Illinois Online Network | ION Resources | Online Teaching Activity Index. Effective Pedagogical Strategies for Educators of Hybrid and Online College Courses. Across the nation and throughout the world, hybrid and online instruction is growing at a rapid pace. What may not be keeping up as quickly are teaching strategies for effective hybrid and online instruction. As seasoned hybrid and online instructors are aware, teaching in a virtual environment is not simply placing your face-to-face course content online. Rather, it requires the use of different and varied instructional strategies that are inquiry-based and support higher-order thinking.
This is especially critical when dealing with non-traditional students, who are at a higher risk than traditional students for dropping out, and are also more likely to take online or hybrid classes for their much-needed scheduling flexibility. Using an Inquiry-Based Approach to Promote Learning Success An inquiry-based view of learning is reflective of the philosophy of renowned educational thinkers such as John Dewey and his cycle of learning: Case Study: A Successful Assignment Conclusion.
Hybrid Courses: Faculty Resources. Ten Questions to consider when redesigning a course for hybrid teaching and learning A hybrid or blended course, by definition, reduces face-to-face "seat time" so that students can pursue additional teaching and learning activities online. To be successful, a hybrid or blended course requires careful pedagogical redesign. These ten questions offer you a way to start thinking about some of these design issues. 1.
What do you want students to know when they have finished taking your hybrid course? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. T. M. Brinthaupt, L. S. Fisher, J. In his well-known book, What the Best College Teachers Do, Ken Bain (2004) identified a set of core characteristics of exemplary college teachers. According to Bain (2004), excellent teachers produce “important educational results” (p.5), such as high achievement on standardized and professional tests and satisfied, inspired students. Given the differences between teaching face-to-face and teaching online, how can faculty members capture the best parts of “what works” in their courses across different delivery modes? Despite Bain’s observations and recommendations, most of the literature on online pedagogy focuses on “best practices” (e.g., Keengwe & Kidd, 2010). All of these best practice suggestions make good sense and are useful for online teaching.
Whereas best practices are clearly necessary for good teaching, we do not think that they are sufficient for excellent teaching. An eLearning Pedagogy Faculty Learning Community Table 1. Acknowledgements. Community College: Digital Innovation's Next Frontier | EdSurge Guides. Historically, community colleges haven’t always been first in line when it comes to investment or interest from the technology sector. But with community colleges now educating nearly half of the undergrads in the U.S., these campuses are poised to become hotbeds of digital innovation. Indeed, community colleges are increasingly seeking out technologies that can address the varied needs of their students, which include balancing education with employment, dependent care and financial constraints.
And they're attracting attention and investment from industry partners hoping to increase the pipeline of skilled workers in fields like engineering and logistics. Jill Biden called community colleges "America's best-kept secret," saying they're "uniquely positioned to provide the education and training that will prepare students for the jobs in the 21st century. " Hybrid Courses: Faculty Resources. Design and Delivery Principles. Dziuban, Hartman, and Moskal (2004, p.3) describe blended learning as a “pedagogical approach that combines the effectiveness and socialization opportunities of the classroom with the technologically enhanced active learning possibilities of the online environment.”
The opportunity to tap into a larger range of strategies and solve pedagogical problems attracts faculty to blended courses. Mary, a Social Work faculty member at the University of Central Florida (UCF), voiced the following difference between her traditional and blended students: Students in my traditional courses come to class like baby birds with their mouths open for food.
In my blended course, students come in prepared and actively contribute to the class. Enhanced student contributions such as those reported by Mary are similar to reports from other faculty teaching blended courses. Faculty members report improved outcomes such as students: Focus on Outcomes Interaction Redesign Integration Keep It Simple Starting (KISS) Effective Pedagogical Strategies for Educators of Hybrid and Online College Courses. Participate / Archived Resources. Creating a Positive Presence in an Online Course | Minnesota Online Quality Initiative. This is a guest post from one of our Master Reviewers. Author: Susan Schlicht, St. Cloud Technical and Community College Quality Matters General Standard 1: Course Overview and Introduction The overall design of the course is made clear to the student at the beginning of the course. The course introduction sets the tone for the course, lets students know what to expect, and provides guidance to ensure they get off to a good start. .
Do you wonder how to be a successful online teacher? Personal touch! Take a moment to reflect on how you typically introduce yourself to a group of students at the beginning of the semester. What strategies might work to present yourself positively in an online environment? In an online course, asserting teaching presence requires intentional preparation and action on your part in terms of the design, facilitation, and direction of learning.
Here are some suggestions: Encourage students to complete the Learner Profile in D2L. 5 Best Practices For Transforming Faculty Into Fully Online Educators. I am an Instructional Designer who teaches a fully online professional development seminar that focuses on Instructional Design principles for developing and delivering fully online and blended courses. As the 6 week seminar wraps up, one of the final assignments I require faculty to complete is a reflective learning journal. With permission from the faculty who participated in the seminar, I present a few excerpts from their journals that support and highlight best practices I have developed at my university for faculty development. 1. Provide Opportunities For Collaborative Learning From Peers.
Design your training so that faculty are engaging in learning experiences that they can implement into their own online courses. For example, one of the projects in the seminar requires faculty to develop a learning unit that they will actually use in their own fully online or blended courses. One instructor’s journal entry states: 2. His peer reflects on the importance of instructor feedback. Why Online Students Should Bother With Orientation. Jaqui Carlisle, who earned an online bachelor's degree from Champlain College this winter, believes there are various reasons students should complete their online orientations.
Top among them? Shame. "In our case, it was like a video," says Carlisle, a North Carolina resident who earned her degree in computer forensics and digital investigations from the Vermont school. "Some students just figure out how to let it run from their desk and they just walk away. But then class starts, and the rest of the class is trying to help them pick up things when they were supposed to be paying attention. " Online orientations may seem like a chore, but they actually have a range of benefits, experts say. Aside from saving students from embarrassment, orientation can give students a sense of what online learning entails – and maybe even help improve class performance. [Explore the U.S. In a typical orientation, students learn about how to reach tutors, advisers and other resources.
EJ833911. Agenda. Retention In Online Courses: Surviving The First Week | The EvoLLLution. Online learning was once considered nontraditional by academia, but time has certainly changed all of that. This mode of learning has seen the most growth over the past few years among US institutions of higher learning, with a recent study showing only 250 of 2,500 colleges and universities without any online offerings (Allen & Seaman, 2010).
Whether nonprofits are feeling the crunch from the for-profit universities, or learners are demanding online opportunities because of better learning outcomes (Allen & Seaman, 2010; U.S. Department of Education, 2009, p. 51), online learning is increasing and is no longer just another innovative instructional methodology (Clapper, 2010). Instead, online learning is very much recognized as a traditional mode of education. Understanding retention means understanding the learners and the issues that are involved in their decision to stay or go. Few learners will spend any real time analyzing the course syllabus. Allen, I. Arbaugh, J. Clapper, T. 7 Strategies to Make Your Online Teaching Better | GradHacker | Inside Higher Ed.
This GradHacker post is by Andrea Zellner, PhD candidate in Ed Tech/Ed Pysch at Michigan State University, @andreazellner There is no doubt that online education has arrived in Higher Education. Each year, the numbers of colleges and universities offering online courses increases. There is certainly appeal for these types of courses: students can better fit them into busy schedules and traveling to campus is no longer required.
While I dabbled in teaching hybrid and online courses for a while, I have been teaching online for most of the past two years. Additionally, I began my graduate career in a hybrid PhD program: two weeks of face-to-face instruction with the rest of the instruction and work provided entirely online, and mostly asynchronously. Having been on both sides of online learning has taught me a few lessons about how best to help students learn in an environment that provides as many challenges (if not more) as face-to-face teaching. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. P.S. SOU%20DEC%20Best%20Practices. Hybrid Courses: Faculty Resources.
Page. Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online. J. V. Boettcher, Ph.D. Designing for Learning 2006 - 2013 Minor revisions May 2011 Our knowledge about what works well in online teaching and learning is growing rapidly and that is very good news. Yet it also means that it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Here are ten best practices for anyone just getting started in the online environment. Best Practice 1: Be Present at the Course Site Liberal use of a faculty's use of communication tools such as announcements, discussion board postings, and forums communicate to the students that the faculty member cares about who they are, cares about their questions and concerns, and is generally "present" to do the mentoring and challenging that teaching is all about. When faculty actively interact and engage students in a face-to-face classroom, the class develops as a learning community, developing intellectual and personal bonds.
We have learned to quantify what it means to "be present. " Best Practice 2: Create a supportive online course community. JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. Four Good Reasons Why Students Need Instructor Feedback in Online Courses. In this post I describe why instructor feedback in an online course is essential for students that have yet to master a specific skill set and knowledge, and why MOOCs won’t cut it. In a world of MOOC news within higher education, what is getting lost are the other modes of online learning that include closed online classes, offered for-credit at colleges and universities.
These courses rely on cognitive or constructive pedagogy, with determined learning objectives and are delivered 100% online to small classes of thirty or fewer students. In this model, the instructor can support and interact with students, provide feedback, and encourage critical thinking. This type of personalized instruction can’t be provided in a massive open online course [MOOC], which leads me to suggest that the MOOC model [as it stands now] is not the right modality for most lower-level college courses required for a college degree. What is Instructor Feedback? Resources: Like this: Like Loading...