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Witchvox Article. Scorpion Energy: Not Just Black and White Author: Sage Runepaw Posted: September 21st. 2008 Times Viewed: 16,994 "The scorpion is an amazing arachnid. It is known to be a loner and has the ability to fluoresce under ultraviolet light in order for scientists to be able to see them at night. They have six to twelve eyes, a pair at the centre and two to five smaller eyes on each side. Despite all the obvious eyeballs, scorpions do not have good eyesight. They are able to distinguish light from dark and have excellent low light sensitivity, which helps them to both, avoid harsh sunlight and to navigate by starlight or moonlight.

"Males and females find each other by vibration, scent and touch. "On an entirely different level, Scorpions have been revered and respected by many cultures. "Scorpion's message according to aboriginal culture is to have the wisdom to wait, to uncover what is hidden, that timing and calculation are essential. "Are you striking at an idea with its full potential? Octubre 2012. 47.- Es gracias al sabio aprovechamiento de la simiente sexual, de su propia simiente, que desde el lodo de la tierra se levantaron grandes Hombres y Sublimes Maestros de la Rosacruz, quienes conquistaron para sí mismos el elixir de la larga vida, fuente inagotable de juventud; y la piedra filosofal, arca fabulosa de riquezas espirituales capaz de transformar el plomo en oro. 48.- Nos viene a la memoria la excelsa figura del Hombre que deslumbró a Europa, el Conde de Saint-Germain, Iniciado Caldeo que allí en la lejana tierra de Abraham (En el año 300 a.C.) recibió la Iniciación Alquímica, gracias a un sublime Maestro de la Rosa y Cruz. 49.- Saint-Germain, indiscutible Rosacruz, bebió él mismo, de la fuente inagotable de sus aguas espermáticas, el elixir de la eterna juventud, y encarnó en sí mismo la piedra de fuego de la filosofía aurea. 50.- Como él, muchos otros lograron la inmortalidad. 63.- La causa de la muerte hay que buscarla en el sexo.

La castidad es vida. Amon | Temple of Alexandria. Amon Amen, Amon, Amun, Imen – Primeval Creator God mentioned already in the Pyramid Texts (5th Dynasty) as a primeval deity whose shadow protects the other gods. His female counterpart is Amaunet. He is often called “The Hidden One” which shows an association with invisibility. The ancients regarded him as being behind and in all things, a deity too complex to describe in one name or even possible to depict in his true form. Therefore another name was “He who abides in all things”. ‘Hidden of aspect, mysterious of form’ or the ba of all things are other epiteths. They also called him ‘asha renu’ which means ‘rich in names’. Amun and the Ogdoad. Amun and his female counterpart Amaunet, are one of four pairs of the Ogdoad, the Creation Myth which originated in Hermopolis (el-Ashmunein). Forms and Sacred Animals As the creator behind all of cosmos, also other deities were unaware of his true form.

Amun-Re Amun at Thebes – Karnak and Luxor Amun in Kush (Nubia) Main center of worship: Main Festival. Pagan Period. Chapter III The Pagan Period: Burma's Classic Age - 11th To 14th Centuries Part 4 1. General Introduction The buildings still standing at Pagan are impressive, not only in their numbers but also in their architectural techniques, size, decoration, and creative floor plans. This leads logically to an expectation that there would also be a vast number of extant images since each temple would have had at least one major cult image and no doubt several secondary images. Surely, there would have been also an abundance of small images for personal use in household shrines during a prosperous period of more than two hundred years.

This situation is explained in part by the fact that the major image(s) in most temples were made of brick and stucco and, over time, all of these images were gutted by vandals while seeking the contents of the small deposit boxes that were placed behind the neck and navel. 2. A. B. C. D. E. Chinthe carved in ivory, 20th - century Burma Collection, NIU Art Museum 3. A.


Security Check Required. Isis "Regina Caeli" The names of the Great Mother are so many: Inanna for the Sumerians, Ishtar for the Akkadians, Anat at Ugarit, Atargatis in Syria, Artemide-Diana at Ephesus, Baubo at Priene, Aphrodite-Venus at Cyprus, Rhea or Dictynna at Crete, Demeter at Eleusis, Orthia at Sparta, Bendis in Thrace, Cybele at Pessinus, Ma in Cappadocia, Bellona in Rome. In Egypt her name is Isis. Daughter of Nut, goddess of the Sky, and of Geb, god of the Earth. Bride of Osiris, killed by Seth, god of the desert, and risen from the death thanks to the same Isis.

Isis is the mother of Horus, the god little boy who appears in numerous representations in the arms of Isis who suckles him. Osiris reincarnates himself in Horus, born by the union with Isis after his resurrection. The triad Isis, Osiris and Horus represents the continuity of life, the victory over death, the life after death. With the coming of the Ptolemaic dynasty (323 b.C.) the cult of Isis spread in the whole Mediterranean. In 28 b.C. In 21 b.C. Prehistoric Egypt - Ancient Man and His First Civilizations. Ancient Man and His First Civilizations Prehistoric Egypt Before beginning our history of Egypt, let us first dispel some popular White Lies and subterfuge.

Concerning Literature Why do ancient statues and paintings of Black people, often NOT look like Black people? By Prof. Manu Ampim The widespread damage to the temple images has allowed Egyptologists to argue from such sources as the temple evidence that ancient Egypt was a multi-racial society and therefore belongs to the world’s heritage and not necessarily to African history. The altering of Black (African) facial features and the lightening of the skin colors of painted reliefs inside the tombs are central aspects of the conspiracy to destroy the memory of classical African civilizations.

The problem of deterioration of the Kings Valley (KV) tombs has led to a growing international movement to build replica tombs and close the original structures. Example of the White mans handiwork (Note the Libyan and Asiatic are depicted as White) Descent into the Underworld. Inanna’s most important myth begins with the great goddess opening “her ear to the Great Below”. She abandons her temples in the seven cities of her worship, abandons, in fact, all of the glories of heaven and earth, and prepares to make the journey “from which no traveler returns”.

She gathers together seven attributes of civilization, which she transforms into such feminine allure as her crown, gold jewelry, and royal robe to serve as her protection. She also instructs her faithful servant, Ninshubur, what to do in case of her return -- to seek out her fathers, urging them not to let their daughter die. After three days and nights, when Inanna has not returned, Ninshubur begins to lament and beat the drum for Inanna. Then Ninshubur goes to Enki, Inanna's mother’s father, begging for help. The kurgarra and the galatur heed Enki’s words and enter the underworld like flies. Dumuzi tries to escape by having the god, Utu, change him into a snake, and then into a gazelle. Interpretation 1. MtDNA : The Eve Gene. Sex, Desire, Intimacy Library. In the Sex, Desire, Intimacy Library Developing a Sexual Practice How to Wake Up to Your Erotic EnergyVideo with Amy Jo Goddard Girl Sex 101: Buckle Your SeatBelt and Get Ready to Ride! eBook Exerpt by Allison Moon Tantra, Kink & Consciousness 6 Techiques for More Ecstatic ConnectionWebinar with Barbara Carrellas How to Use a Vibrator An instructional guide from the "Mother of Masturbation"Podcast with Betty Dodson Overcoming Shame Releasing the Body Shame & Stigma that Holds You Back from Being Your Wild, Sexy, Loving Self Video & guide with Cathy Vartuli Sexual Self-Discovery Workbook Explrore Your Sexual Stories, Blocks & Desires to Unlock What's holding you back from sexual liberation.

Workbook by Dawn Serra The 4 Keys to Sensual Empowerment How ANY Woman Can Eliminate Doubt & Create Self-Confidence, Enthusiasm and Power Video training with Deborah Kagan Female Orgasm Guide 3 Secrets to Activate Your Pleasure PotentialVideo guide with Devi Ward Bondassage: Self-Love and Pleasure Hypnosis Ignite Your Passion. Axis Shift & Epic Global Changes. THE YOD AND THE YONI WORSHIP.

The Yod and the Yoni January 2007 The Unhived Mind Notice the Tie and Collar in the Formal dress of Males. This is the suit of the modern times. Notice the position of Jesus on the Cross Whats going on here exactly? Its all symbolism my friends. Make sense now? Codes for computing In Unicode the capital Y is codepoint U+0059 and the lowercase y is U+0079. Y is the twenty-fifth letter of the Latin alphabet. Now folks remember Yod Hey Vav Hey in Hebrew?

Incidentally Y in Hebrew = 10 any relationship to Akhenaton? In Braille Y looks like this: Heres the hand symbol: Now notice something thrown by 5th Degree Witch Barbara Bush whos married to SMOM Papal Knight George Herbert Walker Bush and a member of the Council of 13: The Meaning of Yod as Ten The word (yod) means “arm” or “hand” and the numeric value is ten. Notice if you look at a Maypole from a birdseye view its a dot and the people make up the Circle. CHURCH The word church is not in the original Bible. Now from the Male we go to the Female: Woman Thou Art God: Goddess Symbolism Within Freemasonry by William Bond. A few years ago I came across a illustrated Freemasonry book in my local library and glanced through it, out of idle curiosity, I was surprised to find I was able to pick out Goddess symbolism within Mason images. Which was a surprise, because Freemasonry is suppose to be a male dominated secret society.

So why would a organization that has steadfastly refused to allow female members within its ranks for hundreds of years, use Goddess symbolism? It didn't make sense. I began to read more about Freemasonry and found enough information about the connection between Freemasonry and Goddess worship to fill a book. This article is a taste of what I have discovered so far. I am myself am not a Freemason so any knowledge and understanding from this article, only comes only from my interpretation of Mason symbols. I have had a deep interest in Goddess religions for nearly 30 years, so I am looking at Freemasonry from this point of view.

The symbolism of the Statue shows she is a Sun Goddess. The Nine Tests of Scorpio: Becoming a Spiritual Warrior Daykeeper Journal - Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation Daykeeper Journal. The Solar Eclipse on November 3, 2013 in Scorpio occurs right at the midpoint of Saturn’s Journey through Scorpio which began on October 5, 2012 and will complete on December 24, 2014. The North Node of Fate entered the eighth sign on August 2012, and together the Lord of Time and Karma and the Node of Fate have been excavating Pluto’s underworld kingdom for over a year. On September 25, 2013, the conjunction between them brought a karmic turning point which re-set your inner compass for at least 14 years wherever early degrees of Scorpio fall in your chart. All of which marked the start of your training as a spiritual warrior. To understand the effects of the approaching eclipse both personally and globally and the theme of Saturn’s continuing journey through Scorpio until December 24, 2014, it’s important to know the esoteric meaning and symbolism of Scorpio.

The Three Symbols of Scorpio Scorpio has not just one but three symbols: the Scorpion, the Eagle and the Phoenix. The Seven Rays. Sounds True. Untitled. Venus Comes to Earth: The Magic of The Beltane | The Jennifer Kries Blog. The magic month of May, is a magic I never really knew until this May, when I came to truly understand what union meant in an entirely new way –because this May, I lived it, and I continue to live it now, as my fingers tap out the words to express the boundless love that flows from my heart onto the page. May is the month when Venus, the ruler of Taurus comes to earth to grace us with love, desire, fertility and creativity of all kinds … The Goddess of love annoints the earth with blossoming flowers and trees and delights the senses with summer fruits and the bounty of nature’s garden.

She is celebrated with rituals of fertility and harvest, with fire, which symbolizes the fire that burns within each one of us … in our hearts and in our souls, the fires that keep us alive and urge us forth to bring what we carry inside into the light of day. May is the magic month of The Beltane, the festival of fires that burn with the light of transcendent love that can blossom here on earth … Beltane - The Wheel Of The Year. Beltane: (Bealtaine, May Eve, Valpurgis) - April 30th/May 1st Incense: Lilac, FrankincenseDecorations: Maypole, Flowers, RibbonsColours: Green The Fire Festival of Beltane This festival is also known as Beltane, the Celtic May Day. It officially begins at moonrise on May Day Eve, and marks the beginning of the third quarter or second half of the ancient Celtic year. This is a holiday of Union--both between the Goddess and the God and between man and woman. Beltane is the season of maturing life and deep found love.

The flowers and greenery symbolise the Goddess and the Maypole represents the God. May Day May Day has long been marked with feasts and rituals. The May Queen (and often King) is chosen from among the young people, and they go singing from door to door throughout the town carrying flowers or the May tree, soliciting donations for merrymaking in return for the "blessing of May". In parts of France, some jilted youth will lie in a field on May Day and pretend to sleep. The Spirituality of Oz: The Meaning of the Movie - Theosophical Society in America. By Andrew Johnson What is the meaning of "true home"? . . . We talked about a wave. Does a wave have a home?

When a wave looks deeply into herself, she will realize the presence of all the other waves. Oh, but anyway, Toto, we’re home—home! Spirituality, Truth, and Reality Spirituality can be viewed two ways. Truth The first thing to be said about The Wizard of Oz is that it is true, absolutely and completely, or as Munchkins would say, "Morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely . . . true. " There is a difference, however, between truth and facts. Reality The Wizard of Oz is very real. Thich Nhat Hanh (1999), the Buddhist mystic, describes two levels of reality that exist simultaneously. Universal or Collective Unconscious The Wizard of Oz is true on a noumenal level.

It was from the collective unconscious, a bubbling cauldron of archetypal images, that The Wizard of Oz was birthed into existence in 1900 as a book and later reincarnated as a movie in 1939. Cyclones. Film Explorer - Kenya Brook Reed. Untitled. The film “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” provides a prime example of the hero’s journey of each of the four survival archetypes: the Child, the Victim, the Prostitute, and the Saboteur. This film is an archetypal treasure trove, but for brevity’s sake I will concentrate mainly on these four. The first character that we meet in the film is Dorothy – the Child. She looks for attention and is struggling to be heard and recognized by the adults (the Child seeking self-authority, responsibility). She longs for a place “somewhere over the rainbow” where she can have both authority and innocence – that is to say, a home of her own.

The Child is the guardian of innocence and is the part of us that both wants and shuns responsibility and protection. After being recognized as a Hero by the Munchkins for doing away with the Wicked Witch of the East, she asks how to get home and is told that she needs to go ask the Wizard in the Emerald City for help. Scares himself. Tripura Sundari. Guadalupe | Our Lady of Guadalupe | VENUS DECLASSIFIED. Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Triangles, Pyramids and the Sun - IlluminatiWatcher. Indra's net. Spiritual Retreat. RELIGIONS AND CULTURES OF MOON WORSHIP. The Fountain of Life » The Fountain of Life. Menses. Egypt of Lion Archives - Eden Saga - english. The Sampradaya Sun - Independent Vaisnava News - Feature Stories - June 2006.

WILDNESS OF THE FEMALE SPIRIT by Sophia Breillat. Africa - Province of the Roman Empire. Untitled Document. The Meaning of the "Strength" Tarot Card - Free Tarot Readings. Inanna and the Sacred Marriage by Johanna Stuckey. Genesis of Eden Diversity 1. Inanna prepares for her wedding. HIEROS GAMOS « Critical Trilogy. THE BOOK OF SYMBOLS: HIEROS GAMOS | (R)evolution! The Count - Triangle Book of St. Germain, by Iona Miller, 2015. Hieros Gamos - Energetic Synthesis. [Regents Prep Global History] World Belief Systems: Introduction.

The Tradition of Saint Valentine's Day. The Lotus. Origin and History of the Name Susanna. Astral insights | MYSTICMAMMA.COM : consciousness, spirituality, astrology, wisdom, inspiration new. Clytemnestra | Land of Goddesses. American Buddha Online Library. Hekate: Moving Through Darkness. Willow. The power of the willow tree. Thousands of NAMES OF GODS, GODDESSES, DEMIGODS, MONSTERS, SPIRITS, DEMONS   & DEITIES for your dog, horse, cat, pet or child - from Chinaroad Lowchens of Australia. Gods And Goddesses. TANTRA ART OF ODISHA. Translation of the Phrygian language. Tlazolteotl: The Goddess of Filth by Anne Key. Tlazolteotl: The Goddess of Filth by Anne Key. Ancient Egypt Online: Cats in Ancient Egypt. Anuket, Goddess of the First Cataract and Abu Island--Anuket Anukis Elephantine Island Khnum gazelle goddess water goddess Nubia Nubian Goddess Egyptian Goddess Kemet kemetic goddess witch wicca Thalia Took obscure goddess online directory.

Egyptian goddess Anuket *** Kali Ma. The Triple Moon Goddess: Maiden, Mother and Crone. Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess Cover. Temple of Panthea - Home. Owls - Mythology and Folklore.


Hera – The Pre-Hellenic Great Mother Goddess of the Minoans and Mycenaean Greeks | Goddess Inspired. Goddess Names & Cross-Cultural Correspondence Chart.