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DIY Jewelry Tutorial: How to Make a Necklace with a Skeleton Key and Beads. I love repurposing unexpected items into beautiful jewelry pieces.

DIY Jewelry Tutorial: How to Make a Necklace with a Skeleton Key and Beads

When I found that my Dad had a bunch of old skeleton keys, I couldn't wait to find a way to use them to make something new. A recycled skeleton key can become the perfect centerpiece to hang combinations of beads and trinkets to create a uniquely stunning necklace. This is a surprisingly easy project if you are familiar with using pliers and jewelry making supplies. Although I used an old skeleton key, you can buy new decorative keys at most craft stores and online. Framed pearl bracelet. Shape wire links around elegant coin pearls by Billie Hackett The links for this bracelet started out as earrings.

Framed pearl bracelet

I was making a batch of them, set them all down in a line, and had an “Aha!” Moment. You never know when inspiration will hit. STEP 1 bracelet • For each wire frame: Cut a 2⅝–2⅞-in. (6.7–7.3 cm) piece of 16-gauge wire (see “Size it up,” above). STEP 2Using a ring mandrel, the smallest jaw of large looping pliers, or a cylindrical object that is 2–3 mm larger than your coin pearl, bend the wire until the loops touch, forming a circle. STEP 3On a bench block, gently hammer the frame on both sides.

STEP 4 Cut seven to nine 6-in. (15 cm) pieces of 24-gauge wire (see "How to achieve an antiqued patina," below). STEP 5String the coin pearl and wrap the wire around the opposite side of the frame. STEP 6Open two 4 mm jump rings (see Basics) and use them to attach each loop of a pearl unit to the top of a second pearl unit. STEP 5Cut a 3-in. (7.6 cm) piece of 24-gauge wire. Gallery. Wooly Wire Wrapped Beads. I had seen Wooly Wire in jewelry designs for so long but didn't know what I was missing until I met the creator Nellie Thomas at BeadFest this year.

Wooly Wire Wrapped Beads

Nellie explained her process begins with preparing and dyeing each batch of wool. It's quite a process that she shared on the Wooly Wire Etc. blog here. I love wool, roving, felting, fibers so these magical strands certainly called to me at the show. Single-Strand Necklace with Snowflake Obsidian Gemstone Beads and SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS. I wanted to create something that a guy could wear when he's dressed up and out on the town.

Single-Strand Necklace with Snowflake Obsidian Gemstone Beads and SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS

Dress up your guy this holiday season with this hot skull necklace. My inspiration for this necklace was one of my favorite Christmas movies, "Scrooged" with Bill Murray. I've seen this movie over and over since 1988 and still laugh like I did when I first saw it. If you watch the elevator scene you'll see my inspiration for this piece. It's amazing from what and where we designers get our inspirations. Step 1 Using flush-cutters, cut one 19-inch length of 14-gauge black Accu-Flex® professional-quality beading wire. DIY Miniature Book Necklace, Anthropologie knock-off and why I stopped reading. » Debi's Design Diary. I walked into the kitchen telling myself that this time I might break her down, I handed the order form to my mom trying to act casual, as if checking off 12 boxes on the page was perfectly acceptable .

DIY Miniature Book Necklace, Anthropologie knock-off and why I stopped reading. » Debi's Design Diary

She scanned my second grade penmanship and said,”Debi, just two…” “but Mom!!!!” “Debi, space them out you can get two more next month” “please Mom… two is not enough, I really need to have ALL of these, and a month takes forever! All the other kids get to order a bunch of books! My argument never worked, two books a month from the scholastic reading program is what our family budget allowed but at seven years old I didn’t understand budgets or restraint, I just wanted to read as many of the shiny colorful books in the catalog as possible.

Three cord statement necklace. A secret to make a piece of jewelry more interesting is to mix different textures and that 's what I did for this statement necklace.

Three cord statement necklace

I used two kinds of silk cord and one chenille cord, 1 meter each. I combined them with gold plated beads. I passed the grey blue braided silk cord through four gold plated barrel beads . I then passed the black silk cord and the chenille red cord together through the thinner gold plated beads. DIY Cameo Necklaces (made with Shrinky Dinks!) - Our Nerd Home. You won’t see that many jewelry DIY’s here (not really our specialty), but we thought this was a pretty fun and easy holiday geek gift idea.

DIY Cameo Necklaces (made with Shrinky Dinks!) - Our Nerd Home

DIY Shrinky Dink cameo necklaces. Remember a couple of weeks ago when we posted this DIY Shrinky Dink necklace tutorial from Wrapped Up In Rainbows? At the time I was just going to make the same style necklace, but as Legend of Zelda rupees. 14 Days of Love- Sweet Vintage Spool Necklaces. Hello! Welcome to day nine of my 14 Days of Love special! Today I have a sweet jewelry diy for you all, vintage thread spool necklaces. These little necklaces are simple to make and are really sweet. You can find vintage thread spools on Ebay and Etsy’s wonderful vintage shops.

They come in various sizes. How to Make a Spider Web Necklace. If you are in need of a super fun and striking accent to your upcoming Halloween costume, I think this spider web necklace might be right up your alley (hopefully it's not a creepy nighttime alley).

How to Make a Spider Web Necklace

All it takes is three things to make this spider web necklace...what's easier than that? Watch the video below and I show you step by step how to make it! What you need: – Freezer paper. {Tutorial} Bold Cabochon Necklace From Martha Stewart Jewelry. Anthro Cameo Collage Necklace Knockoff. There is a super cool announcement at the end of the post but don’t scroll down and miss the post.

Anthro Cameo Collage Necklace Knockoff

Read through and then get all excited. Or you can scroll down and get all excited and then scroll back up and read this tutorial. Either way works for me. ;) Stoned Love: DIY Agate Necklace. Fall is a time to crave things that are sumptuous, rich, and sometimes a little louche.

Stoned Love: DIY Agate Necklace

That must explain why I'm suddenly hungry for leopard print (say what? Me??) And saturated colors. Stone agate jewelry fits the bill perfectly, with its jewel tones and a look of natural opulence. DIY Mixed Midori Ribbon and Bead Necklace. Before you start wrapping up gifts in pretty ribbon for the upcoming season, why not wrap up something special for yourself?