Youth Certificate of Recognition. How to request congratulatory letters for your Eagle Scout. (Updated Feb. 19, 2013) Earning the Eagle Scout Award is something to write home about — literally.
Politicians, astronauts, celebrities, and other recognizable figures have been sending hand-signed letters to new Eagle Scouts for, well, 100 years. The very first congratulatory letter was sent in 1912 when the first Eagle Scout, Arthur R. Eldred, received a note from James E. West, the first Chief Scout Executive. Special Eagle Scout Recognitions. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Home. Welcome to the Eagle Scout Resource Center at EagleScout.Org! Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Scholarship Contacts. Boy and Girl Scout NASA Recognition Request Application. Eagle Congratulation Letters. When sending notes to people asking for letters of commendation, please include: The Scout's FULL NAME (not just "Sparky" or "Jimmy" but "Samuel James Jackson" or "James Ray Morrison") The Scout's TROOP NUMBER AND COUNCIL NAME (the Troop number is that white number on the red background on his left shoulder; the Council; the Council name appears on that patch right above it), and A SHORT DESCRIPTION of the Eagle Scout Service Project.
It is also courteous to include a self addressed stamped envelope when writing to private individuals or organizations. That is usually not necessary when writng to government officials. Many people writing a letter to acknowledge an Eagle Scout would also like to know how the person earned the badge. Submit Questions & Comments.