Ghost Dance - Chapter 1 - omphalos - Supernatural. Strangeness & Charm - Thursday's Child, Part 1. Previousdreams: the open sky (is mine tonight) [supernatural] - part 1. The open sky (is mine tonight)rated nc-17 - dean/castiel, dean/anna, becky/chuck, sam/ruby - supernatural ficAnd Cas wants to believe that this is the way it can be.note: 21,904 words (both parts) Today is the last day Castiel will ever have to look at Lisa Braeden. After today, he will never have to listen to her debate with herself over lilies or roses. He will never have to call her annoyingly Midwestern baker ever again. He will never hear the tell-tale noise of her wooden clogs on the cherry wood floors of his office and he will delete her from his phone and have his assistant take a memo and throw it away, every time she calls.
Because Lisa Braeden is the client from hell. She's nice enough, really. There's nothing on earth worse than a distraught and picky bride who's a heinous awful bitch - but as nice as Lisa is, Castiel can't help but thinking she might be punishment for all the terrible things he's done for the last thirty years. "Cas! " "Anything you want, I'll be able to do. Fic: Serpent and Staff (Dean/Castiel) And here's the big one! Title: Serpent and StaffRating: PGPairing: Dean/CastielSpoilers: General S5; through 5x08 specificallyLength: ~10,000 wordsSummary: One morning, Castiel wakes up in Jimmy Novak’s bed, in Jimmy Novak’s life.Notes: aesc and ebrooklynw are my heroes, as is siriaeve, who provided invaluable information about Facebook and Detroit. (Girl’s got range, yo.) Serpent and Staff He wakes up, and that’s his first clue that something is wrong.
For a second, Castiel feels himself wish— But no. Amelia Novak meets his gaze without fear or sadness on her face. Her hand reaches out and strokes with gentle familiarity down his cheek. So when Amelia’s smile fades at what she perceives as her husband’s agitation and she asks, “Jimmy? His voice—but it was never his voice, he must remember that—comes out sounding strange, strained and higher pitched. Amelia’s cool palm moves up to his forehead. “No.” “It’s six-thirty in the morning,” Amelia calls after him. He needs help. “The work line. Supernatural FanFiction Archive. Strangeness & Charm - Master List of Fic and Other Stuff! Three Short of a Pair. Enjoy and post comments if you know of any fics that I left out. :) Please let me know if: - any broken links - updates to WIPs - chapters of stories that don't crosslink and you'd like the links posted [My request fandom wide is for authors to post a cumulative word count with their awesome stories, it would make doing this a whole lot faster] Alphabetical by Dean's job *Ex: If Dean is a Student, it could be listed under a range of sub-types like: University Student, High School Student, etc.
A Ctrl-F search for is the easiest way to navigate the list. Sequel/backstory/companion pieces can be found just under the original entry. Updated On the Week of : SEPTEMBER 20 to SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 ★ New Entries [*] Dean and Castiel are still respectively a hunter and an angel based in canon-verse (amnesia, episode 4.17 alternate, reality shift, etc.) All 'Verses categories are based under the assumption that Dean and Castiel are still respectively a hunter and an angel Set The Fire To The Third Bar | izazov, A Dean/Cas Fic Review Blog. Anonymous asked: I don't know if you ever check this but oh my god I want a bodyswap fic I get these messages to my inbox, so I’ll always see them. I’ve been in a Sterek coma, so I haven’t been reading Dean/Cas since September 2012. I just somehow haven’t felt like it? But I do have some fics bookmarked to review so I should at the very least do that.
As for bodyswap, I know of very few. I read a ficlet once on tumblr for sure, but it’s been so long I wouldn’t know how to find it. Anybody got some ideas? Filed under deancas destiel deancastiel bodyswap Hey! Filed under DeanCas Destiel highschoolau submission Hi there! This sounds like The First Year by CloudyJenn. I’m probably wrong, but I feel like that’s it. Filed under deancas destiel submission dizabell Anonymous asked: Do you happen to know that Dean Smith/Meta! Ohmygod that exists? Please tell me someone can find this because I don’t know and I need it. Filed under deancas destiel supernatural Anyone else know any? My heart in your hands.