mums in heels
Mums in Heels is a community of fashionable mums who strive to live a fulfilling and meaningful life making their own rules.
How to Become a Creative Mother Entrepreneur in Short Time? - Mums in Heels. This article will start with three quotations.
Quotation for mom, quotes from daughter, and from a successful entrepreneur(mom). “Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws” - Barbara Kingsolver. “I’m a strong woman because a strong woman raised me.” – Unknown “On my own I will just create, and if it works, it works, and if it doesn’t. I’ll create something else. I don’t have any limitations on what I think I could do or be.” – Oprah Winfrey. From these three types of quotations above it is understood that a daughter can become a creative personality, she can feel the taste of motherhood and she can become a creative mother entrepreneur.
It is not true that only men can lead. Tips on Becoming A Successful Creative Mother Entrepreneur Go through the below mention SIX points to learn more. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Quick Tips to Become a Successful Fashion Blogger. Simply, a person who owns or manages a blog is called a blogger.
Fashion blogging isn’t a new concept. Many fashion-conscious people in Swiss have created fashion blogs and many people read this blog. These blogs are great for learning about new trends, styles, make-up and more. Advantages of Investing In a Swiss Fashion Blogger for Your Business - Mums in Heels. Surviving in this cut-throat market becomes a challenge for small businesses especially when they don’t come with a constructive strategy.
In this condition, online marketing can be a facilitating deal for small business owners. At this point, if you want to make your fashion brand stand out, you should keep up with your blogging schedule. Why? The following passages can help you check out the advantages of hiring a Swiss Fashion blogger. Reasons to Hire a Professional Blogger for Your Fashion Brand Instead of writing a blog yourself, you should hire a professional blogger. A Professional Blogger Knows It All In several cases, small business owners underestimate the effort it takes to create content for a fashion business blog.
Thus, overall, it is a time-consuming procedure that is not an amateur’s cup of tea. You Have More Time to Focus on Your Business We have learned earlier that creating a search engine friendly fashion blog is a time-consuming process. Women Health and Wellness: Is It Essential or Needless? Women are the pillars of the nation, society, and a family.
Without a woman, this world may be stunned. A woman can unite a divided society and family. So, a woman should stay healthy and free.There is no secret that as women, we devote a lot of time and energy caring for those around us, and we don’t always prioritize our own health. But why would we be deprived? Who will deprive us of our freedom and happiness? Are you curious? Stay Strong and Stay Fit Being a mum is one of the most responsible jobs in the world. Stress is an unavoidable part of life for all of us and it can lead to physical and emotional disorders. Women Health and Wellness According to survey, 1 in 4 women are dissatisfied with their overall wellness.
Build Your Own Platform Online Ex-journalist and a TV presenter Tsitaliya will make you proud. Kids and Technology, how to change the rules around using it at home - Mums in Heels. A few days ago, I met with Dr.
Brandi Eijsermans, an international developmental psychologist, who will be answering monthly on Mums in Heels any questions you might have as a parent about connectedness, dialogue, and emotional development. We decided to create a rubric for parenting support, because, if you are like me, there are a lot of questions and doubts you wish you were able to ask a psychologist about finding help to deal with certain situations: bullying, insecurity, self-confidence, betrayal, loss of trust, etc.
Today, however, I want to talk about how technology affects our children’s development and behavior. During our talk Dr. Eijsermans said something that stuck with me: we can’t teach our children what we can’t model! Later that night on the way home I started thinking of the examples I set for my children while trying to teach them the complete opposite: Watching TV late at nightEating chocolate in bed after dinnerTaking my phone and computer to bed. How to build strong relationships with your children - Mums in Heels.
Did you ever think that the relationship with your children will require so much attention, nurturing, time and effort before you had them?
The problem is that there is no single recipe or a book that gives you all the answers of how to talk to them, how to empower them and how to build strong relationships with your children. And that is not an easy task, considering how exposed we all are to all kinds of information and influences. Just like in marriage, LOVE is not enough to guarantee a healthy long lasting bond between parents and children. Mums in Heels Blog.