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Simple Diamond Engagement Ring Buying Tips

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Wholesale Diamond Rings - Royal Diamonds. Diamonds Decoded: Expert's Guide to Buying an Engagement Ring. The average engagement ring in America costs around $5,431, according to, and while budgets vary from one couple to another, this piece of jewelry typically is an investment in more ways than one.

Diamonds Decoded: Expert's Guide to Buying an Engagement Ring

Before you make that deposit and pop the question, gem and jewelry expert Antoinette Matlins wants to make sure you're buying the best ring for your budget. Matlins is the author of "Diamonds: The Antoinette Matlins Buying Guide" and "Engagement & Wedding Rings: The Definitive Buying Guide for People in Love" among other titles. Her advice: Matlins suggests prepping yourself on the basics. The four factors judged to determine the quality and rarity of the stone are color, clarity, carat, and cut, also known as the four C's. Color: The color of a diamond is graded on an alphabetical scale that begins with the letter D and continues through the rest of the alphabet all the way to Z. Clarity: Clarity assesses the internal characteristics of the diamond as it formed in nature. Diamond Buying Guide. Cut.

Diamond Buying Guide

Color. Clarity. Carat Weight. For a first-time buyer, you might as well add Complicated to that list. Don't worry, we’ve got you covered. Check out the list of topics to the left, or search for an AGS-certified jeweler near you who can answer your questions and give you advice. When you are shopping for a diamond and find one you like, here's a helpful hint: ask your American Gem Society jeweler to show you how the diamond performs (or sparkles) in a range of lighting conditions. Check out this video, which shows an AGS Ideal Cut diamond in low light. Buying a diamond can be intimidating. The good news is that by following just one important step, you can have complete peace of mind about your diamond purchase.

It’s that simple. To find a jeweler see our list of knowledgeable and reputable retailers: Share. Engagement Ring Shopping Rules - Getting Engaged - Popping the Question. Shape Matters Most Even before those 4 Cs (cut, color, clarity, and carat), you must know what shape your future fiancee loves.

Engagement Ring Shopping Rules - Getting Engaged - Popping the Question

Shape indicates the actual geometry of the stone, as opposed to cut, which relates to the angles of the facets in the stone. Settings Are Second A quality setting -- the metal framework in which your stone is mounted -- can set the tone for a ring. A classic round engagement ring stone gets a fresh and modern makeover in a bezel setting. Spy on Her Style The trend these days is for couples to ring-shop together, but if you're more of a traditionalist and looking to surprise her with a ring she'll love, be sure to do some reconnaissance. Consider the Metal When it comes to the band, you've got a variety of metals to choose from. Buy Loose Stones Unless you're buying an estate ring, chances are, you'll be looking at loose stones as opposed to stones in a setting.

Work Your Budget Well Shop Safe Give Yourself at Least Six Weeks Get It in Writing. 10 Things to Know Before Buying an Engagement Ring. Buying the Perfect Engagement Ring. Ring Buying Tips. Welcome back, {* welcomeName *}!

Ring Buying Tips

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