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The 5 Social Media Metrics Your CEO Actually Cares About. This is Brian, our CEO.

The 5 Social Media Metrics Your CEO Actually Cares About

Aside from his outstanding taste in headwear, Brian is also known around HubSpot for his unwavering vision of what it will take to build HubSpot into a once-in-a-generation company. He's also a data guy. An MIT alum and lecturer, Brian knows how to separate useful data from vanity metrics, and he's quick to let you know what truly counts as an indicator of how our company is faring at delivering on its promise. While we proudly think of Brian as a unique leader, this laser focus on measuring the right metrics is something I'd wager he shares with CEOs across the board. And when it comes to social media, in particular, vanity metrics abound. 1) Channel Reports: Are we spending our time and money in the right places? It never feels like you can move fast enough when you're trying to build something remarkable. If you're not using HubSpot's software, you can get a reasonable amount of data to help you decide where to spend your time using Google Analytics.

10 Awesome Twitter Analytics and Visualization Tools. Recently Twitter rolled out their native analytics platform for all users and now you can get some quality data about your tweets directly from Twitter.

10 Awesome Twitter Analytics and Visualization Tools

After researching over a thousand Twitter Tools for the Twitter Tools Book I came across many Twitter analytics and visualization tools. These Twitter tools were designed to add value by presenting a different way to visualize or analyze your tweets, the people in your network, and the tweets from the people in your network. Many tools tried to add value and failed.

At least they tried. The following tools, however, stand out in my mind as exceptional or entertaining and I recommend you check them out if you want to analyze and visualize your activity on Twitter. 1. Online Marketing News: Facebook Fiends, Snapchat Ads, Goodbye Fake Likes. Four Ways to Measure the Impact of Social Media: A Case Study. Do you need to justify social media efforts to company leaders?

Four Ways to Measure the Impact of Social Media: A Case Study

Do you want to know exactly what impact social media has on your business? In this article you’ll discover how SAP North America created a process that shows them exactly how social media is touching millions of dollars in potential business. SAP is a global leader in enterprise-level software and services. They have nearly 67,000 employees globally, and over 15,000 in SAP North America. They service 25 different industries and 12 lines of business with enterprise software. Read four ways to measure the impact of social media in this case study. They started their social media presence in 2010, originally contracted to four to six outside agencies.

Social Media Handles & Stats Company: SAP Website Blogs LinkedIn – 461,844 followers Facebook – 259,534 followers. Convince and Convert: Social Media Strategy and Content Marketing Strategy. Social Media Measurement: Understanding Cross-Channel Tactics. Understanding Cross-Channel Measurement can be a complex task.

Social Media Measurement: Understanding Cross-Channel Tactics

There are a lot of moving pieces, and the ability to get a holistic “big picture” view of your social landscape is not easy. This week, I had the pleasure of moderating a webinar called “The 5 Essentials of Cross-Channel Measurement”, a conversation stemming from our recent white paper on the same topic. Our two speakers, Simply Measured CEO Adam Schoenfeld, and Director of Professional Services Ron Schott, shared some ways of thinking about cross-channel measurement, and tactics for organizing and developing a cross-channel strategy. The second half of the webinar is a great Q&A session with some tough questions from the audience. Below, we’ve included a recording of the entire webinar, and a link to the 5 Essentials of Cross-Channel Measurement guide. To learn more about these five essential components, and for more tactical advice, click the button below to download the full guide. 8 Erreurs à éviter avec Google Analytics. Que ce soit lors de la mise en ligne d’un nouveau domaine, ou encore lors de la refonte d’un site web existant, il est très fréquent que des erreurs de configuration sous Google Analytics ou Universal Analytics viennent fausser l’analyse de données.

8 Erreurs à éviter avec Google Analytics

Pourtant, pouvoir baser une analyse sur des données fiables est hautement essentiel pour optimiser nos stratégies de façon efficace. Ci-dessous je vous présente les 8 erreurs régulièrement rencontrées lors de la configuration de Google Analyticcs. Erreur #1 : Données manquantes dans le rapport e-commerce La configuration des rapports de commerce électronique passe par 2 acteurs : le programmeur qui doit configuré le code sur la page de confirmation de la transaction, et le responsable du compte GA qui doit activer le rapport e-commerce.

S’il y a une incongruité dans les rapports e-commerce il faut se pencher sur l’un ou l’autre des acteurs.


SEO. Stats. Analytics without action. SocialMediaAuditSimplyMeasured.pdf. Monitoring. Twitter dispose d’un nouvel outil d’analytics. Actualités web La plateforme de microblogging tweeter vient d’annonce que « pour la première fois, les annonceurs pourront avoir un aperçu de l’engagement de leurs tweets et optimiser leur stratégies ».

Twitter dispose d’un nouvel outil d’analytics