Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources. The Museum of Ethnography : Free Texts. The North American Indian Orpheus tradition: a contribution to comparative religion Utgåva 2 av Monograph series Utgåva 2 av Ethnographical Museum of Swedem Monograph ; No. 2 The North American Indian Orpheus Tradition: A Contribution to Comparative Religion, Åke Hultkrantz Författare Åke Hultkrantz Utgivare Ethnographical Museum of Sweden, 1957 Topics: Etnografiska museet, Nordamerika, North America, Religion Register över plåtar och fotografier från Sven Hedins forskningsresor i Asien åren 1893-1897, 1899-1902, 1905-1908.
Topic: Sven Hedin. Hans Christian Andersen: Fairy Tales and Stories. Sacred Sites at Sacred Destinations - Explore sacred sites, religious sites, sacred places. World Cultures. Where to Study Folklore - American Folklore Society. Folklorists teach, carry out research, and provide community service at many universities in the US, Canada, and abroad.
They teach undergraduate and graduate courses on all kinds on folklore, from introductory classes to specialized seminars; carry out library and field research in all areas of folklore throughout the world; organize and archive their own and others' documentary materials; deliver lectures and talks both on and off campus; publish papers, articles, and books to communicate what they have learned about folklore; and work (again, both on and off campus) to support their field. A number of universities have folklore departments, programs, or centers that offer coursework in folklore leading to PhD or MA degrees, or BA-level majors or minors. Since many faculty and students at these programs do fieldwork in the regions where their university is located, these programs can also be good sources for information about local folk traditions. Cape Breton University. Sumerian Sky Map of Nineveh. Archaic Christianity. Mythology, folklore, and religion.
Navajo Sacred Mountains. Mount Blanca, near the town of Alamosa, in southern Colorado.
This is known to the Navajo as the Sacred Mountain of the East. Mount Blanca, the tallest mountain in the Sangre de Cristos, in San Luis Valley, in southern Colorado, rises 14,317 feet at the center of a towering trio. Mount Taylor, New Mexico. This is known to the Navajo as the Sacred Mountain of the South. San Francisco Peak, Arizona. Another picture of San Francisco Peak. Mount Hesperus, La Plata Mountains, Colorado.
Dzil Ná'oodilii (Holy People (Navajo Deities) Encircling Mountain), in northwest New Mexico is about 50 miles west of Gobernador Knob. Native & American Indian News, Culture, Music, Art and More - Indian Country Today Media African People and Culture -Tribes. African People & Culture Introduction | African Tribes | Art & Craft | Music & Dance | African Weddings | African Festivals & Events | African Cooking and Recipes | People & Culture Books | People and Culture Posters | People & Culture Photographs | African Language Books | There are many different people groups and tribes across the continent of Africa - with their culture varying from tribe to tribe.
We have included only a few on this page and will be adding to the list regularly. Click the title for detailed sections... Afar. NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE. Updated 3 -23-14 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR INFORMATION ON A PARTICULAR TRIBE AND YOU DON'T SEE IT HERE, E-MAIL AND I WILL ADD IT TO THE DATABASENOTE TO STUDENTS: DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE I CAN'T RESPOND THAT QUICKLY!
The American Indian Prayer for Peace - Cheyenne Let us know peace - For as long as the moon shall rise; Let us know peace - For as long as the rivers shall flow; Let us know peace - For as long as the sun shall shine; Let us know peace - For as long as the grass shall grow. Tribes by Region Top. Native American Cultures - Native Nations. TribalSite - traditional tribal cultures, ethnographic art, and alternative natural remedies. Columbines School of Botanical Studies. Course of Study The foundation of our program is established by our 1st Year Apprenticeship Program which paves the way for our 2nd Year Apprenticeship Program for those individuals wanting to extend their botanical, wildcrafting and herbalism education.
A Third Year Clinical Internship is available to qualified students. Each year of coursework is comprised of a field program and a lecture series. The field trips are the backbone of our educational curriculum. Trees for Life - Mythology and Folklore of the Hazel. The Celts equated hazelnuts with concentrated wisdom and poetic inspiration, as is suggested by the similarity between the Gaelic word for these nuts, cno, and the word for wisdom, cnocach.
There are several variations on an ancient tale that nine hazel trees grew around a sacred pool, dropping nuts into the water to be eaten by some salmon (a fish revered by Druids) which thereby absorbed the wisdom. The number of bright spots on the salmon were said to indicate how many nuts they had eaten. In an Irish variation of this legend, one salmon was the recipient of all these magical nuts. A Druid master, in his bid to become all-knowing, caught the salmon and instructed his pupil to cook the fish but not to eat any of it. However in the process, hot juice from the cooking fish spattered onto the apprentice's thumb, which he instinctively thrust into his mouth to cool, thereby imbibing the fish's wisdom.
The Gaelic word for hazel is Coll. Erowid. Jungian archetypes. Archetypes are universal archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious According to Jungian approach of psychology, some highly developed elements of the collective unconscious are called "archetypes".
Carl Jung developed an understanding of archetypes as universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious and are the psychic counterpart of instinct [1] They are autonomous and hidden forms which are transformed once they enter consciousness and are given particular expression by individuals and their cultures. Being unconscious, the existence of archetypes can only be deduced indirectly by examining behavior, images, art, myths, religions, or dreams. They are inherited potentials which are actualized when they enter consciousness as images or manifest in behavior on interaction with the outside world.[2] Introduction[edit] Jung's idea of archetypes were based in part on Plato's Forms Early development[edit] Later development[edit] We travel. The world changes. All things become new. Native American Home Pages. And home of the American Indian Library Association Web Page Last update - September 16, 2008 Maintained by Lisa Mitten. This site has been visited by people since September 12, 1995. WELCOME to my page of Native American Sites on the WWW. Native American Cultures - Main Page. Archaeology and folklore. Folklore, Vol. 59, No. 2 (Jun., 1948), pp. 69-74.
Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention : Fieldwork with Maya-Pocomam craftswomen of Chinautla, Guatemala 07 April 2014 – Guatemala and the Dominican Republic benefitted in March from intensive training in drawing up inventories of intangible cultural heritage with the participation of the communities that practise and experience it.
The Guatemala training focussed on the traditional knowledge of ceramic crafts practised by indigenous Maya-Pocomam women in the town of Chinautla, 10 km from Guatemala City, and the Dominican Republic activities highlighted the improvised couplet songs of the Chuineros, the rural villagers … ››› Annotated Fairy Tales, Fairy Tale Books and Illustrations. Folktexts: A library of folktales, folklore, fairy tales, and mythology, page 1. Page 1 edited and/or translated by D.
L. Ashliman University of Pittsburgh © 1996-2020 Return to: Abducted by Aliens. Bald Stories: Folktales about Hairless Men. Cain and Abel. Dancing in Thorns. Native American Life - Love of Nature and Strength of Spirit. Native American life is different today than it was centuries ago, but there is still a great degree of pride and independence in Native American life. by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance.