#5MinCPDPlan by @LeadingLearner and @TeacherToolkit. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and in particular INSET Days can vary from the brilliant to the awful and often somewhere in between.
The “staff costs” for an INSET day in a primary school can easily be £2,000 (10 teachers x £200) and for secondary schools may be as high as £20,000 (100 teachers x £200). Given these “hidden costs” of getting all the staff together you don’t want to waste this opportunity, it’s too costly. A well planned INSET day can really help bring staff together, move their professional learning on and have a huge benefit for your students. Equally the converse is true. The #5MinCPDPlan has been developed by @LeadingLearner & @TeacherToolkit to help schools maximise the impact of their CPD. The BIG Picture. Reading is Magic: a Librarian Game. A Library Live Action Role Playing (LARP) Game for one player (the Librarian) and a class of students Stories are magic, and as all readers of magic and fantasy know that magic is capricious and that not all spells will work on all people.
In this game the Librarian plays a magic user (wizard/witch/warlock/mage/other magic user) that must get all the children in the library under his or her power. This is accomplished by getting all students reading quietly. Group work: why the big deal? - David Didau: The Learning Spy. Marking, Feedback and “Closing the Gap” Policy. This month has seen the launch of the new Marking, Feedback and “Closing the Gap” policy at our school.
Our feedback policy has been due to be updated since Estyn (in a very positive inspection) noted that the consistency of written feedback needed to be, well, more consistent. Creating a new policy has been high on the school’s agenda but I have always had my concerns as to whether a consistent, whole school approach to marking was possible or even desirable across a range of subjects where marking would look so different. Reading this blog by Tom Sherrington (@headguruteacher) was a turning point in realising what sort of whole school policy we should be developing. In the blog, Tom describes the “closing the gap policy” : d2ez4oka28hp4n.cloudfront. How to spot if you or colleagues are stressed: tell-tale signs for teachers. Love Learning Ideas. Back to School Part 4: Planning - David Didau: The Learning Spy.
This series of #backtoschool blogs summarises much of my thinking as it’s developed over the past few years and is aimed at new or recently qualified teachers.
Each area has been distilled to 5 ‘top tips’ which I hope prove useful to anyone embarking on a career in teaching. Back to school Part 3: Literacy - David Didau: The Learning Spy. This series of #backtoschool blogs summarises much of my thinking as it’s developed over the past few years and is aimed at new or recently qualified teachers.
Each area has been distilled to 5 ‘top tips’ which I hope prove useful to anyone embarking on a career in teaching. 25 Bellringer, “Do Now,” or Early Finisher Ideas to Start Your Year off Right! Looking for a few new ideas to get next year started off right?
Need some ideas that are not just Daily Oral Language? There is much debate on whether a warm-up activity should be related only to previous lessons or to help introduce the day’s material, or whether a warm-up can be totally unrelated to the students’ curriculum. Re-shaping-teacher-careers-in-Chile.pdf. School Leadership - A Scottish Perspective: When Trust Turns To Rust! 'Head of Communications, Chief Economist Royal Bank of Scotland' how would you like that as a job title, or even on your CV?
Well, yesterday I met the current incumbent and what a refreshing and surprising experience it was! When I saw the agenda for the latest network meeting for the SCEL (Scottish College for Educational Leadership) Fellowship programme my first reaction was something like, 'aye, right, what's this guy going to be able to say about leadership that is going to have any credibility? ' I assumed he would come into the room stoop-shouldered, with the cares of the world almost visible on his shoulders. I was wrong. How Twitter is Reinventing Collaboration Among Educators. In the three years that I’ve been building up Edutopia’s presence on social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, I’ve noticed a significant shift in how our audience of education changemakers interact and collaborate.
In particular, I’ve seen Twitter reinvent the way educators collaborate to create change in education. Twitter Transforms Educators Before the advent of Twitter, most educators I know had limited opportunities to collaborate with colleagues outside their building. Some subscribed to listservs or participated in online forums, but these outlets lacked critical mass; teachers also networked at in-person conferences and training sessions, but these isolated events didn’t provide ongoing support.
Enter Twitter. Here are some of the specific ways educators are using Twitter to collaborate: The case for collaborative learning. Michael Moran , 16 Jun 2014 The way we design and structure training courses is in a state of flux as we move into the e-learning era and L&D professionals add “social” to the blend.
Today a training course is likely to be a sophisticated, self-managed online programme and when we add a social element we enable a collaborative learning platform. Learning is most effective when students are encouraged to think and talk together, to discuss ideas, question, analyse and solve problems, without the mediation of a teacher. Questioning and Feedback: Top Ten Strategies. As part of our whole staff training at Huntington School we have been sharing ideas and collating ‘Top Ten Strategies’.
More on Uplifting Leadership: Hazel Kinnear, DHT James Gillespies High School. Bowling Uphill in the Wind! Uplifting Leadership – Andy Hargreaves and Alan Boyle Tuesday 25th November 2014 saw The Scottish College for Leadership in partnership with the Virtual Staff College Scotland present Andy Hargreaves leading a workshop on Uplifting Leadership at Murrayfield Stadium.
The event included Alan Boyle who co-authored the book (along with AlmaHarris) and each delegate received not only a copy of the book but also a workbook of activities.Born and raised in Accrington, Andy started his teaching and lecturing career in England, eventuallybecoming professor of education at Boston College. Ranked among the top 12 most influential educators in the United States, Andy has written over 25 books on leadership and change which have been translated into many different languages. Teachers: 10 Tips for Slowing Down. Love Learning Ideas. Www.suttontrust.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/What-makes-great-teaching-FINAL-4.11.14.pdf. Scottish College for Educational Leadership Blog. Tuesday 25th November was a significant day for the Scottish College for Educational Leadership. It was our national event – the Uplifting Leadership conference and workshop, led by Andy Hargreaves and Alan Boyle.
We worked in partnership with ADES and the Virtual Staff College to plan and organise the conference, which resulted in 200 leaders from across Scotland descending on Murrayfield! Dr. Alasdair Allan, the Minister for Learning, Science and Languages introduced the conference, recognising that we have already achieved a lot across Scottish Education by working in partnership and that the event would provide opportunities for participants to consider our continued drive from good to great.
The Problem With Professional Development. What makes great teaching? – expert views. Authentic Assessment and Progress. Keeping it Real. English teaching and the problem with knowledge. When work feels pointless …. BBC News - How can education's rich-poor gap be closed? 20 October 2014Last updated at 07:13 ET. Differentiating the responsive way. The dangers of differentiation…and what to do about them.
Image: @jasonramasami. EdWeb: A professional online community for educators. Why are teachers leaving education? With England having one of the youngest teaching workforces in the OECD, especially at primary level, it is hard to know whether to celebrate or despair. Clearly things seem to be going well with recruiting new, young teachers into the profession, yet it is strange that so many of our more experienced teachers are leaving in such large numbers.
Flipped classroom 2.0. Learning Published on May 24th, 2014 | by Mark Anderson. The surplus model of school improvement - David Didau: The Learning Spy. Children free to be creative have so much to teach us.