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Sound Composition: Calm_Thunder_Storm. Sidewalk chalk guy. Sidewalk chalk guy «« back to all material copyrighted by its original creator |

sidewalk chalk guy

PSYCHOFACTZ. Animal did you knows. FatFingers - eBay typos, misspelling & spelling mistakes. Search for Music Using Your Voice by Singing or Humming, View Music Videos, Join Fan Clubs, Share with Friends, Be Discovered and Much More For Free! - Newest Items to make your life easier. - StumbleUpon. Wow… No, not Photoshop, just… cool.

Love this idea…each anniversary, take a picture holding last year’s photo. - StumbleUpon. Musicovery. Most Fascinating Geological Wonders On Earth. Real Life Version of Up. Une belle initiative par la chaîne National Geographic avec ce concept de reconstitution de la maison du film Up (La Haut) des studios Pixar.

Real Life Version of Up

Un lancement effectué depuis un terrain de Los Angeles, avec plus de 300 ballons à l’hélium et une maison grandeur nature. Draw a Stickman. Watch movies online for free movie download at Wir wissen auch nicht, was mit Movie2k passiert ist. Uns gehört die Domain nicht, es wurde von den Betreibern nur auf uns umgeleitet. (Wieso du hier unsere Seite siehst, steht hier.) Wir wissen aber, dass in der Politik vieles schief läuft. Im Urheberrecht, und anderswo. Wir wollen das ändern. Was läuft im Urheberrecht schief, und was will die Piratenpartei ändern? Wir wollen das Urheberrecht zwar nicht abschaffen, aber gründlich überarbeiten. Die Situation für Urheber wollen wir aber auch verbessern, indem wir ihre Rechte gegenüber Verwertern (wie z.

Das ist nur ein kurzer Auszug aus unserem Programm zum Thema Urheberrecht. Wie kann ich mithelfen? Zunächst einmal kannst du bei der nächsten Wahl PIRATEN wählen, damit wir eine Chance bekommen, unsere Ziele auch umzusetzen - und auch deinen Freunden von uns und unseren Zielen erzählen. Du findest unsere Ziele so gut, dass du zusammen mit uns die Politik ändern willst? Politische Arbeit kostet leider viel Geld. Wo sind meine Filme? Zur Technik.

Lots of Jokes - Did You Know? Q.

Lots of Jokes - Did You Know?

Why do men's clothes have buttons on the right while women's clothes have buttons on the left? A. When buttons were invented, they were very expensive and worn primarily by the rich. Since most people are right-handed, it is easier to push buttons on the right through holes on the left. Because wealthy women were dressed by maids, dressmakers put the buttons on the maid's right! Creative photos by Chema Madoz. G A L L E R Y. 10 Examples of Incredible Starry Night Sky Photography, and a How-To Video. 30 Most Ridiculous Doodles on Drawing Something. Draw Something is a mobile app developed by Omgpop.

30 Most Ridiculous Doodles on Drawing Something

It was one of the Mobile apps which won the Flurry App Spotlight Awards in 2012. In the first five weeks after its launching, the game was downloaded 20 million times. Fifty days after its release, it had been downloaded 50 million times. Recently, both Draw Something and Omgpop were bought by the game giant Zynga for $180 million. Two players alternate turns between drawing a picture for the other to guess. I know I put my Megazord around here somewhere… Megaman has this easy. Love(bug) conquers all. Leave it to Russel to always be prepared with a compass.

Hey chain chomp! This takes sibling rivalry to a whole other level. I think I’m tapped out on Star Wars clues. I like how Donkey Kong is professional enough to wear a tie despite having a job of primarily manual labor One small step for toys … One giant leap for toykind… Just glad I didn’t step on that tootsie roll. Who needs a surgeon when you got Dr. Genius Idea. Life hacks.

6 Cool Kinetic Technologies - Room with a Veu. Forget the cloud, these devices work on air.

6 Cool Kinetic Technologies - Room with a Veu

To many, the way some technologies work might seem like magic. But there are shades of enchantment, from the Bluetooth earpiece that seems no more amazing than a hackneyed magician at a kids' party to the technology that's more in the league of David Blaine. Even before the Lumière brothers scared Parisian audiences out of their wits and their seats by making them think that they'd be flattened by a motion-picture train, part of technology's charm has lied in illusion. What holds people in its thrall is that they can learn to master the art and perform the trick themselves.

Smartphones and tablets owe their close relationship to their owners not to the feats they can perform for an audience of one, but to the triumphs users can take credit for because of them. The more intangible the technology is, the more incredible its accomplishments seem. Improve your Brain Health. How to Clear a Blocked Nose. 50 Lessons I wish I had learned earlier. Welcome to our blog!

50 Lessons I wish I had learned earlier

Here you'll find bits and pieces of wisdom learned from cycling 17,000 miles from Alaska to Argentina together as a family. Hope it inspires you to live your dream! My book about our journey, Changing Gears, is now released! Free Calendar Wallpapers, May Monthly Desktop Wallpapers by r6Zne.jpg (JPEG Image, 697 × 2450 pixels) - Scaled (34.