Disfruta de los cursos universitarios gratis. 2.13.-Comu.comple.Elia-Fernandez.pdf. Carlosrodriguez.pdf. Actas-congreso-aufop-2014-santander-v3. 2.13.-Comu.comple.Elia-Fernandez.pdf. 2.13.Presentacion.pdf. Redes sociales y aprendizaje cooperativo en un MOOC. Referencias bibliográficas.
MOOC for Development (MOOC4D) The Massive, Open Online Course (MOOC) is a recent development in tech-mediated learning.
MOOC, as a term, became widely popularized in early 2012 with the launch of online courses on large scale by well-known research universities in the USA. MOOCs were known prior to this, and were referred to as early as 2008, when the term was used to describe a large online course offered by the University of Manitoba in Canada.. COL too has offered online courses (on content for development for example) for very large numbers of learners using the WikiEducator platform during 2006-2008. There is serious interest in the developing world in assessing the value of MOOCs as a medium for expanding the reach of post-secondary education. Among the Commonwealth countries, the OU UK is leading the design and development of an advanced online platform called FutureLearn which will be used by a consortium of UK universities to offer MOOCs on topics of interest. Microsoft Word - MOOCs and Open Education.docx - MOOCs-and-Open-Education.pdf.
Los Mooc en la educación del futuro: la digitalización de la formación. Identificar los desafíos de los MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) que aún quedan por resolver: ofrecer una formación personalizada, mejorar el contacto entre profesores y alumnos, buscar formas de evaluación adecuadas, medir la asistencia, avalar el grado de cumplimiento mediante certificados… Explorar cómo las nuevas tecnologías pueden ofrecer soluciones: social media, big data, learning analytics, plataformas adaptativas, open content, tecnologías inmersivas… Reflexionar acerca de una tendencia que puede transformar los modelos que en general han permanecido estables durante el último siglo, permitiendo la entrada de nuevas prácticas pedagógicas, como aprendizaje mediante la exploración, la gamificación… Verificar si nos encontramos ante mucho más que herramientas de difusión masiva de contenidos, o un fenómeno con capacidades disruptivas… ¿Te interesa?
Pues no te pierdas el monográfico de Fundación Telefónica: Los Mooc en la educación del futuro: la digitalización de la formación ( ) MOOCs: Top 10 Sites for Free Education With Elite Universities. MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses.
Although there has been access to free online courses on the Internet for years, the quality and quantity of courses has changed. Access to free courses has allowed students to obtain a level of education that many only could dream of in the past. This has changed the face of education. In The New York Times article Instruction for Masses Knocked Down Campus Walls, author Tamar Lewin stated, “in the past few months hundreds of thousands of motivated students around the world who lack access to elite universities have been embracing them as a path toward sophisticated skills and high-paying jobs, without paying tuition or collecting a college degree.” Although MOOCs are the latest trend, not everyone agrees that schools should offer them.
There may also be some issues for students who lack motivation. For those who desire a free education and have the motivation, the following includes the: Top 10 Sites for Information about MOOCs: Remix, Remake, Curate - #iremixsci - Community - Google+ MOOCs from Top Universities. Introduction to Learning Technologies. Starts January 12, 2015 This short course will provide an introduction to how learning technologies may support student collaboration, reflection, creation, sharing, and other key elements of learning.
It will provide an opportunity for you to consider how learning technologies support your courses as well as your own professional development and research. The course will provide opportunities for practical experience in using several tools and provide ample time for discussion and debate about the challenges, opportunities, and potential impact technology may have on your teaching practice and your students’ learning. Blog Assignment. 10,000+ Open & Free Online Courses on OEDB.org.
What if you could have free access to countless classes on topics from A to Z, just by connecting to the internet?
OpenCourseWare makes that a reality by publishing high-quality college materials online. OpenCourseWare's free online college courses gained popularity after the Massachusetts Institute of Technology launched the program in 2002. MIT wanted to "enhance human learning worldwide by the availability of a web of knowledge. " They also thought that along with providing valuable free classes online, students would be better prepared for coursework in the actual classroom. Anyone can access OpenCourseWare online, whether they are a registered student or not. The following list can be used as a resource to find free online college courses to learn more about a desired topic or supplement your learning.
Popular Online Classes To view all online courses, please browse by subject below. Benefits of OpenCourseware First, and maybe most obviously, they are free. MOOCs: Top 10 Sites for Free Education With Elite Universities. Moocs Search. Learn Moodle. The MOOC experiment. University reflects on successes, challenges of online learning The past year-and-a-half has seen the University dive headfirst into the once-foreign frontier of online education, notably through its offering of more than a dozen massive open online courses, or MOOCs.
But whether MOOCs in their current form are any indication of what the future holds for higher education is still up for debate. At what cost? As of now, there is no direct monetary payoff for offering a MOOC, and producing the courses require huge investments in time. “I don’t know what will become of MOOCs, since by definition they involve no money and therefore have a weak business model,” Physics Prof. Bloomfield teaches an introductory physics course called “How Things Work,” one of the University’s first MOOC offerings and a student favorite for years before MOOCs were introduced. “I have really enjoyed creating and running my MOOC,” Bloomfield said. MOOCs at the University. What is a MOOC?