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19 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics. List of spells in Harry Potter. Exclusive: Finished ‘Potter’? Rowling tells what happens next - Wild about Harry. If you found the epilogue of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” rather vague, then J.K.

Exclusive: Finished ‘Potter’? Rowling tells what happens next - Wild about Harry

Rowling achieved her goal. The author was shooting for “nebulous,” something “poetic.” She wanted the readers to feel as if they were looking at Platform 9¾ through the mist, unable to make out exactly who was there and who was not. “I do, of course, have that information for you, should you require it,” she told TODAY’s Meredith Vieira rather coyly in her first interview since fans got their hands on the final book. Ummm … yes, please! Rowling said her original epilogue was “a lot more detailed,” including the name of every child born to the Weasley clan in the past 19 years. “But it didn’t work very well as a piece of writing,” Rowling said. But now that the seventh and final novel is in the hands of her adoring public, Rowling no longer has to hold back any information about Harry Potter from her fans.

“Harry and Ron utterly revolutionized the Auror Department,” Rowling said. Mr. and Mrs. Why The Harry Potter Universe Is Secretly Terrifying. Harry-potter-anime.jpg (JPEG Image, 629x635 pixels) 13+ Photos From Awesome Harry Potter-Themed Weddings: Pics, Videos, Links, News. Harry Potter Stars Then and Now: Pics, Videos, Links, News. The Complete Harry Potter Series In Comic Book Form: Pics, Videos, Links, News. Sharpfish « The Harry Potter Companion. 20 Alcoholic Beverages Inspired By The Harry Potter Series: Pics, Videos, Links, News.


Dear Mr. Potter, Tattoos. Accio Quote! What JKR ways about her characters. 25 Bizarre Harry Potter Fan Art Pics. In 2 more days the Harry Potter franchise is all but done with the release of the final movie.

25 Bizarre Harry Potter Fan Art Pics

But don’t let that get you down, because fan art can live forever,no matter how bizarre it is. Thanks to the many artists at Deviantart and elsewhere who may or may not have made all this stuff. 7 Strange Ways Harry Potter is Now Real. The "Wizarding School" is at the center of the Harry Potter world.

7 Strange Ways Harry Potter is Now Real

Young witches and wizards go there to learn the ways of magic, as well as to make friends and join the larger magical community. It's also made the word "wizard" into a verb. But a school like this, with subjects like "Defense Against the Dark Arts" and "Potions," could only exist in the realm of fiction, right? I mean, no one in their right mind would actually try and posit that not only witch craft exists, but works, and should be taught to children, right?

Wrong. A 68-year-old man named Oberon Zell-Ravenheart (note: this may not be his real name) has announced plans to open his own Wizard School, the Grey School of Wizardry, in California. Planned classes include Beastmastery, Alchemy, Wand-Making and Spell Casting. But Oberon insists that he's been a wizard for long before the Harry Potter craze, and that before people referred to him as "Dumbledore," it was just Merlin or Gandalf.

Source. 20 Harry Potter Movie Sequels. Harry Potter - Chapter by Chapter & The Harry Potter Companion. The following books are still to come; check our updates page for the scoop on what’s happening now!

Harry Potter - Chapter by Chapter & The Harry Potter Companion

The Tales of Beedle the Bard Like this: Like Loading... The Parselmouth. J.K.Rowling Official Site - Harry Potter and more. Pottermore: Coming Soon.