Better Than Opioids? Virtual Reality Could Be Your Next Painkiller. Not so far in the future, your doctor might prescribe playing a few games in virtual reality to ease aches and pains, rather than popping a pill.
How Hyperconnected Cities Are Taking Over the World, According to Parag Khanna. Will "deliverology" work for the federal government? Written by Date published Share Story In January, the newly minted government of Justin Trudeau held its first cabinet retreat.
Cabinet retreats are usually held twice a year, and they are theoretically designed to allow ministers to engage in a broader discussion of issues and strategy beyond any one particular file. At its inaugural retreat, the cabinet heard from Sir Michael Barber, the British architect of “deliverology” and aide to former prime minister Tony Blair. ‘Smart’ Cities, ‘Brain Belts’ and Other Places Changing the Economy. Robert Litan is an adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and has directed economic research at the Brookings Institution, the Kauffman Foundation, and Bloomberg Government.
His most recent book is “Trillion Dollar Economists.” He is on Twitter:@BobLitan. It’s easy amid the hype of a presidential campaign and frequent media reports of top-line numbers about the U.S. economy’s performance–gross domestic product, the unemployment rate, inflation–to overlook the people and technologies reshaping this country. People helping people: the future of public services. Public services should be redesigned to make mobilising the energy and contribution of the public a core organising principle.
Key Findings. In Search of Lost Solidarities — SWITCH COLLECTIVE. Because Switch Collective aims to empower people to redesign their work lives in a context of ever-increasing change, we think a lot about all issues related to the future of work.
And the subject of “lost solidarities” in high on our list! In Novel Tactic on Climate Change, Citizens Sue Their Governments. The current plans and efforts to battle climate change are not enough, Ms.
Barrett, 17, said, adding that her generation, with its passion and social media tools, would make a difference. “We want our children to look back in the textbooks and say, ‘Oh, our parents’ generation — they really fought for us,’ ” she said. The lawsuit calls for the courts to order the government to stop the “permitting, authorizing and subsidizing of fossil fuels” — by, for example, canceling plans for projects like a liquefied natural gas export terminal in Oregon — and “to develop a national plan to restore Earth’s energy balance, and implement that national plan so as to stabilize the climate system.” Photo Julia Olson, the executive director and chief legal counsel for Our Children’s Trust, helped form the organization in 2010 in collaboration with the iMatter Youth Movement, then known as Kids vs. Could Direct Digital Democracy and a New Branch of Government Improve the US?
Direct Digital Democracy, or DDD, is not new.
However, it’s a concept that might soon challenge the nature of government around the world. DDD broadly argues that, with so much technology at people's disposal (70 percent of the world will be using smartphones by 2020), we should be able to influence the actions of our governments and legal systems by being able to universally vote on issues as they occur.
Coding school 42 plans to educate 10,000 students in Silicon Valley for free. Xavier Niel’s new project is an ambitious coding university in Silicon Valley called 42. But the trick is that it’s nothing like other universities out there. 42 is free, doesn’t care about your SAT and wants to educate 10,000 students within the next 5 years. First, it’s free. Niel is investing $100 million in the U.S. to create a new school. And it starts with a brand new 200,000 square foot building in Fremont opened 24/7 with thousands of iMacs. Screen Shot 2016-05-17 at 4.53.17 PM Screen Shot 2016-05-17 at 4.53.09 PM Screen Shot 2016-05-17 at 4.53.13 PM Screen Shot 2016-05-17 at 4.53.20 PM Second, 42 welcomes all students between 18 and 30. Policy Options Podcast: What is Government good at? How Sweden Is Relocating an Entire City. Droughtlandia — Pacific Standard. We face a crisis of Governance — Dark Matter Laboratories.
We face a crisis of Governance The crisis we face increasingly around us from VW to climate change is a crisis of legitimacy and governance.
It is a crisis of post industrial society still governed and legitimised by industrial society institutions, concepts and methods. Preparing Public Officers for New Modes of Governance — Public Innovators’ Network. Preparing Public Officers for New Modes of Governance - this is an expansion of a piece published by “Ethos”, the Singapore Civil Service College journal: Government in Singapore experienced several transformative shifts since independence in 1965, categorised by the following stages: I.
Providing basic services and dealing with fundamental security imperatives II. III. IV. V. Inside Detroit's Failing Public Schools - The Atlantic. Un enfant diabétique vit avec un pancréas artificiel fabriqué par son père. Welcome to Participedia. EU to pursue checks on web platform deals with businesses. Resilience - decentralized basic income through paying it forward - Backfeed Magazine. Taxe sur les transactions financières : l'Europe peine à progresser. François Hollande a reçu plusieurs associations samedi dernier à l'Elysée qui militent pour la mise en œuvre rapide d'une taxe Tobin européenne ambitieuse.
Les contours du projet, qui fait l'objet de discussions entre 11 pays européens depuis 2011, restent néanmoins imprécis. «La France sera de nouveau à l'initiative pour que cette taxe (NDLR: sur les transactions financières) soit prête le moment venu, c'est-à-dire au moment de la COP21» annonçait François Hollande le 10 septembre, à l'occasion de la présentation à l'Elysée de la prochaine conférence mondiale sur le climat.
Twitter. Subventions fédérales en vue pour Netflix. Ottawa pourrait rendre admissibles aux crédits d’impôt les productions de compagnies étrangères non réglementées comme Netflix ou Amazon. Une situation qui inquiète grandement les principales associations professionnelles de l’audiovisuel du Québec. Libre-échange: avec TISA, les multinationales réclament un droit de veto sur les Etats. Moins connues que les négociations sur le traité commercial transatlantique (TAFTA), les discussions sur l’accord sur les services (TISA) n’en sont pas moins lourdes de conséquences. TISA, pour Trade in services agreement, est négocié dans un secret bien gardé par les pays de l’Union européenne, les États-Unis et une vingtaine d’États .
The Flint of California. TULARE COUNTY, Calif. — Once a month, the residents of Matheny Tract, one of hundreds of poor and largely Latino enclaves tucked deep in California’s Central Valley, gather in the shade of a neighbor’s carport, chihuahuas dozing at their feet. The subject of their meetings is always the same: water. Is Washington creating more Flints? The lead-poisoning scandal in Flint, Michigan, seems like exactly the kind of crisis that demands Washington's help: a cash-strapped city with governance problems found itself delivering toxic heavy metal to its children through their faucets.
Now, it desperately needs money to update its water system safely. And from a distance it appears that Congress is riding to the rescue: A bill currently in the Senate would try to help towns like Flint by pumping another $1 billion a year into water utility projects across the country. If it passes, it would boost total spending by Washington on water utilities to around $5.3 billion per year. But pull back far enough, and Washington's approach looks less like a rescue than a long, slow abandonment. The past 38 years have actually been marked by a huge federal retreat from helping cities fund water projects.
French Law Condemns Work Email on the Weekends. The recently enacted El Khomri labor law in France has seen more than its fair share of protests from the French, mostly because, in a country where the 35-hour work week is mandated, the new law's emphasis on protecting management instead of labor is unacceptable to its citizens. But, as The New Yorker points out, there is at least one upside to the law: "The Adaptation of Work Rights to the Digital Era," which ostensibly aims to get people to stop checking their work email on the weekends. From the New Yorker: "The development of information and communication technologies, if badly managed or regulated, can have an impact on the health of workers,” Article 25 states. “Among them, the burden of work and the informational overburden, the blurring of the borders between private life and professional life, are risks associated with the usage of digital technology.”
Le projet fou de simuler la Terre par ordinateur. The humanitarian system: 'A mammoth machinery losing track of what it is for' Assurance. Uber, miroir de l'impuissance publique, par Evgeny Morozov (Les blogs du Diplo, 1er février 2016) Pour comprendre pourquoi nous manquons si cruellement de solutions alternatives à l’écrasant monopole exercé par les géants américains des nouvelles technologies, il n’est pas inutile de comparer le destin d’une société comme Uber — valorisée dernièrement à hauteur de 62,5 milliards de dollars — avec celui de Kutsuplus, une start-up finnoise très inventive qui a déposé son bilan à la fin de l’année dernière.
Kutsuplus ambitionnait d’être l’équivalent d’Uber pour les transports publics : gérer un réseau de minibus qui ramasseraient ou déposeraient leurs passagers en n’importe quel point de la ville, à l’aide de smartphones, d’algorithmes savants, de recours au « nuage » informatique, le tout permettant de minimiser les coûts et de fournir un service aussi astucieux qu’efficace. Personalisation as currency. Les Norvégiens éprouvent un sentiment d'efficacité des politiques d'innovation - Forum Européen des Politiques d'Innovation. Statistics Norway a publié un rapport intitulé Evaluation of R&D- and innovation-supporting policies dans lequel il analyse les effets des politiques de financement mises en place par gouvernement norvégien afin de promouvoir la création de valeur et l’innovation . Leur analyse porte sur le système norvégien d’incitation fiscale Skattefunn, sur la politique axée sur l’innovation d’Innovation Norway, sur les instruments de financement de la R&D du Conseil norvégien de la recherche, ainsi que sur les programmes de crédit à l’exportation Export Credit Norway.
After the precariat, the unnecessariat: the humans who are superfluous to corporations / Boing Boing. Designed to Thrive. A Notorious Hacker Is Trying to Start a ‘Hack Back’ Political Movement. This Diabetes Activist Hacked Her Medical Device and Made an Artificial Pancreas. Uber’s Next Stop: America’s Military Bases. Crowdfunding & Corporate Philanthropy: Fundraising’s Next Dynamic Duo? - Crowdfund Insider.
The producer of ANOMALISA is a real human being. Or is he...? Should countries have a 'minister of future'? Vol4 no3 article2. Boston transforme son maire en chef d’entreprise. Liquid Democracy: True Democracy for the 21st Century. Gs 16 1 distributed ledger technology. When Women Have Power. Panarchy. An Introduction to Futarchy. « Quelle gouvernance après la révolution numérique ? » par Nicolas Colin. Why urban governance matters—now more than ever. Glogin?URI= A ‘design-thinking' approach to governing the future.
Harvard economist Richard Freeman on the risks of robotization of the economy. Venezuela declares a 2-day workweek because of dire energy shortages. The Future of Governance is In the Cloud. Commentary: China shows new style of governance in handling student death. Les nouveaux défis de la gouvernance municipale / The New Challenges of Municipal Governance Tickets, Wed, 4 May 2016 at 5:30 PM. Nervous Systems: Quantified Life and the Social Question. Bitcoin has a governance problem, no matter who created it. What do we mean by 'governance'? Amazon offers company building as free shelter for Seattle's homeless. Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy. Big Society vs Big Government (cinquième partie) No Death, No Taxes. 12 Futuristic Forms of Government That Could One Day Rule the World. L'Etat-nation serait-il un modèle dépassé ?
Parag Khanna: How megacities are changing the map of the world. The Rebirth of the City-State — How We Get To Next. Bring Your Own Team (BYOT) : Stripe expérimente le recrutement d'équipes déjà structurées. How Hyperconnected Cities Are Taking Over the World, According to Parag Khanna. DavidBollier. Crowdfunding for the Public Good Is Evil. Perspectives on Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies — The World of Deep Wealth. Why Wall Street Is Embracing the Blockchain—Its Biggest Threat. These Tech Entrepreneurs Want To Create A Network Of Private Microstates In Europe. Les hôpitaux français à la conquête de l'étranger.