Muntasir Mahdi
Muntasir Mahdi is a Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Entrepreneur and Writer. In his blog Barrta, he talks about something and everything.
Digital Marketing Activities - Muntasir Mahdi. What are you doing about your marketing activities?
Are those great? Are you doing it right? If you’re a marketer, here are the top 8 marketing activities you should be doing right now: Become better at digital marketing. Only 6% of senior executives believe their company has a high level of digital marketing proficiency and 40% feel they lagging behind. 2019 is the year to get serious about digital marketing. Ensure your website is mobile ready or mobile enabled.
Back in November 2018, mobile web traffic grew over 400%. Bring your social media community management in-house. Nike are doing it. Introduce NFC into your marketing materials. Near Field Communication or NFC should become an integrated part of your marketing activities. Become an eTailer, as well as a Retailer. All retailers are becoming multi-channel. Focus on winning in customer service. With the rise of social media, customer service is a responsibility. Don’t rely on “gut feel”, believe in data. Best Ways to Do Digital Marketing. Digital marketing means, marketing with digital media on the internet.
It’s a marketing strategy that uses digital marketing techniques to promote something. The world of digital marketing is fascinating. Keep on Thinking. 7 Elements To Developing A Marketing Strategy - Muntasir Mahdi. Successful marketing means successful sales.
Successful sales means successful business. Right? That is why you need a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy explains your goals with marketing efforts. It is the ‘WHAT’ of a business marketing plan. Best SEO Courses and Certifications. There are many FREE & PAID SEO Course (in Bangladesh).
But Most of them are Painful to learn. Here is a simple list of all the best certifications and courses you can take on SEO. Most of them are for beginners but the list is pretty awesome with good reviews. I try to keep this page updated at all times, so bookmark this page. You’ll also notice that some of the SEO Courses are free and some are paid. FreeDescription: Beginners SEO course including over 5 lectures and 51 minutes of content.Students enrolled: 35,303Excellent reviewsiPhone, iPad, Android accessibilityCertificate of completionLearn more! How to Become an SEO Expert. SEO can be a pain in the ass; specifically for an entrepreneur or a digital marketer.
But there are a huge number of websites of crappy data, misinformation or outdated data about how to become an SEO expert. Here’s the great news. There is more than enough FREE training materials available. So that you can too become an SEO expert. The key, of course, is to know what’s important. Digital Marketing Encyclopedia - ALT Tag. An alt tag is an HTML attribute for image tags.
It’s an alternative text for search engines. It is also known as “ALT Attribute” and “ALT Description“.Applying images to alt tags has a positive impact on search engine rankings. Search engine crawlers cannot interpret image. That’s why, ALT tags provide better readibility. Alt tags are also important for visitors because some browsers can’t process images. একজন অ্যাডভার্টাইজিং সেলস অ্যাজেন্ট হিসেবে ক্যারিয়ার গড়বেন যেভাবে যদি আপনি অ্যাডভার্টাইজিং, ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং, বিজনেস রিসার্চ এবং বিজনেস ম্যানেজমেন্টের উপর দক্ষ হয়ে থাকেন তাহলে একজন অ্যাডভার্টাইজিং সেলস অ্যাজেন্ট হিসেবে ক্যারিয়ার শুরু করতে পারেন।
যদি আপনি জটিলতর টেকনিক্যাল কনসেপ্টগুলোকে অরগানাইজেশন ও কোম্পানির উন্নতির খাতিরে পরিবর্তন করতে পারেন, তাহলে অ্যাডভার্টাইজিং সেলস অ্যাজেন্টদের বাজারে আপনার এই দক্ষতার অনেক চাহিদা রয়েছে। একজন অ্যাডভার্টাইজিং সেলস অ্যাজেন্ট মূলত যেকোনো অরগানাইজেশন বা কোম্পানির স্ট্র্যাটেজিক প্ল্যানিং এবং টেকনিক্যাল ও অ্যাডভার্টাইজিং এক্সপার্টাইজের উপর কাজ করে থাকেন। Digital Marketing Encyclopedia - What is A/B Testing. A/B Testing or A/B Split Test is a technique for comparing two different webpages or app to find out which one performs better for a specific goal.
It is also called A/B Testing or Bucket Testing. A/B testing framework to process is, Data Collection: Provide data for webpages with low conversion rates or high to improve those pages.Goal Identification: Point out your conversion goals.Hypothesis Generation: Explain why you think they would be better than the current versions.Variation Creation: Make the wanted changes in your website or in your mobile app. Conduct Experiment: Create your experiment and encourage your visitors to take part. Related Resources: প্রত্যেক মার্কেটারের জানা উচিত এমন সাতটি সাইকোলজিক্যাল থিওরী - Muntasir Mahdi.
SEO Content Strategy: How to Achieve Higher Search Ranking in 2019. Regardless of your industry, organization size, the services or products you offer, there’s one thing I can expect.
You need to show up on the first page of Google’s organic search results. You’re trying too. Beginner's Guide to SEO (What is Search Engine Optimization) for 2019. This is my digital book (PDF Version is below!)
, ‘A Complete Guide to SEO.‘ It gives a broad review of all that you have to know to be successful at seo today in 2019. SEO is a quick paced and dynamic field. It can be baffling. That is the reason it’s critical for you to remain well-educated and adapt with it. SEO is also more complex than ever in 2019. It takes more than building links, creating any old content and adding a few keywords to improve your organic search rankings. 50+ Marketing Definitions. সেলফ ব্র্যান্ডিং - Muntasir Mahdi. আমরা যখন কোনো পণ্য বা সার্ভিস ক্রয় করি তখন আমরা সেটা কেন ক্রয় করি? আমরা প্রতিদিন এই পৃথিবীতে আমাদের নেওয়া প্রত্যেকটা সিদ্ধান্তের মাধ্যমেই কোনো পণ্য বা সার্ভিস ক্রয় করে থাকি। আমরা ধারণা করি যে, আমরা যা ক্রয় করি বা যেসব সার্ভিস আমরা গ্রহণ করি সেগুলো ক্রয় করার পেছনে শুধুমাত্র আমাদের সিদ্ধান্তই কাজ করে। কিন্তু নিউরোসায়েন্স, বিহেভিয়েরাল ইকোনমিক্স ও সাইকোলজিক্যাল কিছু রিসার্চে জানা যায় যে, আমরা নিজেদের যতটা না যুক্তিসংগত বলে মনে করি আসলে আমরা ততটা বিচারবুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন নই।
বরঞ্চ আমরা আমাদের ব্রেইনের কিছু ক্ষুদ্র ও অজ্ঞাত প্রভাব দ্বারা পরিবর্তিত হই। 50+ Marketing Definitions. 50+ Marketing Definitions. Top Blogging Tips - Muntasir Mahdi. বিক্রি বৃদ্ধির জন্য সেরা কিছু ইমেইল মার্কেটিং টিপস - Muntasir Mahdi. Top 10 Highest Earning Bloggers Of The World In 2019. Best FREE Blog Sites & Blogging Platforms In 2019 - Muntasir Mahdi. যেভাবে সোশ্যাল মিডিয়া মার্কেটিংয়ের প্ল্যানিং করবেন - Muntasir Mahdi. সেরা কিছু কাস্টোমার রিলেশনশিপ ম্যানেজমেন্ট টুলস - Muntasir Mahdi. How to Create an Email Newsletter in 7 Steps - Muntasir Mahdi. Cold Calling Tips - Muntasir Mahdi. ব্যবসার জন্য সেরা কিছু ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং মেথড - Muntasir Mahdi. একটা ব্যবসাকে একেবারে মূল থেকে গড়ে তোলার জন্য মার্কেটিং অর্থাৎ প্রচারণার জুড়ি নেই। যত বেশি মার্কেটিংয়ের সাথে আপনি জড়িত থাকবেন তত বেশি আপনার ব্যবসা সম্পর্কে মানুষ জানতে পারবে।
আর যত বেশি মানুষ আপনার ব্যবসা সম্পর্কে জানতে পারবে তত বেশি মানুষ আপনার ক্রেতাদের কাতারে যোগ হবে। কিন্তু আমরা একেবারেই সাধারন কিছু ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং মেথড ব্যতীত অন্য কোনো ধরনের মার্কেটিংয়ের সাথে পরিচিত নই। এই আর্টিকেলে আমি এমন কিছু মার্কেটিং মেথড নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো যেগুলো আপনার মার্কেটিং চিন্তাধারাকে বদলে দিতে সক্ষম। চলুন তাহলে আজকের এই ফিচার শুরু করা যাক, যেখানে আমি ব্যবসার জন্য সেরা কিছু ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং মেথড নিয়ে বলবো!
গুরুত্বপূর্ণ রিসোর্সঃ কল টু অ্যাকশন বাটন যুক্ত করা একটি কল টু অ্যাকশন বাটন যুক্ত করার জন্য আপনাকে অবশ্যই আপনার ক্রেতা এবং তাদের ইচ্ছাকে ট্রিগার করবে এমন কিছু বিষয় সম্পর্কে জানতে হবে। 50 Ways To Promote Your Business For Free - Muntasir Mahdi. Top 71 Instagram Marketing Tools - Muntasir Mahdi. 4 Ways Your Local Paper Can Help You Reach New Customers. How to Start Outsourcing In Bangladesh. Craigslist Marketing Definitive Guideline and A to Z. Craigslist is a fortune trove of chance for digital marketers. Every month, more than 60 million people visit Craigslist in the United States alone. The site includes an straightforward interface and a few section.
Craigslist originated from humble beginnings. The author of the website, Craig Newmark create a online mailing list of about ten friends. So that they had some place to talk about social happenings in the San Francisco zone. The list kept on developing. Today, Craigslist operates in more than 700 cities across 70 countries. Each month, over 80 million ads and one million new jobs are posted to Craigslist.
In all occasions, it’s allowed to present your promotion on Craigslist. 24 Creative Book Marketing Ideas - Book Advertising. All About Self Branding. 6 Best Facebook Marketing Strategies for Ecommerce Stores. How to Use PPC Marketing to Find More Clients. The age of the Internet has offered ascend to the sort of laborers the world never thought would pick up so much footing: freelancers. These are individuals who utilize their shifted aptitudes to acquire enough salary without being bound by an agreement binds them to just one organization.
They can team up with customers without the long haul duty. It’s a definitive opportunity — or is it? Like any occupation, outsourcing has a considerable amount of difficulties. Consultants are not absolve from managing customers, clashes in calendar, rivalry, and each one of those things nine-to-five workers face. In case you’re a freelancer, you realize that this generally will be valid. Among the numerous hardships that specialists face is one that can represent the deciding moment their profession: pulling in and keeping customers. To address this issue, you should remain one stage in front of your rivals. Beginners Guide to Google Ads Display Advertising. As per Wordstream, the Google Display Network represents 20% of all AdWords traffic, and arrives at 92% of all Internet clients in the US. The system is persistently growing, so it is basic that publicists see effectively how to use the intensity of Google AdWords Display Advertising to elevate their business to important spectators over the web.
Google gauges that their presentation system gives inclusion to more than 90 percent of all web clients, which alone is a sufficient explanation you ought to utilize it. Nonetheless, it’s not simply the range of the system that makes it so noteworthy, it’s the capacity to portion and target clients in an assortment of ways that makes the Google Display Network such a possibly rewarding stage for promoters.
It is a typical misinterpretation that the Display Network just gives you the choice of showing picture advertisements. 10 Easy Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic or Visitor. Driving more visitor to your site can be intense. Your content is intended to be perused, mutual and to bring ROI! On the off chance that you think you have set up all that you could however your visitor is as yet not developing, at that point there are certainly a few of progress in your procedure. This article is going to give you 10 free significant ways to get traffic or visitor to your site or blog all the more rapidly.
As a novice, it very well may be hard to go up against prevalent keywords, as pioneers of your field must have just chipped away at them. It is extremely progressively subjective to compose a great deal of articles on a quite certain portion than attempting to situate yourself on basic ones. It will bring you subjective prospects and will put you as a specialist on a particular area. Youtube SEO Ranking Factors - Youtube SEO. Youtube being the second biggest web crawlers and search engines, it is in this way important to consider how you could use your SEO opportunities on that stage. Youtube is additionally one of the most captivating social media with an extraordinary prevalence and reach.
Moreover, Youtube development has been facilitated by its coordination in both Video and Web search. What’s more, Google stepped forward in 2014 when they chose to just show video-rich scraps for Youtube recordings. 3 Best Marketing Tips For Young Entrepreneurs. When you’re a young business person or entrepreneur, your most noteworthy resource is your time. Which means the name of the game is for you to get the most value for your money—and to ask yourself the intense inquiries, quick, so you can concentrate on the things that truly move the needle. In the event that your product vanished from the world tomorrow, what might the world miss? Would anybody give it a second thought? It’s an extreme inquiry, however the most significant inquiry.
For what reason should people focus on what you’re doing? How to Write an Awesome Blog Post in 5 Steps. Composing a blog entry is similar to driving; you can think about the parkway code (or read articles revealing to you how to compose a blog entry) for quite a long time, yet nothing can set you up for the genuine article like getting in the driver’s seat and hitting the open street. Digital Marketing in Bangladesh – Ups and Downs.
I have been a sharp onlooker of how the digital domain has been thriving in our nation and Bangladesh has demonstrated some astounding advancement throughout the years. 500 Ways to Earn Money From Online - Best Ways to Earn Money. What Is Digital Marketing? Marketing has consistently been tied in with interfacing with your group of visitors in the opportune spot and at the correct time. Today, that implies you have to meet them where they are now investing energy: in the web. Digital Marketing Courses - Paid and FREE. We live in a wondrous age my companions. Don't Let Digital Marketing Mistakes Derail Your Business. Let’s be honest: We live in an innovation driven world, and advanced marketing has from multiple points of view outperformed customary channels.
With customers currently going to the web for each question they have, it’s straightforward why insightful advanced promoting can represent the moment of truth a business. ফেসবুক পোল রিসার্চঃ ক্যারিয়ার হিসেবে সেরা অপশন কোনটা? Important Things to Remember in Social Media Marketing. 15 SEO Tips Every Front End Developer Should Know in 2019. GoodFirms Gathered the Best Digital Marketing Companies. ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং শেখার সবচেয়ে সেরা উপায় কোনটা? Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. 18 Digital Marketing Tips Most People Don't Know About. Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh.
Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. Google Search Ranking Update of 2019 (September) Muntasir Mahdi - Digital Marketer in Bangladesh. Facebook Monetization: How to Monetize A Facebook Fan Page. 100+ Digital Marketing Quotes Every Marketer Should Know.
How to Start a Blog to Earn Money. Best Domain Hosting Companies. How to Buy a Domain Name. Everything About Blogging. How to Create a Website. 10 Best Marketing Trends For 2019. 200+ Digital Marketing Training Institutes in India. How to Boost Your Post On Instagram To Increase Engagement. 25 Proven Facebook Contest Ideas For Better Results. Offline Market Research: How To, Methods and More. The Definitive Guide To Create Do-Follow Backlinks. When to Use WordPress for Ecommerce and When to Avoid It. How to Create an Ecommerce Website in 9 Steps. How to Start an Online Store That Drives Sales. The Best SEO Plugins for WordPress. 5 Steps to Creating a Sitemap For a Website. A Beginner's Guide to Generating Business Leads. YouTube SEO: How to Optimize Videos for YouTube.
9 Habits of Successful Content Creators. 20 Best Tips for Startups. How The Top Brands Use Referral Marketing. 6 Simple Strategies To Grow Business Conversions Rates. Google Search Console Tutorial For Beginners. SEMrush Review – The Best Competitor Analysis Tool. 11 Creative Ways to Earn Backlinks. Digital Marketing. 13 Tips for a Professional Facebook Business Page. Buy Organic Visitor. Online Store Website. Corporate Website Templates. Facebook Page Promoter. SEO Services. Free Website Visitor. News Portal Websites.