6 PhD Productivity Tips To Have (And Manage) A Social Life. What do examiners really want - Google Slides. 5 things to do in your first week. Last week Lucinda posted this question on my Facebook wall “I’m planning on starting my PhD on 5th March.
Do you have any tips on what I should be doing before starting and what do I expect when I start?” It’s a good blog topic. In fact, I was a bit surprised to find I hadn’t written about it yet. That first couple of weeks of study can be confusing. It does help if you start out with a checklist of sorts. 1) Get thee to Facebook (even if you hate it) In a recent study of research students we did at RMIT we found that students who were more socially connected to others were better at solving problems with their candidature, so there is a clear incentive to get to know people. The most obvious place to start the search is with your supervisor. I found that Facebook came to my rescue here. 2) Make friends with administrators Find out the names of the people responsible for taking care of students in your department, in particular the administrators.
Librarians are multi-talented people. Leadership Development Should Focus on Experiments. Leadership development represents a huge and growing investment for most organizations.
Industry research, for example, shows that companies spent more than $24 billion on leadership and management training worldwide in 2013, an increase of 15% from 2012. The question is whether companies will get a worthwhile return on this investment. In past years leadership development has always been treated as a discretionary expense or even a luxury, and therefore something that could be pared down or eliminated in hard economic times. Underlying this notion was the lack of tangible results that could be attributed to management training. Without real results, leadership development becomes at best a leap of faith, and at worst a waste of time and money. At the beginning of each program, participants identified a challenging and complex problem in their business or function (e.g., product pricing, operational efficiency, customer service, etc.).
Professor R Lord. Robert G.
Lord was a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Akron where he held a position for 38 years prior to joining the Durham Business School. He received his PhD from Carnegie-MellonUniversity in 1975. He has published more than 125 journal articles and book chapters in leading I/O, psychology, and management sources. His research focuses on motivation and self-regulation, leadership perceptions and leadership skill development, information processing, ethical leadership behaviour, leader behaviour measurement, complexity leadership theory, and alternative perspectives on knowledge. He recently received the 2009 Leadership Quarterly distinguished scholar award for career contribution to the study of leadership and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Distinguished Scientific Contribution award for career contributions in 2012.
Dr Lord is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Sciences. What good bosses do differently. Feedback. How I use scrivener.pptx. Four Types of Employee Engagement. By Melissa J.
Anderson According to a new study, employee engagement measurement tools may not go deep enough to discover whether engagement is really translating to productivity or loyalty. The study of almost 1000 professionals in China, India, the Netherlands, and the UK, revealed four different types of employee engagement – and each engagement type yields different performance results.
The report, entitled “A study of the link between Performance Management and Employee Engagement in Western multinational corporations operating across India and China,” was written by Dr. Elaine Farndale, Assistant Professor, HR Studies Department, Tilburg University, The Netherlands; Prof. They noted, “Ultimately, it is important to know what type of engagement you are measuring, how you are communicating about the types of engagement you desire, and what action plans might help to create the necessary engagement to achieve firm performance.” What good bosses do differently. Executive Summary Job satisfaction is often directly related to the relationships we have with our bosses.
But how can managers help their employees have satisfying work experiences? Start by managing individuals, not teams, which means personalizing your interactions with individuals and being accessible for one-on-one conversations. Next, go big on meaning: inspire your employees with a vision, set challenging goals, and pump up their confidence so they believe they can win. You should also focus on feedback, using regular – at least weekly – conversations to give lots of coaching.
We all know that job satisfaction often hinges on the quality of the relationships we have with our bosses. Manage individuals, not teams. Dr. Go big on meaning. Legendary bosses like Bill Sanders in real estate, Julian Robertson in hedge funds, and Bill Walsh in professional football all communicated visions that entranced employees and left them hell-bent on success. How Company Culture Shapes Employee Motivation.