How to Get Your Best Grades in College - Sara Laughed. Environmental Science |
Crucial. Articles. SRJC. UC Davis. Santa Rosa Junior College Libraries | Featured E-Books. Summer 2014 Internships/Edu Work. 10 Most Commonly Misused Words. Think you’re the best writer or speaker in the world? After viewing this infographic of the 10 most commonly misused words, you may want to think again. Even though we learn how to spell and use words in properly in grade school, this information is often forgotten once we get older. Even worse, because we hear everyone else using a word a certain way, we tend to follow suit and do the same thing. For instance, how many times have you called something a “travesty” when referring to a tragedy or unfortunate event? How about the word “ironic” or irony? Another biggie is the word “conversate.” 10 Most Commonly Misused Words | Advanced Marketing Strategies.
Writing No-Nos: Would Your Professor Really Want to Read That? Since before anyone can really remember, writing has been prevalent. Humans rely on writing. Webster defines “writing” as, ”the way that you use written words to express your ideas or opinions.” Have you read a paper that started off like that–or, have you written one like that?
Chances are good, especially if you haven’t had the opportunity to take an introductory writing course in college. Unfortunately, the introduction above includes virtually nothing a professor wants to see. How do I know? Using qualifiers like “very”: use stronger words and avoid using “very.” In addition to the list above, there is also a list of specific phrases your professor doesn’t want to see, you can check those out here. Was this helpful? The Freelancers Guide to Staying Organized. This post comes from our Australia contributor, Miann Scanlan. Follow along with her on Instagram @freepeopleaustralia! I’ve always been a pretty organized person. Sometimes I even dance the fine line between organized vs. obsessive — to the point where I can’t sleep if my room isn’t clean, or I generally feel as if my world is crashing down around me if there’s clutter in my apartment.
But even with my books that are laden with colored tabs and notes, my color-coordinated closet (with matching wooden hangers), and a paper filing system that works with both color and the alphabet, I still had much to learn about being organized when I made the change to the freelance life. For years I told myself (and others) that I could never work for myself. Being your own boss comes with many freedoms. As I continue on my journey, from blogger, to freelancer, to new business owner and now working with Free People over here in Australia, here are a few of my tricks of the trade to stay organized: Share. College Reviews by Students for Students - College Prowler.
How to Get Organized for the New Semester. The year 2015 is here, and for most of you, this month marks the beginning of a brand new semester of college! Whether it’s the last semester of your senior year, the second semester of your freshman year, or anywhere in-between, getting (and staying) organized is extremely important and helpful. For some of you, organization may come naturally and feel like second nature. I, for one, am practically obsessed with putting and keeping things in their place (I even have a Pinterest board devoted to organization titled “Therapy”; I may, in fact, be insane).
For others, however, it takes real effort and self-discipline to keep things neat and tidy all semester long. As a recent college graduate, I’ve definitely done my fair share of experimenting with different techniques for staying put-together over the years, and I hope that the following tips and tricks help you have a more successful, organized, and stress-free semester! 1. Multiple Subject Notebooks with Dividers 2. Product Info: 1. 3.