Make Watch-band Belts For Tyler & Barbie. Ever see watchbands on awesome markdowns, and wonder if there was something you could do with 'em ?
Or trade out one of yours, and you kinda hate to throw the old one out ? Make Your Own Velvet & Ribbon Belts. Another Back To School For Moms Week post.
Make your own easy velvet ribbon belts. I purchased enough velvet ribbon for my waist size, plus another five inches and two D-rings the same width as the ribbon. To treat the ends of ribbon so that they won't fray, carefully burn them with a match or lighter. The plastic in the ribbon melts leaving a hardened edge. Stitch the D-rings onto one end of the ribbon. ... because when you fasten the belt, the back of the ribbon will show. This is really inexpensive and let me customize my belt colors. DIY Doll Shoes & Boots. Use A Soda Straw Shoe Horn To Fit Tiny Doll Feet Into Shoes.
Hat & Purse Patterns for 1974-1975 European Suede 'N Fur ... Teen Dolls - Hats & Boots. Eyewear Tutorial. Here is how to make eyeglasses for your dolls at home.
Easy, cheap, perfect fit and any design you want. First, cut strips of old doll box plastic for material. I draw took some measurements of my dolls head and drew lines to help me get the strips perfect sized. Hold the strip over the doll for sketching and design. Draw the design on the strip. Measure the length temples so that the frames will rest well on the node and ears.
Now you have the simple sketch of the frame. Now to paint the frames. Pick a colour for the rims, more detail the better. Now take a pair of sharp scissors and cut out the frames but leave the lenses. I added metal paint to the temples and I'm testing if the size is ok. Now for the final touch: bending them into shape.
Doll Mats, Sleeping Bags & Blankets. Mini Corset Tutorial. Fabulous Miniature Doll Artist Anna Hardman and graciously lets us publish her corset tutorial on our Blog.
Thnx Anna! You can see more of her fabulous figures on her website AnnaHardmanDolls.comThe CorsetI have created a miniature hourglass corset to share with you today. Animated Lessons In Bead Crochet. Mini Tailor's Ham & Sleeve Roll - Sewing Pattern. Sew A Barbie Apron: A Half Circle Apron Sewing Tutorial For 11-1/2" Fashion Dolls. I love aprons - even itty bitty Barbie(tm) ones.
Sew A Barbie Apron, Oven Mitt & Chef Hat. Sewing Barbie doll clothes is something I did for years and years and years and---well, you get the picture.
I began selling my creations as a young teen and my little part-time business continued for another fifteen years or so. Over the years I learned a lot about sewing tiny fashions. Recently I shared some of my knowledge over at with a three part series on sewing Barbie clothes. Barbie Easy 5 Minute Chef's Hat & Apron. This one's near and dear to my heart folks!
Barbie likes to spend time in the kitchen too... So let's whip up a super simple 5 Minute Chef's Hat and Apron! I've had a little ruffle remnant for years, it's about 2 1/2" wide and was perfect for this quick project! The neat thing about this ruffle is, it really doesn't fray. It also comes in other colors so that could be fun too. Barbie Accessories - Bags, Hats, Tights, Etc. Barbie skirt swimsuit My daughter asked me to sew this second swimsuit, she wanted a skirt attached to the bottom.
I slightly changed the top of the swimsuit, so it won’t be exactly the same as the other swimsuit. Now you can make your own combination, and your dollies will be ready for summer fun. Happy sewing ! Continue reading. Make A Child-Sized Doll Sling. Yesterday I was in one of those hip baby boutiques, and these doll carriers were thirty-four dollars!
I stood in the store for 20 minutes, handling it and eyeballing it, until (lightbulb!) - I figured out how to make it. $34.00 saved. Supplies: Doll-sized sling: cut one piece of fabric 20" by 8" Child-sized sling: cut one piece of fabric 42" by 16" Two D-rings of any size (optional - you could skip this step and just sew the ends closed) Edge all four edges of the fabric by folding over twice and stitching in place. Pleat both ends to appx. the width of your D rings and stitch to hold the pleats in place.
Make A Mini Padded Hanger. Acsesorys. Bear Skin Rug For Barbie - Crochet. Looks like Barbie headed to the ski lodge for a little after holiday relaxation-lucky girl.
I found this silly yarn in the $1 bin at AC Moore a while ago. While it doesn't really look like fur (it's more of a chenille) for some reason crocheting a Bear Skin Rug for Barbie was the first thing that popped into my mind, so that's what I made:@ I thought it turned out neat:@) A close up of the yarn. The pictures with the doll are closer to the true colors. I'll provide some general directions, but I just winged this folks. Notes: You can use an H or I hook. Bear Skin Rug for Barbie BODY:Ch 8DC in second hole from hook and all the way across, 3 DC in last hole.DC, 2DC every other hole down the other side (you just want it to lay flat), 3 DC in last hole.Continue to alternate DC, 2DC in the round, with 2DC all around the curve of the ends, until you make it as big as you'd like it for the body.
Happy Mardi Gras! What do you do when the sleek and sophisticated knit Barbie sweater you envisioned turns out looking more like a clown costume??? Use it for Mardi Gras of course! All Barbie needed was a mask, (well, that and a drink but I'm still looking for little wine glasses:@) Enjoy the festivities this year folks, but Earl sends his little reminder...
What happens at Mardi Gras... Doesn't always stay at Mardi Gras!