Thoughts on RESTful API Design. Guide: When and how to use REST. REST API Design - Resource Modeling. “The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource.
Any information that can be named can be a resource: a document or image, a temporal service (e.g. "today's weather in Los Angeles"), a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object (e.g. a person), and so on. In other words, any concept that might be the target of an author's hypertext reference must fit within the definition of a resource. A resource is a conceptual mapping to a set of entities, not the entity that corresponds to the mapping at any particular point in time.” - Roy Fielding’s dissertation. Resources form the nucleus of any REST API design. A resource can be a singleton or a collection. The starting point in selection of resources is to analyze your business domain and extract the nouns that are relevant to your business needs. However, this simplistic approach may be valid at an abstract level, but breaks down once you hit more complicated domains in practice.
Escaping CRUD Nouns versus Verbs. SOA and APIs. Designer une API REST. La période de fêtes approchant à grands pas, nous vous proposons une “Quick Reference Card” sur le design des API dont l’objectif est de synthétiser les bonnes pratiques de conception et de design d’API REST.
Télécharger l’API Design – Quick Reference Card « Vous aimez les API, le Web ? » : Rejoignez nous! Si vous avez plus de temps, le présent article reprend – point par point – les éléments de la « carte de référence », en étayant et justifiant les propositions. Bonne lecture! Lorsque l’on souhaite concevoir une API, on est rapidement confronté à la problématique du « design d’API ». La mise en oeuvre d’une API à l’état de l’Art nécessite de prendre en compte: non seulement les principes substantiels des API RESTful issus de la littérature de référence (Roy Fielding, Leonard Richardson, Martin Fowler, spécifications HTTP…)mais également les bonnes pratiques utilisées par les API des “Géants du Web”. KISS – « Keep it simple, stupid » Exemples cURL Exemple Granularité Moyenne. Rest - RESTful APIs must be stateless, but what about concurrency? Sans titre. 1. What is REST? REST stands for Representational State Transfer.
(It is sometimes spelled "ReST".) It relies on a stateless, client-server, cacheable communications protocol -- and in virtually all cases, the HTTP protocol is used. REST is an architecture style for designing networked applications. The idea is that, rather than using complex mechanisms such as CORBA, RPC or SOAP to connect between machines, simple HTTP is used to make calls between machines. In many ways, the World Wide Web itself, based on HTTP, can be viewed as a REST-based architecture. RESTful applications use HTTP requests to post data (create and/or update), read data (e.g., make queries), and delete data.
REST is a lightweight alternative to mechanisms like RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) and Web Services (SOAP, WSDL, et al.). Despite being simple, REST is fully-featured; there's basically nothing you can do in Web Services that can't be done with a RESTful architecture. Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API. Your data model has started to stabilize and you're in a position to create a public API for your web app. You realize it's hard to make significant changes to your API once it's released and want to get as much right as possible up front. Now, the internet has no shortage on opinions on API design. But, since there's no one widely adopted standard that works in all cases, you're left with a bunch of choices: What formats should you accept?
How should you authenticate? Should your API be versioned? In designing an API for Enchant (a Zendesk Alternative), I've tried to come up with pragmatic answers to these questions. ... or just skip to the bottom and signup for updates Latest from the Enchant blog How to make your app lovable A decent app helps you get the job done. ... and those apps, the ones that make things feel effortless, are the ones we love the most. But what makes an app feel effortless? SOA and API Convergence Strategy and Tactics.