent & Future Scenarios. David Holmgren Interview (Part 1 of 3) Dirt! The Movie (FULL) Symphony of the Soil. International Biochar Initiative. Biochar Workshop Part 1, How to Make Biochar. Biochar. Biochar created through the pyrolysis process. History[edit] Tree Disease identification, symptoms, treatment options for tree diseases. There are many different diseases that affect landscape trees and shrubs. Control of tree and shrub diseases cannot be properly accomplished until the disease pest is identified.

Identification of tree and shrub diseases is crucial because, although most diseases can be controlled, there are some diseases that cannot be controlled. Disease control on landscape trees and shrubs can sometimes be accomplished by more than one method, depending on the particular disease that if infecting your landscape plants. Tree Encyclopedia. Trees have three principle features that distinguish them from all other plants. First, they have a woody stem, roots and branches which do not die back in winter, but continue to grow year after year. From the moment of its germination, a tree remains visible; from the tallest Sequoia to the smallest garden fruit tree, this principle of growth remains constant. Trees live longer than any other organism on earth. Trees commonly live more than 1,000 years, and many grow considerably older.

The Green Cone is a backyard solar digester that reduces 90% of food waste. This ingenious digester/composter, made in Ontario, is the simple, natural way to divert food waste from landfills. How to make an INEXPENSIVE HOE for EFFICIENT WEEDING, 'Recycle Strap Hoe'. Weeds beware ! Dirt! The Movie. Permies: a big crowd of permaculture goofballs. When to Plant App. When to Plant App The When to Plant app is available now for $1.99!

Knowing the best times to start seeds, direct sow and transplant garden crops is key to growing a successful garden. Our When to Plant app — recommended in Wired magazine's App Guide as a Top Pick for gardening apps — gives you the best planting times for vegetables, herbs, fruit, cover crops and common companion planting flowers. By using your ZIP code and a database of almost 5,000 weather stations across North America, the When to Plant app locates average frost dates for your garden from the nearest station, and calculates the best range of planting dates for each crop.

Ollas: Unglazed Clay Pots for Garden Irrigation. The New Automatic Olla Watering System Where Your Plants Water Themselves 24/7. 10 Easy DIY Free Greenhouse Plans. Gardening is a relaxing and rewarding hobby. If you are a person who seeks to be independent, a garden can help you achieve that. My Life My Trees E-Book - Richard St Barbe Baker. Drill-powered Microfarming: Slow Tools for Humanity - Milkwood. Sun Hive Book. How the round, bee-friendly Sun Hive may help save the bees (Video)

There's ongoing debate in the backyard beekeeping community about which type of hive offers the best balance between what the bees need and honey production. Grow plants from your groceries, like ginger root and pineapple! How to Grow an Endless Supply of Garlic Indoors. Other than being one of the healthiest food out there, garlic is also easy to be grown indoors. 10 Incredible Uses for Epsom Salt in the Garden.

A Best-Practices Guide to Growing Tomatoes: Tomato Basics. Attention to the basic needs of tomatoes goes a long way toward keeping them healthy and productive. DIY $2 self-watering garden bed - Grow produce easily, even in the toughest drought conditions - Recycling animal and human dung is the key to sustainable farming. Bill Mollison Permaculture Lecture Series On-Line. How to make a bamboo polytunnel. Advancing Eco-Agriculture. Soils. EcoGEM Gypsum and how it corrects aluminum toxicity in the subsoil - EcoGEM. Soil Aluminum and Test Interpretation. How To Pick Apples The Correct Way. Natural Beekeeping: Tips for catching a swarm. Free Permaculture Design Course Videos. How to Grow Perennial Vegetables. Opentree3.0:1 - opentree. First comprehensive Tree of Life illustrates relationships between 2.3 million species. How to: create a Planting Calendar, Allsun style. Making a DIY Bathtub Aquaponics System - Milkwood.

How to make Best Ever Seed Raising Mix. Seedballs: from Fukuoka to Green Guerillas. Making: Seed Balls: for getting things growing in unlikely places. Podcast 007: Discussion with Larry Korn About Masanobu Fukuoka (permaculture podcast forum at permies) Tree Crops - J. Russell Smith. Researching: Dovecotes as wild nutrient collectors - Milkwood - Courses + Skills for Real LifeMilkwood – Courses + Skills for Real Life. Free Wild Plant Identification eCourse. Soil Minerals Home: organic garden soil minerals, trace minerals, fertilizers and soil testing for gardens, landscapes, and sustainable agriculture.

Garden Pool. Permaculture. RESTORATION SEEDS - dandelion & chicory. The Soil Solution to Climate Change Film. Perennialsolutions - perennial grains co-creation possibilities. Growing and Marketing Ginseng, Goldenseal and other Woodland Medicinals. Nut Trees Walnuts, hardy Pecan, Butternuts, Hickory, Heartnuts, Ginko, Buartnut. Tea Plant - Green Tea Plant. Perennial Vegetables by Eric Toensmeier. How to Prune an Apple Tree, a guide for real people with imperfect trees. Horizon Herbs Chinese Licorice. The Pawpaw: A Southern Delicacy - Of Mice and Mountain Men Blog. 22 trees that can be tapped for sap and syrup. Winter Care of Your Fruit Trees — Seed Savers Exchange. A Practical Guide for Permaculturists Living Free.


6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th acre - Urban Farm - Urban Homestead - Growing Your Own Food.