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What Is a Myth? Introducing the Genre. Step 1: Introduce this lesson with a read aloud of Verna Aardema's Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears.

What Is a Myth? Introducing the Genre

This is a familiar African tale that brings a multicultural perspective to the study of mythology. Step 2: Review the different types of literary genres and their characteristics. Ask students to classify Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears into a genre. Biography Lesson Plans and Lesson Ideas. Biography Lesson Plan: An Introduction to Biographies In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 1-5, students will use BrainPOP and/or BrainPOP Jr. resources to learn about biographies.

Biography Lesson Plans and Lesson Ideas

Students will then select a person whose biography they would like to read (or watch a short video about on BrainPOP). Finally, students will write their own biography on a selected person. This lesson plan is aligned to Common Core State Standards. Let it Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters Lesson Plan. Warm-up Activity Examine the illustration on the front cover.

Let it Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters Lesson Plan

What do you notice? Rosa Parks: How I Fought for Civil Rights. In 1955, city buses in Montgomery, Alabama, were segregated.

Rosa Parks: How I Fought for Civil Rights

Blacks had to sit in a separate section of the bus and give up their seat if a white person wanted it. One day, Rosa Parks refused to move because she was tired of being treated as a second-class citizen. “How I Fought for Civil Rights,” shares her story and how she inspired a generation to fight for civil rights. Harriet Tubman: A Lesson on Character and Bravery. Students should have basic knowledge of what slavery is and how the North and the South had extremely different views about slavery.

Harriet Tubman: A Lesson on Character and Bravery

Day 1: Introduction to Harriet Tubman Step 1: Open a class discussion by talking about the purpose of a railroad and a conductor. Story Starters: Creative Writing Prompts for Students. Ready to get students excited about writing?

Story Starters: Creative Writing Prompts for Students

Story Starters is a fun, interactive tool for computers and iPads that generates writing prompts that include direction on character, plot, and setting. Your students will love watching the Story Starters' wheels spin. Pandora's Box - Myths and Legends from E2BN. Keep kindness going primary lesson plan each kindness.

Adas Violin CG. Common Sense Media - Lesson Plans. Poetry Writing Lessons for Kids - Kenn Nesbitt's There are many different ways to write poems as well as lots of techniques you can learn to help you improve your writing skill.

Poetry Writing Lessons for Kids - Kenn Nesbitt's

Here are many of the poetry writing lessons for children that I have created to help you become a better poet, including how to write funny poetry, poetic rhythm, poetic forms and other styles of verse, as well as lesson plans for teachers and video lessons. How to Write Funny Poetry. Exploring the Mystery Genre Unit Plan. Culminating Activity: Meet the Detectives Event To conclude the mystery unit, invite parents to come to school for a special "Meet the Detectives" event.

Exploring the Mystery Genre Unit Plan

Students dress up as their favorite detective (or as a generic detective) and read the mystery they have written to their parents or other parents who visit. Arrange desks in a circle, and have students sit behind their desks and autograph detective pictures for the visitors. (Take pictures of each student with a detective hat, trench coach, and magnifying glass. Information Literacy. Scope & Sequence: Common Sense K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum.

Books used for my Library Lessons Weeks 1-9! - Elementary Library Mama. Books used for my Library Lessons Weeks 1-9!

Books used for my Library Lessons Weeks 1-9! - Elementary Library Mama

Elementary Library Mama 3:24 PM No Comments I am so grateful for the positive feedback for my first set of Library Lesson Plans! When I created these lessons, I wanted to use books that were tried and true for me as an elementary librarian as well titles that would be found in most libraries. Books used for my Library Lessons Weeks 1-9! - Elementary Library Mama. Books Used for My Library Lessons Weeks 10-18! - Elementary Library Mama. Books Used for My Library Lessons Weeks 10-18!

Books Used for My Library Lessons Weeks 10-18! - Elementary Library Mama

Elementary Library Mama 8:36 PM 1 comment I have now completed and released my second set of Library Lesson Plans! I'm excited to finally be able to share them with you! Here are the specific books that I use in my lesson plans for the Weeks 10-18. Understanding Common Core State Standards. Lesson Plan - Roles of Women: Story of An Hour. 1. Teachers ask students in their groups to turn and talk and make a list of some of the things that can make them feel caged in or restricted. Discuss if any of the things they listed would be something they could break free from (job, relationship, etc.) 2.