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How To Create A Company Intranet Without Coding Skills. According to Inc Magazine, the future of software is no-code platforms.

How To Create A Company Intranet Without Coding Skills

We have already seen the cloud technology revolution transform the way businesses work. And the next wave in this process is the growth of no-code software. The ability to use software without specialist coding skills is good news for small to medium-sized enterprises in particular. Imagine, for example, creating an intranet without needing the backup of a team of IT specialists or expensive consultants. Intranet Definition: What Is An Intranet? Intranet, extranet or portal, which is the right platform for your company?

Intranet Definition: What Is An Intranet?

The terminology can be confusing, especially if technology isn’t really your thing. That’s why we decided to provide this intranet definition to make the selection process simpler by unpicking what the different terms mean and by identifying the best uses for each platform. Intranets Offer Cloud File Storage For Business Plus A Whole Lot More. It’s hard to beat the convenience and flexibility of cloud file storage.

Intranets Offer Cloud File Storage For Business Plus A Whole Lot More

Disasters can and do happen and laptops and devices are often misplaced, but with cloud storage you will always have access to your files even when you’re on the go. What’s more, you won’t need to spend valuable dollars on maintaining expensive company servers or support personnel. There’s no doubt about it, cloud file storage is one of the best investments that a business can make. But did you realise that for the same cost, you could also be realizing the additional benefits that a cloud intranet has to offer? Carry on reading to find out about the versatility of an office intranet in not only providing cloud file storage solutions but a whole host of additional business tools as well.

Existing Cloud File Storage Options The truth is for most companies online cloud storage has become little more than a dumping ground for all company data and information. Intranets and Microsoft Office 365 For Better Productivity. Microsoft Office is the most common form of software used in the world.

Intranets and Microsoft Office 365 For Better Productivity

Its reach is incredible with 1.2 billion users worldwide and 60 million using the cloud version called Office 365. As a platform for businesses to share and collaborate on information it’s almost without parallel and now you can leverage the investment your company has made in Office 365 by embedding it in your company intranet. Combining both powerful tools in a single cloud-based platform will lead to efficiency savings and enhanced productivity with anytime, anywhere access. Interested in finding out more? In this post, we look at some of the advantages of using Microsoft Office 365 with your company intranet. Microsoft Office 365 And The Intranet – Advantages Open All Hours The single most important advantage of embedding Office 365 in your intranet is that staff members no longer need to be in the office to get work done. Better Collaboration And Joint Working. Employee Onboarding And Offboarding Made Easy With An Intranet. Every time a member of staff joins or leaves an organization there’s a whole host of paperwork to be completed and a number of different departments to be notified.

Employee Onboarding And Offboarding Made Easy With An Intranet

It’s easy to miss a step so that a new staff member could arrive on day one only to find they haven’t been set up on the computer system. Or worse still, a former member of staff could retain access to the systems several weeks after they have left. Using the company intranet will do away with these annoying and potentially costly errors for good. Streamlined, consistent employee onboarding and offboarding processes are achievable via the intranet, providing an enhanced experience from both the perspective of the individual staff member and the business as a whole. Cutting Through The Confusion: Deciding On The Best CMS Intranet. Choosing the best CMS intranet system can be intimidating, and confusing.

Cutting Through The Confusion: Deciding On The Best CMS Intranet

Your business has to weigh up a number of different factors before making a decision: Which CMS intranet fits your organization best? Which of the many providers has the best offering? What are the features we should be looking for? Thankfully, we’ve unpacked all of this for you below—from key features through to the pros and cons of the big names, this article contains everything you need to know about choosing a CMS intranet provider. From Staff To A Community: How Social Intranets Can Bring Your Team Together. We, as people, are now social in a way we’ve never been before.

From Staff To A Community: How Social Intranets Can Bring Your Team Together

Around two-thirds of American adults use social networks like Facebook and Twitter (an increase of ten times over the last decade, according to Pew Research), and many of us spend more time chatting over the internet than we seem to spend talking to people in real life! But do you really want that trend to extend into how your business works? More and more, we’re seeing businesses make it a reality. From traditional corporates to schools, medical providers, churches and community organizations, research shows that social intranets are everywhere! Despite this prevalence, some naysayers are still a bit worried – about security, time wasted, appropriateness for their organization and more. Company Intranet Use To Optimize And Achieve HR Goals. Tempting as it may be, you shouldn’t be leaving the newest trends in technology to your IT team.

Company Intranet Use To Optimize And Achieve HR Goals

No matter who you are in an organization, from the business owner to the HR manager, understanding innovative technology can have a beneficial effect on every aspect of a company. To keep a company afloat, it’s essential to keep people happy and to act capably when recruiting and maintaining staff – so the HR department is absolutely key to any organization. But by making use of an effectively designed company intranet, you can make these goals far more attainable. Let’s have a look! Improving Morale High morale is at the heart of any successful company. When a company grows too large, it can be extremely difficult for an employee’s voice not to be drowned out amongst the storm. Recognizing Top Performance It also can provide a platform for recognition: including employee awards in a news feed helps increase their significance, and the impact it has on the morale of the employee in question. Mobile Intranets: Connecting Logistics Company Staff. Logistics companies are fundamental to the US economy and are responsible for generating over $2b in net revenue.

Mobile Intranets: Connecting Logistics Company Staff

Transportation and warehousing of product is their bread and butter which means they have large numbers of staff out and about on the road, managing and delivering great volumes of stock. Being connected to head office is fundamental to these remote workers. Whether it’s to report a delayed delivery due to bad traffic, make a maintenance request or update a manifest schedule, logistics company personnel need to be connected at all times. If you work in a logistics company then you’ll be familiar with these issues and have probably been grappling with finding effective solutions for many years.

Well, have you considered a company intranet that is fully mobile optimized? Connecting Remote Workers. Company Intranets: How To Achieve A Successful Launch. The Best Intranet: Key Company Intranet Features. If you are considering introducing a company intranet or are about to revamp your existing one, there are key company intranet features that you need to ensure are included.

The Best Intranet: Key Company Intranet Features

In the first of two related articles, we identify what those key features are and how they will make a difference to your business. Why Bother With An Intranet? An intranet works much like an internet site but instead of being a public resource, it is an internal resource accessible to staff only. The whole purpose of an intranet is to streamline business processes and to make it easier for staff to access the information they need to get the job done. Given this purpose, it’s important that staff are the starting point for determining the content of the intranet. Key Company Intranet Features: Part 2. This article is the second in a two-part discussion on key company intranet features. Whether you are thinking about introducing a company intranet or are revamping an existing one, you will want to make sure that these essential features are included.

In the first part of this discussion we looked at the following company intranet features: Intranet Templates: Create An Office Intranet Enhance Your Career. Office Intranet Benefits The benefits of having an office intranet are well accepted and online intranet templates mean that the world of intranets is now accessible to even the most non-technical of us. If you want to get ahead, enjoy new challenges and have a creative flair, then why not let unleash your imagination by utilising an intranet template. The advantages it will bring to your organization and your career are many as we shall find out in this article.

CMS Intranets: Making The Right Choice. Introducing a CMS intranet is a big decision for a business. There are a number of issues you will need to consider before making a final choice on the best CMS intranet for your organization. It can be a confusing and daunting task weighing up the offerings of the many CMS intranet solutions that are in the marketplace. How will you know what CMS intranet will be the best fit for your organization? In this article we look at the key features a business CMS intranet should have. 5 Top Tips On How To Produce Engaging Intranet Content. Some businesses make the mistake of thinking that once the office intranet is up and running – that’s it, job’s done! Making sure that the company intranet continues to be a success is often closely aligned to the quality of the intranet content and whether or not it is relevant and engaging for staff.

How to produce engaging intranet content is, therefore, an important issue for organizations. There’s little point in having a flash company intranet if staff are not using it. In this article, we share 5 top tips that will help you produce engaging, relevant content that staff will want to interact with. 1. When you are writing intranet content, always have the needs of the end reader at the forefront of your mind. Remove Information Silos With A Creative Intranet Design. Information silos exist to some extent in most organizations. While many organizations recognize that they are an issue, they are at a loss as to how to break down those silos and foster a collaborative work environment. A creative intranet design is one tool that can help to remove the barriers, providing opportunities for collaboration and genuine teamwork across the organization.

In this article, we discuss the damaging effects of information silos on business goals.