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Medieval Homes. Motte and Bailey Castles: Motte and Bailey Castles: When the Normans captured an area they built a fort or castle where they would be safe.

Medieval Homes

The first forts were made from wood. They could be built in a few months. They were called motte and bailey forts and they were often built on a river bend or near a large town. Life in a Medieval Castle. Homelessness Lesson Plans and Background Information. Definitions Homelessness is the condition and social category of people without a regular house or dwelling because they are otherwise unable to acquire, maintain regular, safe, and adequate housing, or lack "fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

Homelessness Lesson Plans and Background Information

" The legal definition of "homeless" varies from country to country, or among different entities or institutions in the same country or region. The term homeless may also include people whose primary night-time residence is in a homeless shelter, a warming center, a domestic violence shelter or transitional housing. Government homeless enumeration studies also include persons who sleep or in a public or private place not designed for use as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.

Causes of Homelessness Unavailability of employment opportunities. Problems faced by people who are homeless. The No1 schools guide for parents, and by parents. Lesson plan: Homes through time.

The No1 schools guide for parents, and by parents

Normans_lp_hoh_castles.pdf (application/pdf Object) Norman Castles. The Irish had built castles before the Normans arrived in 1169, but what they looked like we know not.

Norman Castles

The first Norman fortifications were earthen mottes in the shape of a truncated cone, with a wooden tower or bretesche on top, as seen in the Bayeux tapestry, though the motte at Clogh, Co. Down, albeit with a stone tower on top, gives some idea of their appearance when seen from afar. Having established a foothold with these mottes (and their accompanying baileys for protecting cattle), the Normans set about building strong castles of stone to both cow and impress the natives. The most expansive is that built at Trim in the last decades of the twelfth century, consisting of a tall multi-storey tower or keep of cross-shaped ground-plan in what is now an open enclosure flanked by a stout bawn-wall with several rounded bastions, including one with a draw-bridge.

Athenry Castle Athenry Castle in Co. Image courtesy of Dept. of Environment, Community and Local Government ). Enlarge image. Irish Castles - Rathfarnham Castle. LocationRathfarnham, County Dublin, Ireland DescriptionRathfarnham Castle is situated in the village of Rathfarnham 3 miles south of Dublin.

Irish Castles - Rathfarnham Castle

The castle is a large white four storey Georgian house consisting of a square house with towers at each corner, it is set in formal gardens and on part of the estate visitors can see a Roman Triumphal Arch used as the grand entrance. FacilitiesThe castle is undergoing a huge refurbishment programme but remains open to the public where visitors are able to witness conservation in action. The castle is open from May until October 9.30am to 5.30pm with the tearooms open all year. HOH_Castle_activities.pdf (application/pdf Object) Norman Ireland: Medieval Ireland. In the twelfth century (the 1100s), there were many warring clans in Ireland.

Norman Ireland: Medieval Ireland

Each clan had their own king. The most powerful king was known as the high king. For example, Turlough O’ Connor, who died in 1156, was once the high king of Ireland, just like Brian Boru. In order to become high king, a king had to fight against other powerful kings. Strongbow by Morgan Llywelyn, an O'Brien Press book. Blue Flag: For readers aged 10+ The dramatic story of the Norman conquest of Ireland in the 12th century.

Strongbow by Morgan Llywelyn, an O'Brien Press book

Full of battles and warfare, but a story of love, too, between an unlikely pair - wilful and wild Irish princess Aoife, and Strongbow, the greatest of the Norman knights to come to Ireland. A clash of cultures and a vivid story of one of the Greats of Irish history. {*style:<b>Extract available: read some of this book now ... Chapter 3: Aoife - An Insult to the King of Brefni </b>*} {*style:<b>The Author Speaks <b> About Brian Boru : Morgan Llywelyn describes the adventure of writing historical fiction: </b> </b>*} Morgan's personal website Wikipedia page about Morgan {*style:<b> Teaching ideas for fifth class from O'Brien Reading Programme Teaching guide from O'Brien Teaching Guides Collection 1.

Search: normans. History - Archaeology History in depth: Ages of Treasure Timeline. Bayeux Tapestry. Castles. The Normans were master castle builders.


After 1066, England witnessed a massive castle building programme on the orders of William the Conqueror. First, motte and bailey castles were built. Once William had firmly established his rule in England, he built huge stone keep castles. Online Lesson - Attacking and Defending a Castle - learning objectives. The Normans. Houses and Homes. The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Houses and Homes

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