Rhea Lana's Children's Consignment Events - West Chicagoland. Why Kids Should Work on a Vertical Surface. One thing that stands out to me in the schools where I work is that you never see a good old fashioned chalkboard anymore!
Gone are the days of feeling that chalky dust all over your hands, racing classmates to finish math facts on the chalkboard, and clapping out the erasers during detention! :) *This post contains affiliate links. Read more. Back when I was in school, I never thought about the developmental benefits of writing and working on the vertical surface of the chalkboard, but as a therapist, now I know that there are many! Why Kids Should Work on a Vertical Surface 1 || Shoulder/Elbow Stability The use of larger vertical surfaces such as chalkboards, marker boards, and Smart boards allows children to use bigger arm movements that encourage strength and flexibility throughout the joints and muscles of the upper extremities. 2 || Bilateral Coordination Have you ever tried to use a stencil while working on a vertical surface?
3 || Midline Crossing 4 || Wrist Extension/Pencil Grasp. When Toddlers Throw Food (and Other Mealtime Mischief) Posted by janet on Aug 7th, 2015 I’ve noticed that when parents ask me what to do about their toddler throwing food or dumping water, there’s usually a key respectful care practice they’re missing: pay attention.
Child specialist Magda Gerber encouraged parents to give infants and toddlers our focused attention at mealtimes whenever possible, beginning with breast or bottle feedings. As a parent and a parent-child class facilitator, over the years I’ve found Magda’s guidance beneficial for several fundamental reasons: 1. Paying attention helps us to spot testing behaviors early and gently nip them in the bud lonnnggg before we’re even close to getting annoyed or angry. We see signs of imminent food throwing, which will generally happen right around the time our child’s interest in eating has waned (which we’ve noticed, because we’ve been paying attention). Put your kids to bed early to make them smarter, happier, and fitter. Illustration by Natalie Matthews-Ramo Summer is right around the corner, which means I’ll soon undergo my annual metamorphosis into the monster of a parent who drags her kids away from barbecues and outdoor concerts an hour before other parents do.
Yup, I make my almost 2-year-old and 5-year-old go to bed at 7 and 7:30 p.m., respectively. I know—you think I’m rigid, no fun, that I’m denying my kids a joyful childhood because they rarely get to frolic outside at dusk. I get a lot of crap for it. “Can’t you just … ?” When Love Feels Heavy — Coffee + Crumbs. Before I was a parent, I was the perfect one.
People told me my life would change. People told me I would be tired. That parenthood would be the greatest and hardest thing I would ever do. Yeah yeah yeah.I know. Is It Better for Moms to Stay at Home? How to Reconnect with Your Kids When You Are Absolutely Overwhelmed - A Fine Parent. Wholesome Homemade Baby Food Recipes. 10 reasons why two-year-olds are magical (not terrible) - Motherly. Nap 101, Post 1: Does my baby have a nap problem? It’s not too surprising that the most popular blog topic requested by our Facebook followers was “how do you teach a baby to connect sleep cycles?”
Nap problems are the hardest to fix and since napping needs are constantly evolving it can be hard to figure out if you are asking your baby to do something that he’s able to do. Since naps are so complicated, we’re splitting this blog into four parts: in this post, we’ll talk about what is normal by age and what to do for a baby who isn’t old enough to put nap cycles together. In our second post, we’ll cover how to teach your baby to nap independently (which often leads to nap consolidation). In our third post, we’ll cover strategies for nap extension if teaching your baby to nap independently doesn’t quite do it. In our last post, we’ll talk about the timing of nap transitions. The Science of the Problem: Every parent knows that daytime sleep cycles in infants last between 30-45 minutes.
Teaching Your Baby to Put Himself to Sleep. How do you get your baby to go to sleep and sleep through the night?
She may accomplish that milestone on her own, soon. Or she may need a little help from you to learn how to put herself to sleep. We all need to learn how to get back to sleep when the normal rhythm of our sleep cycles takes us into a slightly wakened state repeatedly during the night. You'll be interested to know that most babies around the world either do not fall asleep without being held, or do not sleep all night long in their own crib. It simply isn't a "normal" thing for small humans to do, biologically speaking.
8 Things Boy Moms Should Know About Their Sons. Contrary to popular opinion in our modern society, boys and girls are wired differently.
God has created men for different purposes than women. This isn’t to say that men are better than women or vice versa. Just different. 5 Secrets of an Introverted Mother. Sign up to receive biweekly Nurture Notes and learn practical skills to be a more grounded, calm, and peaceful mother.
Send it to me!. I almost flunked 4th grade. Confessions of a Reluctant Stay-at-Home Mom: I’m an introvert. I like being alone. - Sisters Raising Sisters. I have shared my story of how I became a stay-at-home mom with you before.
It was not my plan; it was God’s. And I have never regretted following his leading. But I am still the same person I was when I thought I would be a career mom with a husband who stayed home to keep the house and raise the children. The Introverted Stay-at-Home Mom: Uniquely Challenged / Abundantly Blessed. Dear grocery store clerk, I’d like to apologize.
I’ve been avoiding you. You offer to take my groceries to the car and I turn you down. Sarah Hosseini: Your Introvert Mom Survival Guide: 10 tricks to save your sanity. A mom's life is pretty exhausting. We get our asses whooped on a daily basis. Especially in those baby years. Add an extra layer here....the introverted mom. This is a person who gets drained daily by constant human interaction and societal stimuli. Touching, talking, looking - they all tire out an introvert. Surviving as an Introverted Mother - Quiet Revolution. Years ago, I was chatting with my sister-in-law, who had babies at around the same time I did. She was talking about how much she loved her kids. When they were napping, she would go in and watch them sleep.
Sometimes, she said, she was tempted to wake them up so that she could play with them. When I heard that, I felt as if I was punched in the gut. I had never, in my few years as a parent, felt that way. He Loves You Even More Than I Do. My beloved ones, For nine months, your world began and ended with the contours of my womb. You tested your limbs in a confined sea that moved within me, a space I owned but would never see.
Daily you explored. You shifted as patches of light reached you in muted amber. Hands-free pumping. By Catharine Decker, MD Family Medicine/Urgent Care Luther-Mayo-Midelfort Health Systems Reprinted with permission from the author. This tutorial was created for breastfeeding mothers, lactation consultants, breastfeeding educators, nurses, physicians and any other health care professionals and is intended to help breastfeeding mothers who must use a breast pump to express milk. There are many “hands-free pumping systems” available on the market today, but many are relatively complicated and expensive and/or require special bras or equipment.
This simple method utilizes very inexpensive and readily available materials and functions well for most women. Carry a stylish, functional breast pump bagfor your pump, purse items,laptop and more from our sponsor Sarah Wells. 5 Skills Kids Should Learn at Home. Quite often, it feels like the world slipped off its axis.
Kids & DIY Workshops. Sometimes Babies Don't Sleep — Coffee + Crumbs. 5 Reasons I’m Going To Continue Being A SAHM Even After My Kids Are In School – Scary Mommy. I like to think that maybe it is just innocent small talk, but far too often, it feels quite judgmental — like the asker is gauging how lazy I am by my response, like they must think there is an acceptable answer and other answers will be looked down upon. It started out as, “So, what do you do all day?” 50 Questions To Ask Your Kids Instead Of Asking “How Was Your Day”
Now that we have a new baby in our home, time with my oldest girls (ages 8 and 6) is even more difficult to find. Between constant nursing sessions and shuffling kids to and from activities, it’s been an adjustment. My Momtastic Life. This song will get your baby to sleep: 'Weightless' video. 8 Creative Ways for Dads to Spend Time With Their Toddlers. Normally when I come home from work, my 2-year-old son greets me at the door with a huge hug. As I scoop him up in my arms, the joy on his face melts away the toils of the day. But one night Isaac wasn't waiting at the door. I found him sitting quietly in a corner of his room. Wee Sing: Learning Through Music. Fun at Home with Kids. Seven Things to Pray for Your Children. Some years back a good friend shared with me seven Scripture texts that he and his wife prayed for their two daughters from the time they were infants.
The girls are now grown. And it’s beautiful to see how God has answered and still is answering the faithful, specific prayers of faith-filled parents in the lives of these young, godly women.
Making the Resurrection Real — Proverbs 31 Ministries Devotions. “Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure his greatness. Your sleep problems, solved!: Average Sleep Charts by Age. All charts below are based on optimal amounts for a well-rested child, not what isnecessarily common (since many children sleep less and wake more frequently than what I would consider ideal).
Whose Line Is It Anyway? Sing the Bible w/ Slugs and Bugs by Randall Goodgame — The Rabbit Room Store. Teaching 4-Year-Olds To Feel Better : NPR Ed. Parenting Books to Read. 35 Clever Life Hacks Every Parent Needs To Know. The 2nd One Is So Creative! 9 Things We Should Get Rid of to Help Our Kids. Teach Children the Bible Is Not About Them. What a Comedian Taught Me About Parenting. Treasuring God with One Finger in the Cookie Dough.
A Christian Guide to the Zoo. 64 Positive Things to Say to Kids. Why You Should Tell Your Children How Much You Make. Safe Families.