Bokmärken – Craft of the Day, bookmarks. Du behöver: Kuvert (återanvänd gärna gamla kuvert), ett ark med vitt papper (för mallen), sax, penna, lim och ett mönstrat papper. Inspiration till detta pyssel kommer från The Creative Homemaker. Fler varianter på samma tema finns här och här. Gör så här: Vik ett enkelt vitt papper diagonalt. Rita en en hjärtbåge i hörnet av papperet, som på bilden. Klipp och vik ut. You will need: Envelope (why not reuse old envelopes?) The inspiration for this craft comes from The Creative Homemaker. How-to: Fold a sheet of plain white paper diagonally. DIY Bird Bookmark.
Following the bird theme going on this week, I thought I'd share a quick and easy diy bird bookmark project! Inspired by this metal bird bookmark from Our Shop in the UK, I decided to make a similar paper version based on my own favorite species of birds. A titmouse like the one above loves to sit in the nearby cherry tree and sing. (I forget where I found this photo - please let me know so I can link it if you recognize this!). I love the gray color of its feathers, and its little head crest! I also used a picture of a European robin (again, let me know if you recognize this!). I love how tiny they are, and the contrast of their bright red and white chests. Once you've picked a photo of your favorite bird, print it out and grab a pencil.
In the photo above, you can see where I traced over with a pencil. Lift the paper up, and go over the lines on the card stock with a pencil to darken them and make them clearer. The next important part is getting the wing. Bookmark Tutorial and One More Project. These are the last of the gift sewing I did for teachers. They really are Perfect Box Pouches - made with that great tutorial. Becket filled his teachers' with chocolates. Kenton's teacher got some bookmarks.
(LOVE LOVE how the box came out with that Mendocino) I figured out a few tips when making the bookmarks, so thought I would share a little tutorial. First you need to get the cover button kit - I used size #14. I found jumbo paper clips at Target. Use the template from the button packaging to cut fabric circles. Next, you just layer the fabric, button front, tuck the fabric, and finally the button back into the white tool.
Now you need to heat up your glue gun until it has dripped a glue ball sculpture. Bend down the button eye with your finger, then put a blob of glue just below the center of the back. Before it has hardened, I then go back and fill up the entire back and over the paperclip. Watch out, it's addictive! Well, school is out for Christmas break.