Tattoos by Peter Aurisch. I personally don’t have any tattoos but feel with near certainty that if I ever get one it will involve the added price of a plane ticket to Berlin to visit artist Peter Aurisch (nsfw).
Using a lovely mix of geometric lines that mix with bold colors and assorted lifeforms, his work is so unlike anything I’ve ever seen in a tattoo. You can see much more recent work on his Facebook page (also slightly nsfw). (via visual news, blog nova central) Kyotaro Exhibition Tokyo. Showing a unique amount of patience, the featured artworks in the Kyotaro exhibition are simply amazing.
Combining the simplest medium, that being a pencil and a surface, all of the pieces showcase extraordinary attention to detail, especially with delicate line drawing and precise shading done completely by one instrument. Ranging in sizes, most are larger pieces covering white walls to show every aspect and detail of each work. John Kenn Mortensen's Sticky Monsters - in pictures.
Drawing Instillations. Kris Kuksi. Joe Fenton. Pat Perry. MARK POWEL-ENVELOPE DRAWINGS. TONY ORRICO.