Ethnobotany. Cannabis Cultivarsity. New Health Concerns. Hemp. Cannabis Review. Cannabis Related Products. Is Hemp Farming the next Green Job growth industry. Though Obama has frequently spoken of the need for more "green jobs," he has failed to acknowledge the inherent environmental advantages associated with a curious plant called hemp.
One of the earliest domesticated crops, hemp is incredibly versatile and can be utilized for everything from food, clothing, rope, paper and plastic to even car parts. In an era of high unemployment, hemp could provide welcome relief to the states and help to spur the transition from antiquated and polluting manufacturing jobs to the new green economy. What is more, in lieu of our warming world and climate change, the need for environmentally sustainable industries like hemp has never been greater. Given all of these benefits, why have Obama and the political establishment chosen to remain silent? The explanation has to do with retrograde and backward beliefs which have been hindering environmental progress for a generation.
Could hemp help to bring back sorely needed employment in the American heartland? Welcome to the hemp archives on Welcome to our hemp archive!
In this section, we share some knowledge about this most sustainable of resources. Hemp is one of the most prolific renewable fibre plants on the planet. No other single plant resource can be put to as many different uses. Whilst oil has become the cheapest single fuel and feedstock to our frenzied western economic growth cycle in the last fifty years, the party can’t go on forever. Hemp Paper vs Tree Pulp Paper.
"Using a Hollander Beater [like the one pictured above], hemp paper was made that was stronger, with similar mass, absorbency, and thickness as commercial paper.
" -- Craig, Patrick, and Miller, Terry. “The Perfect Stationery: A Study of the Properties of Different Paper Materials.” (1998) Can hemp replace trees as a major source for paper? By Jeremy Briggs Worldwide consumption of wood products has risen 64% since 1961. Globally, pulp for paper, has risen from 40% in 1998, to an expected 60% over the next 50 years. The U.S. paper-producing companies are the 3rd largest energy consumer. The pulp and paper industry is the 3rd largest industrial polluter – 220 million pounds of toxic pollution into air and water each year.
Kenaf can produce 10 tons of dry fiber in 4-5 month growing time, which is approximately double the hemp yield, but it requires 90 days of frost-free weather to germinate, It grows slowly when temperatures are below 50 degrees. Liberate Cannabis Hemp 100% for California 2012 Jack Herer Marijuana Initiative. Hemp: Could the US rekindle its love affair? 25 November 2012Last updated at 19:09 ET By Jon Kelly BBC News Magazine, Washington DC Hemp, once a major US crop, has been banned for years because of its close association with cannabis.
But several states now want to resume hemp farming, and two states voted this month in favour of legalisation of cannabis. Could change be in the air? There's an all-American plant that weaves its way throughout the nation's history. How legalizing hemp would be a boon to humanity. (NaturalNews) Mike Adams recently interviewed Phil Moffett, who is running for governor of Kentucky.
Phil is proposing that Kentucky defy the federal government's ban on hemp. His focus is on industrial hemp, not medical marijuana, and he wants to return this cash crop to Kentucky's farmers. Fuel - Effect of harvest date on combustion related fuel properties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Energy crops can increase biomass availability for large-scale biomass-fired heat, power and CHP plants, which can contribute greatly to mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Industrial fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a potential high biomass and energy yielding crop intended for use as solid biofuel, but its fuel properties are insufficiently characterised. Hemp was grown in two independently planned field studies 900 km apart, in southern and northern Sweden.
Traveling biodiesel processor making home grown fuel. With fuel costs rising and our job market not looking so hot, we need to do everything we can to move away from petroleum based fuels. Japan: Hemp Car Tours. The group uses hemp [biodiesel] made from hemp seed oil, which was sponsored byNew-age Trading and the Industrial hemp Club of Japan. The idea for the tour came from the hemp Car Trans America in 2001 The car is touring through Japanユs 22 cities, frequenting environmental, traditional and hemp-legalization events. The Hemp car is followed by the ember from the Atomic bomb in Hiroshima the Peace Fire [KOKORO], with the aim of spreading the wish of peace.
For more information, please contact Vote Hemp: News: Press Releases. Hemp Biofuel. We've got a lot of problems in the world and hemp biofuel could fix a lot of them. Unfortunately, our politicians and corporations are colluding to keep hemp illegal. Hemp. Tacomahempfest.