Women's Equality. To Smash Sexism, Don't Shame Sexists. In 2015, a city in Alabama proposed that the miniskirt be banned.
Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activism: Amazon.co.uk: Jennifer Baumgardner, Amy Richards: 9780374528652: Books. I read Grassroots as an antidote to Going Public by Michael Gecan.
Gecan's book is useful for people who don't know glitter from gold about organizing. But, it's also very old-school, very hierarchical, and very male. Grassroots is none of those things. Despite being published before the Social Networking Revolution, it still feels current. Grassroots Feminism is the Best Strategy for Combating Gendered Violence – FEMEN. A study commissioned by the World Bank and published in the American Political Science Review — conducted over four decades and in 70 countries — details the context of violence against women.
Its core finding: the mobilization of local grassroots feminist movements is more important for positive change than the wealth of nations, left-wing political parties, or the number of women politicians. DIY Feminist Cybersecurity. Your online accounts are points of access to your life both online and off.
From email to social media to shopping, your accounts are crucial for pretty much everything you do through the internet. Spread out across these accounts is a treasure trove of personal data, credit card information, and even the ability to be “you” in online spaces. ?Welcome to the FEMINIST CULT?: Building a Feminist Community of. How Do We Define Online Feminism? #FemFuture Ignites Debate.
How do you make money from online content?
In the past two decades, this financial dilemma has plagued everything from newspapers to political-action organizations to social-media behemoths like Facebook. This week, feminist researchers released a report on the necessity of finding a way to sustainably fund online feminist work, from writing to organizing to resource sharing. Women, Let’s Claim Wikipedia! Earlier this year, while I was sequestered in the bat-cave studying for my qualifying exam, I came across something very distressing.
As has been widely reported, only 13 percent of the people editing Wikipedia articles are women. Here’s a video from our Internetting While Female... Rad Fems Take Over Facebook Page, Sexist Men Throw Mantrums. Women's liberation without borders. Facebook is well-known for its most misogynist, women-hating pages, promoting male violence against women through phallocratic insults, domestic abuse, prostitution, and pornography.
NMP3 Archive. Learn Without Fear. What do girls really learn at school?
Warning: This film contains content of a violent and sexual nature which some viewers may find distressing. Over a fifth of British women aged 18 and over say they experienced unwanted sexual contact in or around schooln when they were girls. It’s a global issue: this school year, 246 million children worldwide will be affected by violence at school. Help us put a stop to it. Girls are especially vulnerable to violence at school. The everyday sexism project. Everyday Feminism — Intersectional Feminism For Your Everyday Life. The Feminist Press. The Feminist Press is an independent nonprofit literary publisher that promotes freedom of expression and social justice.
It publishes writing by women and men who share an activist spirit and a belief in choice and equality. Founded in 1970, the Press began by rescuing “lost” works by writers such as Zora Neale Hurston and Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and established its publishing program with books by American writers of diverse racial and class backgrounds. Since then it has also been bringing works from around the world to North American readers. The Feminist Press is the longest surviving women’s publishing house in the world. The Press operates out of the City University of New York. Founding and history[edit] Feminist.com. Riot grrrl. Underground feminist punk rock movement Origins[edit] During the early 1990s the Seattle/Olympia Washington area had a sophisticated do it yourself infrastructure.[12] Young women involved in underground music scenes took advantage of this to articulate their feminist thoughts and desires through creating punk-rock fanzines and forming garage bands.
The political model of collage-based, photocopied handbills and booklets was already used by the punk movement as a way to activate underground music, leftist politics and alternative (to mainstream) sub-cultures. There was a discomfort among many women in the punk movement who felt that they had no space for organizing, because of the misogyny in the punk culture. Many women found that while they identified with a larger, music-oriented subculture, they often had little to no voice in their local scenes. #FemFuture: The Feminist Revolution Will Be Online. FemFuture The Feminist Revolution Will Be Online. Grassroots feminism 2.0? Want to make connections with grassroots feminist activists across borders and languages?
Melanie Maddison talks to Red Chidgey about an online project that aims to help us do just that Melanie Maddison, 3 March 2009. Strengthening Grassroots Organizations and Feminist Solidarity: Back on the European Caravan. © We Are Here - courtesy Photoshare Strengthening Grassroots Organizations and Feminist Solidarity: Back on the European Caravan | By Mégane Ghorbani Launched last March in Nusaybin, Turkish Kurdistan, the World March of Women Feminist Caravan across Europe will end on 17 October 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal, on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and the official closing of the 4th international action of the World March of Women. Feminism and the Kurdish Freedom Movement. 20 April 2015 This article is an edited version of a presentation at the “Dissecting Capitalist Modernity–Building Democratic Confederalism” Conference at Hamburg University, April 3-5th, 2015.
The fact that we are discussing the Kurdish freedom movement’s approaches, ideas, and re-conceptualizations of freedom today at this conference with people from so many diverse backgrounds is quite telling of the larger impacts of the Kobanê resistance, which go far beyond its military aspects. SlutWalk.
SlutWalk is a transnational movement[1] of protest marches calling for an end to rape culture.[2] Specifically, participants protest against explaining or excusing rape by referring to any aspect of a woman's appearance.[3] The rallies began on April 3, 2011,[4] in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, after a Toronto Police officer suggested that "women should avoid dressing like sluts"[5][6] as a precaution against sexual assault.
Subsequent rallies have occurred globally.[7] Issues Affecting Women. Women and girls throughout the world continue to experience violence, discrimination, inequality, and poverty. Despite the existence of international covenants, regional treaties and domestic laws intended to codify and realise women’s human rights, the reality is that women and girls are routinely unable to claim their basic rights. Priority areas In the Issues Affecting Women Programme (IAW), we fund two priority areas (pillars): movement building and ending violence against women. Women Against Violence Against Women. Female genital mutilation. Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting and female circumcision, is the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia.