Autism Reveals Social Roots of Language. L'art de la communication. Reading Body Language: Sitting Positions. Apprendre. Psychology. Flow (psychologie) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Pour les articles homonymes, voir Flow. Le flow, littéralement le flux en anglais, est l'état mental atteint par une personne lorsqu'elle est complètement immergée dans ce qu'elle fait, dans un état maximal de concentration. Cette personne éprouve alors un sentiment d'engagement total et de réussite. Ce concept, élaboré par le psychologue Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a été repris dans des domaines variés et nombreux, du sport à la spiritualité en passant par l'éducation et la séduction[1]. The Distracted Mind. Auto-portrait. Perception. Subjectivité. You'll always find someone who loves his/her oppressor. Susan Cain: The power of introverts. Press - The H Factor of Personality. The H Factor of Personality Why Some People Are Manipulative, Self-Entitled, Materialistic, and Exploitive—And Why It Matters for Everyone Kibeom Lee and Michael C.
Ashton The “H” in the H factor stands for “Honesty-Humility,” and it’s one of only six basic dimensions of personality. People who have high levels of H are sincere and modest; people who have low levels are deceitful and pretentious. This book, written by the discoverers of the H factor, explores the importance of this personality dimension in various aspects of people’s lives: their approaches to money, power, and sex; their inclination to commit crimes or obey the law; their attitudes about society, politics, and religion; and their choice of friends and spouse. Personality test using the HEXACO personality model. HEXACO model of personality structure.
The HEXACO model of personality structure is a six-dimensional model of human personality that was created by Ashton and Lee[1] based on findings from a series of lexical studies involving several European and Asian languages.
The six factors, or dimensions, include Honesty-Humility (H), Emotionality (E), Extraversion (X), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), and Openness to Experience (O). Each factor is composed of traits with characteristics indicating high and low levels of the factor. The HEXACO model was developed through similar methods as other trait taxonomies and builds on the work of Costa & McCrae [2] and Goldberg.[3] The model, therefore, shares several common elements with other trait models. However, the HEXACO model is unique mainly due to the addition of the Honesty-Humility dimension.[4] The Highly Sensitive Person. The Undervalued Self, by Elaine Aron, PhD. Approche centrée sur la personne. Contrasting and categorization of emotions. The contrasting and categorisation of emotions describes how emotions are thought to relate to each other.
Various recent proposals of such groupings are described in the following sections. Contrasting basic emotions[edit] The following table,[1] based on a wide review of current theories, identifies and contrasts the fundamental emotions according to a set of definite criteria. L'empathie. Dans une espèce aussi sociale que la nôtre, on passe une grande partie de notre temps à essayer de comprendre les émotions des autres et leurs intentions envers nous.
Les macaques réconfortent leurs congénères en détresse › Zoologie. Réconforter un congénère en détresse est un comportement courant chez les macaques, révèle une étude italienne.
Consolation in monkeys. The Main Factor To Happiness: Expressing Gratitude. The Science of Happiness - Forgive and Forget. The Science of Kindness (Life Vest Inside) David Steindl-Rast: Want to be happy? Be grateful.
Solitary Confinement May Dramatically Alter Brain Shape In Just Days, Neuroscientist Says. By Nicole Flatow "Solitary Confinement May Dramatically Alter Brain Shape In Just Days, Neuroscientist Says" A solitary cell at Angola prison in the early 1970s.
CREDIT: In The Land Of The Free Solitary confinement has been called a “living death,” cruel and unusual, and torture. Manipulation & psychopathie. Royaume-Uni : Pourquoi nous déformons notre réalité. D'après une étude récente, les Britanniques ont une vision largement faussée de presque tous les sujets de société controversés.
C'est peut-être la faute des médias et des responsables politiques qui leur communiquent une vision étroite et anxiogène de leur société. Nouvelle victimologie : le syndrome de Stockholm. Afin de démontrer que, généralement, l’être humain se laisse guider par ses sentiments, qu’ils soient d’attraction ou du rejet, on peut remarquer que la manifestation du syndrome de Stockholm est diagnostiquable au vu du constat de deux symptômes [1] Professeur-chercheur de l’Université de Floride – Etats-Unis,... [1] :
Pourquoi votre proche défend celui qui le manipule : le syndrome de Stockholm. Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies. Petit recueil de 18 moisissures argumentatives pour concours de mauvaise foi. Petit recueil de non plus 18, mais 20 moisissures argumentatives à utiliser sans modération lors des concours de mauvaise foi.
50 Common Cognitive Distortions. 3. Negative predictions. Overestimating the likelihood that an action will have a negative outcome. 4. Underestimating coping ability. Underestimating your ability cope with negative events. 5. Fallacy List. 1. FAULTY CAUSE: (post hoc ergo propter hoc) mistakes correlation or association for causation, by assuming that because one thing follows another it was caused by the other. example: A black cat crossed Babbs' path yesterday and, sure enough, she was involved in an automobile accident later that same afternoon. example: The introduction of sex education courses at the high school level has resulted in increased promiscuity among teens.
Top 10 Bizarre Mental Disorders. Health Mental disorders effect millions of people in the world and can lead to years of psychotherapy. In some cases, the psychological problem suffered is extremely rare or bizarre. This is a list of the ten most bizarre mental disorders. Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage shows signs of sympathy, loyalty or even voluntary compliance with the hostage taker, regardless of the risk in which the hostage has been placed. The syndrome is also discussed in other cases, including those of wife-beating, rape and child abuse. Elude: Comprendre la dépression en jouant. Focus on Brain Disorders. 40 Belief-Shaking Remarks From a Ruthless Nonconformist. If there’s one thing Friedrich Nietzsche did well, it’s obliterate feel-good beliefs people have about themselves. He has been criticized for being a misanthrope, a subvert, a cynic and a pessimist, but I think these assessments are off the mark.
I believe he only wanted human beings to be more honest with themselves. He did have a remarkable gift for aphorism — he once declared, “It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.” A hundred years after his death, Nietzsche retains his disturbing talent for turning a person’s worldview upside-down with one jarring remark. Even today his words remain controversial. Here are 40 unsympathetic statements from the man himself. 1. 2. 40 Questions Everyone is Afraid to Ask. Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. -Voltaire …because asking the right questions is the answer. Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. Also, check out our sister site, Thought Questions, for more photo-illustrated questions like these; and check out The Book of Questions.
18 Thought-Provoking Questions.
Top 7 Psychological Defense Mechanisms. Health In every human being, intrapsychic conflicts are bound to occur, usually because of sexual and aggressive impulses and tension. Usually, (or maybe hopefully), these conflicts are resolved by themselves in a short amount of time; however sometimes this is not the case. Every now and then, our internal conflicts can last for long periods of times, and can potentially cause us great harm. Oftentimes anxiety can wear and tear at us, and should not be underestimated. 10 Things That Can Influence Our Memory. Health When we experience something, there’s a variety of different factors which determine how well we’ll remember it—and how we’ll feel about it later on. Science has tasked itself with exploring the things which make our memory tick. Mémoire eidétique. La mémoire des bébés. En août dernier, j’ai déménagé à l’autre bout du pays avec un enfant qui allait, quelques mois plus tard, fêter son troisième anniversaire.
Peter Doolittle: How your "working memory" makes sense of the world. How Friends Ruin Memory: The Social Conformity Effect. Humans are storytelling machines. We don’t passively perceive the world – we tell stories about it, translating the helter-skelter of events into tidy narratives. This is often a helpful habit, helping us make sense of mistakes, consider counterfactuals and extract a sense of meaning from the randomness of life. But our love of stories comes with a serious side-effect: like all good narrators, we tend to forsake the facts when they interfere with the plot. We’re so addicted to the anecdote that we let the truth slip away until, eventually, those stories we tell again and again become exercises in pure fiction.
Just the other day I learned that one of my cherished childhood tales – the time my older brother put hot peppers in my Chinese food while I was in the bathroom, thus scorching my young tongue – actually happened to my little sister. Amnésie psychogène, oublier des faits traumatisants et ne pas souffrir. Amnésie dissociative: oublier certains événements et ne pas souffrir. Une fois de plus, je me rends compte que le cerveau humain est fascinant.
Aujourd’hui, je vous fais découvrir ce qu’est une amnésie dissociative. Vaincre une amnésie lacunaire grâce à l'hypnose. Une amnésie lacunaire se traduit par l’oubli d’un souvenir récent qui est généralement lié à un traumatisme. Ce trouble peut dérouter les individus qui en souffrent. Certains peuvent même être en proie à l’obsession, désireux de retrouver à tout prix leurs souvenirs. Amnésie transitoire : Perte subite de la mémoire après un choc. Une amnesie transitoire est une perte de mémoire qui apparaît subitement et qui est accompagnée d’une désorientation. Ce trouble mnésique est global et touche la mémoire visuelle, verbale et motrice. Sa manifestation la plus connue est l’ictus amnésique. Anger Can Make Us More Rational. Restez négatifs ! The frozen calm of normalcy bias. Fight or Flight" Esprit de l'escalier. Conscience Vraie, discernement et liberté : stop à la manipulation, au harcèlement et à l'aliénation.
Real or Perceived Attacks on Self Esteem. The Four Rooms. Social Consciousness: Quantum weirdness: What we call 'reality' is just a state of mind.
5 Historical Misconceptions Rundown. 10 Famous Misquotations and Misattributed Quotes. 10 Misconceptions Rundown. 10 Popular Scientific Misconceptions.