Esoteric Endeavors. Symbolica. Symboldictionary.net. Esoterica. EsotericOs. Astrologikos. Futharken. Oracula. Oblique Strategies. Origin and history[edit] The entire story of Oblique Strategies, with the content of all the cards, exhaustive history and commentary, is documented in a website widely acknowledged as the authoritative source, put together by musician and educator Gregory Alan Taylor.[4] The text of Schmidt's "The Thoughts Behind the Thoughts" was published by Mindmade Books in 2012.
Design and use[edit] Each card contains a phrase or cryptic remark which can be used to break a deadlock or dilemma situation. Some are specific to music composition; others are more general. Use an old idea.State the problem in words as clearly as possible.Only one element of each kind.What would your closest friend do? Tarot cards, reviews, information and insight, at Illumination Tarot. Illumination Tarot - Reading for Others. Illumination Tarot - Original Spreads: Introduction. Mystic Dreamer Tarot. Wiccan Moonsong - Tarot Readings. Tarot and Oracle Card Reading Merry Meet :)) I have been working with the tarot for several years now.
The tarot is a divination method that can help to shed insight to the questions you have in your life. The main deck that I work with is the Mystic Dreamers tarot deck. It was the first tarot deck that I ever worked with and it still is my favorite. For your reading I want you to focus on the issue that you have at hand that you would like an answer to. The Tarot Garden Database. Your Source for Unusual, Hard-to-Find, and Rare Collectible Tarots! Tarot - Free Tarot Readings from Byzant.
FREE Tarot Readings. Free Tarot Readings. Free Tarot Readings. Tarot eCards Universal Tarot App. Tarot: Crowley Thoth Deck On-line Reading. Tarot Spread Tutorial : 3 Card Spread. What the Spread Reveals This is a very simple yet useful spread, that can have a wide range of meanings assigned to each of the three positions.
Two of these are presented here for your consideration. They include the top row of titles, which introduces a problem or decision focused approach, "Context - Focus - Outcome" and the bottom titles which introduce a timeline approach, of "Past - Present - Future. " To begin this spread, shuffle the cards carefully, spread them out in a long line in front of you, then allow your Higher Self to draw three cards from the deck. Each step should be done carefully and with calm focus. Problem Solving or Decision Making Approach. Tarot Spread. Peeling The Cosmic Onion – Tarot And Quantum Physics. From India Corespondent Divyaa Kummar… On such things as matter, we have all been wrong- what we called matter is energy whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses.
There is no matter… – Albert Einstein At this point I would like to include our more rational readers to join us, by adding a new perspective for you to view tarot through! Lets become aware that Quantum physics is also one of those bridges, reaching the same source, the same field where all information(touched upon in the introduction) lies And amazing as it may sound, the physicists are just discovering what tarot and other metaphysical systems have known all along! (This is why they have been called metaphysical. Every book of quantum physics outlines how we live in a vibrational universe, where everything you see, and don’t, is energy vibrating at different frequencies.
I want you to conjure this in your minds! And thus do we each create our own’ reality’. Be Sociable, Share! Tarot: a tribute in seven parts. By Sarah Taylor As of this week, I’m changing tack away from the mid-week tarot article to focus on other areas of my professional life.
I’ll still be writing the Weekend Tarot Readings. Planet Waves has been an amazing forum in which to write, hone my craft, and take part in a community that is both stimulating and supportive, and I don’t hesitate to recommend it to those I meet in my day-to-day and online life. If you’re thinking of becoming a member, consider this special membership offer here. Aces in Tarot - Tarot. In the Tarot, the Aces are equivalent to the number 1.
In numerology, the number one represents the very beginning of a cycle, potential and what is possible, but not yet developed. the Aces are also represented by the four seasons. When Aces appear in a spread it represents change, a natural flow or progress to a cycle of events. Knowing each of the Aces and the seasons they represent can give further depth and symbolic meaning to a reading.
In addition, they can also lend some insight into time frames. All Ace cards speak of a new era, goals, ambitions and growth. Innerstellarmedium. The innerstellarmedium is a place in cyberspace where we can meet face-to-face.Astrology + Tarot Readings via live video consultation with interactive graphics. Better than in-person, your tarot card spread + astrological chart come alive — from the comfort of your chosen environment without the hassle of yet another commute.
Your reading is [optionally] recorded. Replay + review your session later to absorb all of the fascinating details you may have missed. Wielding the sword of integrity: Justice and Adjustment. Editor’s Note: If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread.
This article tells you how to use the spread. You can visit Sarah’s website here. –efc By Sarah Taylor. Sagittarius in the Major Arcana - the Alchemical link! Let’s start our exploration of Sagittarius in the tarot with the Major Arcana.
In astrology, Sagittarius is the last of the three Fire signs that we encounter as we go around the zodiac – the first being Aries, the second Leo. It’s the mutable one – taking what’s been established in Scorpio and transforming it into something else. It combines fiery passion and creativity with the expansiveness and benevolence of Jupiter, its ruler, to give us the visionary, the explorer, the philosopher. The key word for me here is ‘transforming’ – that ability to take what we have and change it, to temper it... ah, you’ll see where I’m going with this now!
The tower tarot. Tarot Suit of Wands – Keen. Feeling creative?
The Tarot has an expression for your efforts. There are four suits in the Tarot deck. Swords represent ideas and communication, the cerebral plane. Cups represent our emotions. Pentacles appear in a reading to indicate our possessions, finances and everything we experience on the material plane. When a card from the suit of Wands appears in your reading, the chance to put it all together and create something special is upon you.
Some people make great paintings, others start their own companies, and your application of creativity may simply be cooking a good meal, finding a fashion style that complements your “look” or getting a few errands done with time to spare. The Tarot. Introduction Tarot cards are popular.
Amazon.com has over 12,000 books listed with 'Tarot' in the title, and there are hundreds of different deck designs. Fortune tellers using Tarot cards are popular and ubiquitous. Many authors claim the Tarot is a repository of ancient occult wisdom that originated in ancient Egypt. Other authors relate Tarot to Kabbalah - Amazon lists 140 books with 'Tarot' and 'Kabbalah' in the title, and there are many, many more that discuss the relationship in considerable detail.
Although Tarot cards are not a repository of ancient Egyptian or Kabbalistic occult lore, their true provenance is just as interesting. The Tarot pack is like a normal playing card deck, but contains an additional suit of cards as "trumps", in a manner similar to card games such as whist and bridge where one suit can be designated a "trump" suit. Tarot. Divinity, sacrifice, suspension. A reversal of values. The Hanged Man from the 1701-1715 classic “Tarot de Marseille” tarot deck of Jean Dodal. Odin hung upside down from the world-tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days to attain complete wisdom and knowledge.
Tarot Cards. Lenormand. Main Page - Tarotpedia. Tarot_notes [the libarynth] Parn:tarot_tutorial [the libarynth] A Tutorial by Paola Orlic and Claud Biemans Introduction Stories have a curious relationship with the future. In sci-fi and other speculative fiction genres, stories allow us to imagine whole worlds in near and far future. In games, we can play out possible futures in the first person. In fortune telling, stories guide us to identify with them, to find their connections to our own lives and to speculate about what the future would bring. The Tarot Garden Database. Discover Tarot. How to Choose a Tarot Deck... What's the deal with so many decks? Editor’s Note: If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread.
This article tells you how to use the spread. You can visit Sarah’s website here. –efc By Sarah Taylor. Perspectives On Tarot. Simply Deep Tarot Author: Chanel Bayless Artist: James Battersby Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 2012 ISBN #978-0-7643-3984-4.
Decca Haindl. Decca Thoth. The Pictorial Key to the Tarot. Preface[edit] It seems rather of necessity than predilection in the sense of apologia that I should put on record in the first place a plain statement of my personal position, as one who for many years of literary life has been, subject to his spiritual and other limitations, an exponent of the higher mystic schools. It will be thought that I am acting strangely in concerning myself at this day with what appears at first sight and simply a well-known method of fortune-telling.
Now, the opinions of Mr. Smith, even in the literary reviews, are of no importance unless they happen to agree with our own, but in order to sanctify this doctrine we must take care that our opinions, and the subjects out of which they arise, are concerned only with the highest. Yet it is just this which may seem doubtful, in the present instance, not only to Mr. Part I: The Veil and its Symbols[edit] Introduction and General[edit] Trumps Major: Otherwise, Greater Arcana (Class I)[edit] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Museo dei Tarocchi - Riola (Bologna) Italy. Tarot Talk: News, Reviews. Diary Dates and Decks. Oracula.