Logic. Neural Linguistic Programming. Social Engineering. Rewire Our Neural Circuits Toward Peace, Balance, Joy. By Judy Zehr Guest Writer for Wake Up World Isn’t it fascinating how so many of us have a deep desire for lives of balance, joy and kindness and to simply be good people? We’d love to quit our addictions, be nicer to our kids, pets and partners, work with a cheerer attitude, make a difference and be part of the solution? And we might get close at times, but so often snap back into cravings, grouchiness, giving up, blaming–just adding to the mix of angry, anxious, finger-pointing, numbing out people. Hey, it’s not us. It’s our wiring. So that’s where EBT or Emotional Brain Training comes in. But the exciting thing is it works. Here’s how it works, but first just a little on the underlying theory, simplified to embarrassingly bare bones.
Joy encompasses it all, that higher state that so many spiritual practices are trying to help us achieve. But, we also have survival circuitry, that faulty electrical wiring I was talking about earlier. So back to how it works. About the Author. How to Hack Toy EEGs. Arturo Vidich, Sofy Yuditskaya, and I needed a way to read brains for our Mental Block project last fall. After looking at the options, we decided that hacking a toy EEG would be the cheapest / fastest way to get the data we wanted. Here’s how we did it. The Options A non-exhaustive list of the consumer-level options for building a brain-computer interface: Open EEG offers a wealth of hardware schematics, notes, and free software for building your own EEG system.
It’s a great project, but the trouble is that the hardware costs add up quickly, and there isn’t a plug-and-play implementation comparable to the EEG toys. The Nerosky MindSet is a reasonable deal as well — it’s wireless, supported, and plays nicely with the company’s free developer tools. For our purposes, though, it was still a bit spendy. Given all of this, I think the Mind Flex represents a sweet spot on the price / performance curve. The Hardware Here’s the basic layout of the Mind Flex hardware. The Hack Parts list: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Mind-Matter Mapping Project. Almost a century after the quantum mechanics revolution, the nonlocality and measurement problems loom as intractable as ever. At the boundary between matter and consciousness, our experimental models seem to break down: what the mathematics imply, we can’t grasp; and what we can guess, we can’t fit into our common experience. Or can we? The primary task ahead of us, according to Wheeler, “is to make meaning out of observation and from that derive the formalism of quantum theory.”
But is there a place for “meaning” in hard experimental sciences? It turns out that the answer is a resounding Yes. As with any paradigm shift, getting through depends on the size of the prejudices clothing our ego. So to everyone who is ready to join the effort, this is our challenge: Change the Experience, Change the Paradigm! Mind-Matter Mapping Project. Brain Hacks. Harness the Power of Decisions. There is a profound distinction between people who make the majority of their decisions consciously and those who merely go with the flow. Your future is shaped by the decisions you are making right now and the life you lead today is a result of the decisions you made in the past.
Realizing that should move us all to reach out and… Harness the Power of Our Decisions Let’s take this out for a spin Do you have areas in your life that are stalled because a decision needs to be made? Have you been postponing making that decision? Making the decision to do something about it right now is often times the hardest step in achieving your goals and going after your dreams.
Simplify the decision making process Take a few minutes to think of some area of your life that has been on hold because a decision needs to be made. Next, evaluate what it is you intend to accomplish and give yourself three possible ways to take action. Fortify your decision with a commitment. Meditation Strengthens The Mind. 22nd March 2012 By Science Daily Earlier evidence out of UCLA suggested that meditating for years thickens the brain (in a good way) and strengthens the connections between brain cells.
Now a further report by UCLA researchers suggests yet another benefit. Eileen Luders, an assistant professor at the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, and colleagues, have found that long-term meditators have larger amounts of gyrification (“folding” of the cortex, which may allow the brain to process information faster) than people who do not meditate. Further, a direct correlation was found between the amount of gyrification and the number of meditation years, possibly providing further proof of the brain’s neuroplasticity, or ability to adapt to environmental changes.
The article appears in the online edition of the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of neural tissue. Other authors of the study included Florian Kurth, Emeran A. Story Source: Sublimation. Explanations > Behaviours > Coping > Sublimation Description | Example | Discussion | So what? Description Sublimation is the transformation of unwanted impulses into something less harmful.
This can simply be a distracting release or may be a constructive and valuable piece of work. When we are faced with the dissonance of uncomfortable thoughts, we create psychic energy. This has to go somewhere. Sublimation channels this energy away from destructive acts and into something that is socially acceptable and/or creatively effective. Many sports and games are sublimations of aggressive urges, as we sublimate the desire to fight into the ritualistic activities of formal competition. Example I am angry. A person who has an obsessive need for control and order becomes a successful business entrepreneur. A person with strong sexual urges becomes an artist. A man who has extra-marital desires takes up household repairs when his wife is out of town. Discussion See also Repression, Fantasy.
From Imagination to Realization. Your Imagination is one of your greatest personal assets. It is a window into the world of possibility, and a powerful force toward the realization of a happier, more fulfilling life. When used purposefully, your imagination becomes the trigger of your creative abilities. Without imagination we would never venture outside the box. Our reality would only exist within the confines of the status quo. The pressure to stifle your imagination We should acknowledge the fact that, in our culture, there is some “not so subtle” pressure to limit our imaginations and abandon our fantasies. At some point we are expected to put away those “unrealistic” fantasies and pick up the torch of reality. Keeping your imagination alive You have incredible creative powers, and no one can take that from you unless you let them. There is never a point where your life would be better off by denying your creative abilities.
Bridging the gap between imagination and realization 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Individual Action and The Butterfly Effect. 12th February 2012 María Muñoz - Waking Times The Butterfly Effect is not only the name of a movie starring Ashton Kutcher, but is actually a physical theory which indicates that small changes made by a source of energy in the natural world can radiate and lead to more profound changes within larger systems. In 1960, Edward Lorenz was experimenting to find a series of equations to predict weather. He created a computer model from a suggestion that the behavior of large air masses could in fact be predicted.
Lorenz conducted various tests until he managed to fit the model to three variables that explain how weather changes over time, speed and air temperature. Lorenz concluded that any small change or error in the initial conditions of the system can greatly influence the final result. Lorenz suggested that incorrect data would be obtained by simply not taking into account the flutter of a single butterfly across the planet. Join Wake Up World's Ever Evolving Social Communities.
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